Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1371: Private international prison

Jing Tian wanted to continue to spit in his heart, only listening to Jiu Qianxun continue to say: "Hehe, stinky man, my dad has established a private international prison. There are all kinds of props to force a confession, so I just throw the stinky man in , And then we’ll take turns to interrogate. Men are all contemptible, and they must be colored to be brilliant!"

  Private international prison?

   Are you kidding the universe?

   Feelings, your family really has a prison!

   And your prison also accepts international clients?

   How many international friends have visited your father to receive services?

   Is it possible that your prison can be upgraded to a cosmic level next step, with a wider range of services, and you can imprison aliens if you are fine?

   Don’t you know what a private prison is illegal?

   Sure enough, all kinds of perverted things can be done!

   "Good idea! Brother Jing, since you are unwilling to cooperate, we can only shut you down. This profiteer will definitely visit prison from time to time. Don't worry, you will never be too lonely!"

   The girls suddenly stood up, and there was a strong coercion from their bodies, even Lin Yumian behind him looked at Jing Tian inexplicably.

   Devil, this is a group of female demons!

   actually want to send me to prison personally, and then come to visit me from time to time to **** me?

   Why are you so vicious?

   Jingtian understood in a second that he couldn't escape. These women are really moving. If he turns around and runs away, I'm afraid Lin Yumian will be the first to hug him!

   I took it, I'm really scared of you!

   Take it as my compensation for you!

   "Okay, I will cooperate with you in a play, but the fake play must not be done! Otherwise, I will immediately turn over and break my relationship!"

   Jing Tian's submission made the women's eyes shine brightly, and there was an evil smile on the corners of their mouths. Seeing Jing Tian's heart thumped and could not calm down.

   Soon, Jing Tian started the first scene of the entire crime film: stealing socks!

   This is what Jing Tian thinks is the best part of the crime movie. Isn’t it just sneaking into Nanlingxi’s bedroom to steal socks?

   Even if the socks stinks, hold your breath and just come back and wash your hands a few more times!

   As a result, Jing Tian wanted to slap his innocence to death!

   You know, the plot of this crime movie is: Jing Tian goes into the bedroom of Nanlingxi in the dark and steals stockings from Nanlingxi’s legs!

   And, more importantly, this group of female directors followed the film all the time, and they used the night vision mode. Jing Tian could only take off Nan Lingxi’s socks clumsily by relying on the faint moonlight through the glass and curtains...

   More importantly, Nan Lingxi, you are pretending to be asleep. Why do you have to look so enjoyable, and also deliberately put your feet together to increase friction and make it more difficult for me?

   I really don’t know if I came to steal the socks or grab the socks!

   After stealing the stockings, Jing Tian felt that the sweat had wetted his clothes, and Nan Lingxi's face was flushed, as if he had done something shameful with Jing Tian!

   Okay, really shameless!

   Soon, the crime film was transferred to the studio, and the location was changed to Yun Yiyi's bedroom.

   Needless to say, this time Jing Tian is going to stage a voyeuristic wind chime girl showering!

I have to say that this plot arrangement is really real. Through the glass door of the bathroom, you can see the shadow of the wind chimes in the room. This guy is too entertaining. He actually took off his clothes, and then Turn on the shower and take a shower!

   has said that you don’t want to do fake dramas, why do you have to take a shower seriously?

   Jing Tian thought that his shame was enough to confess after such a imaginative picture came into view, but the female directors refused to let them go, and even asked themselves to open the bathroom door!

   It’s clear that it’s better to stop!

   I clearly said that I can’t sit still, you are forcing me to commit a crime!

   This kind of thing cannot be agreed!

   But under the coercion of the women, even after moving out and telling the little mother about the incident, Jing Tian still gave in, and walked closer to the bathroom step by step, and reached out to hold the handle of the bathroom door...

   After all, this kind of thing must not be let the old witch know, if she knows, maybe she will immediately come to the door and break her body into pieces!

   Even if she does not come, her husband will definitely come!

It may be the last point of conscience in Jing Tian's heart. Jing Tian just wanted to turn the doorknob, but he felt that his right hand seemed to be electrocuted and uncomfortable. He shook his head and said: "No, no, I It is impossible to do such a thing! If you have to force me, then I will break your relationship with you!"

"Oh, don’t pretend to be a big-tailed wolf here. I think you want us to upload your shameful video of stealing Nanlingxi stockings to XXAPP, so that you can surely reach a new level of insignificance! Guarantee yours The number of fans instantly skyrocketed to an unpredictable number."

   "Uh... don't, can't I continue?"

   Jingtian gritted his teeth in his heart, once again put his evil right hand on the doorknob, and then turned it like this...ァ78中文ヤ~⑧~1~ωωω.7~8z~w.còм

When the bathroom door opened a gap, everyone saw the beautiful shower back of the wind chime. However, after only watching it for three seconds, Liu Yaya yanked the bathroom door back, and shouted inside, "Oh? Wind chime. , Did you do it on purpose? Didn’t you say that you wear a swimsuit? What are you thinking about in your little girl's mind?" 78 Chinese first published https://https://

   It was just a swimsuit!

   So you just want to capture the evidence of my voyeurism!

   It’s not a fake show at But what kind of medicine did you take Feng Chime wrong? Why do you want to do a fake show?

   hasn't waited for Jing Tian to understand this question, but listened to Feng Chime displeasedly: "Are you sure you saw me not wearing a swimsuit? I definitely wear it!"

   Does this little girl actually trick everyone into fools?

   It is clear that seeing is believing, and I have already seen your back. Are you still sophistry?

   However, in the next second, only the sound of water in the bathroom stopped abruptly, and the bathroom door was opened from the inside with a bang!

   Jing Tian subconsciously raised his eyes to look, and at the same time he had already raised his hand to pretend to cover his eyes. At this time, don't look at any indecent, and you have to pretend to be reserved if you accidentally see anything, right!

   However, before he could cover his eyes with his hands, Jing Tian suddenly realized that Feng Chime was actually wearing a swimsuit!

   However, this swimsuit has a mystery!

Yes, that’s right, it’s not that this swimsuit is one-piece, and there are no strands on the back, but the front is covered tightly. I have to say that in the video just now, she really has the illusion of taking a bath. Those who don't know must think they are peeping a beautiful girl bathing!

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