Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1381: The 1st anniversary event is: holiday

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At this moment, the picture in front of me suddenly became clear, and everyone returned to the guild station. Everyone looked at me and I looked at you. They were all confused and puzzled. I quickly asked what was going on. thing.

Before Jing Tian spoke, Zhao Jiaxue grabbed the chatterbox, pretended to be a know-it-all tone, and shared Jing Tian's guess with everyone. It was then that everyone suddenly realized that while feeling unthinkable, they did not forget to praise Zhao Jiaxue.

However, Zhao Jiaxue did not have the shame of plagiarism at all, and humbly accepted the praise from everyone, and she was really shocked by Jing Tian, ​​and she had not recovered for a long time.

I do it! Is there such a repeater that grabs the limelight to show off?

I have to say that Zhao Jiaxue really doesn't treat herself as an outsider, she just plagiarized it casually!

Crucially, I haven't said whether to keep it secret!

When you say this, everyone doesn't know, especially the five members of the Constellation Party, they are all spies!

My leadership position has been completely shaken, and now there are people acting arbitrarily!

"It's so irritating, there are no real rewards at all, and I wasted two hours of this star!"

That's right, this gift is definitely randomly scraped and put together by the system. The integrated slideshow and video time is indeed a bit lengthy, but compared to everyone's experience in the game this year, it is still too short and too fast.

Just to make everyone's experience this year into a two-hour movie, I am afraid it is not enough to interpret your growth and changes this year?

"Hey... Idiot brother, how can you not share such a good memory with the world's players?"

A wicked smile appeared at the corner of Yang Mimi's mouth.

"Haha, this is a good idea. I will announce the method to start the event. Everything is the power of Internet celebrities!"

Lin Yumian immediately became interested.

Sure enough, I was pitted, and I want to fool others into the pit, so that my heart can be balanced and happy!

What this group of evil guys think of after being scammed is not to condemn the culprit, but to fight against the scam...

Moreover, if you pit one, you won’t lose, and the pit two will make a steady profit. Feng Ji will make a big profit now!

Soon, on the World Channel, there was a heated discussion about how to start the event, and everyone started chattering in groups.

For a while, newly launched players have the illusion of logging in to the wrong game. You can see players chatting and chatting on the current channel wherever they go, as if they are walking into a middle-aged and elderly chat room...

This world is so crazy, when has it become so leisurely?

Why do I seem so incompatible with other players...

After the Cloud Riding Guild spread the pitman's activity guide, seeing the world players enter the pit, he happily went to the underground line to rest.

Anyway, there is nothing to do except for the anniversary event with no experience. It is a waste of life to stay in the game and chat.

With such time, it's better to exercise more, or go shopping and eat a big meal!

Unexpectedly, in the end, it was the same as the initial feeling. The first anniversary event was: holiday!

Still the same sentence: life is not satisfactory, the Ming dynasty spreads a fart!

Forget it, the activity of kicking the sky and nongjing is really special. All traditional online games take advantage of the activity to create some unique equipment, so that everyone can open the box crazy. However, Tengyi Thank you all for your company, I have given you a day or a week of annual vacation!

After dinner, Jing Tian originally wanted to organize everyone to exercise in the Mermaid and Dungeon, but Lin Yumian suddenly received the news with a surprised expression: "Hero, the real one-year anniversary event seems to have been opened!"


The real one-year anniversary event?

how is this possible?

The previous event was fake?

It shouldn't, it's exactly the same as the system prompt!

Damn it, did you get kicked into a hole again?

Indeed, if the one-year anniversary event is a holiday, if players can rest, they can simply shut down the server. Is it necessary to be so troublesome?

It seems that I still haven't felt the heart of kicking Tian Nongjing this time!

So everyone hurriedly went online...

As soon as it went online, everyone saw the system's scrolling headline message: "The number of players who opened the first anniversary gift meets the requirements of the event, and the Underground Tower of Reincarnation is officially opened. Players who open the mysterious gift can enter and explore. I wish you a pleasant journey in the game! Long live the first anniversary!"

Sure enough, he was kicked into the sky and placed another one!

I originally thought that the first anniversary event was for players to reminisce about the past and watch the reminiscence movie... I didn't expect that after watching the movie, there will be the main aftermath of opening the house!

Damn it, it takes a certain player to receive the gift to start the real event. This is simply to prevent individual players from getting the exclusive rhythm of the event opening method by luck!

Fortunately, Zhao Jiaxue made her own proposal and announced the method of obtaining event gifts, which is really which helped everyone a lot!

If you wait for other players to find out the announcement, I don’t know when the event will be activated!

What are you waiting for now, enter the tower!

Although everyone got the news one step behind the others, it was only ten minutes too late. It must be too late to catch up!

Soon everyone in the Cloud Riding Guild figured out the information about the Underground Tower of Reincarnation. It turned out that there were buildings that were suspected of Underground Tower in Reincarnation all over the world, but the players did not find a way to enter, and everyone was studying around the tower.

This makes Jing Tian breathe out, after all, if there are any treasures in the underground tower of this reincarnation, others will enter by themselves first, or they will be emptied!

Before it was just a thought of comforting oneself, now that everyone can't get in at all, this is really emboldened.

The point is that the world in the mirror of the lake is amazing!

That's right, there is a towering pagoda standing upside down quietly in the lake. In the player's field of vision, this tower seems to be a nail, plunged into the land of Ainsi Continent. The underground tower of Samsara is worthy of its name!

What puzzles all players now is that the space-time vortex cannot be approached at all. Once it gets close and sucked in, it will be directly sent randomly and act rashly, which is just a waste of time.

"Hero, how are you going to get in?" Feng Ji naturally revealed all the information reported by the Landscape Party.

Jing Tian did not answer. Although he thought about it from the perspective of the main strategy of the game, all the assumptions and deductions in his mind were rejected by him.

"Brother Tian, ​​if you can't, just ask the NPC big sister, can you use time and space magic to teleport us in?"

Yang Miaomiao has a strong cheating syndrome, and she wants to find Ralf as a back door in everything, and she has an inexplicable trust and dependence on her.

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