Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1402: Map editor

   game map rough room?

   Is this idea a bit naive?

   Suddenly, Jing Tian patted his forehead in his heart. Since it is the map editor, why did he go to the personal panel to find it? Shouldn't it be the map interface?

   It was true that the big map could not be opened on the tower layer before, but it does not mean that it cannot be opened now!

   After all, the previous tower layer was not an illusion, it was just a small place, and there was no need to use a real map at all!

   "Open the map!"

   The voice command takes effect, but the system indifferently informs that the map function cannot be opened in the current area.

The corner of Jing Tian's mouth twitched, thinking of a setting that even he thought was impossible, but considering the crazy way of kicking Tian Nongjing this first anniversary event, he still swallowed a spit and said lightly: "Open the map editor!"

  After a breath, a blank map suddenly popped out!

   Jing Tian Ding Shen looked at the dazzling array of tabs next to the map. There were more than a dozen types of large and small, such as mazes, environments, and monsters. Jing Tian was in his heart.

   Not only that, Jing Tian also keenly noticed that there is a very dazzling button under the entire map: [Player Test].

   Not only do you have to build a maze yourself, but you also have to test it yourself?

   Is this going to work for the development team for free?

   This trial is definitely not that simple, and it is absolutely impossible for players to just build a dungeon maze and finish it!

   Jing Tian always felt that there seemed to be a conspiracy in this, but he couldn't think of it, and there was no need to think about it now. He immediately contacted everyone and sent a message to the guild members who were not online, asking them to go online as soon as possible to guide the fifth trial.

   Everyone who learned of the opening method of the strategy immediately became energetic, and began to talk in a rush.

   "Brother Tian, ​​is this the GM built-in that can instantly destroy a map?"

   Across the game server, Jing Tian can feel the golden light and stars in Yang Miaomiao's eyes at this time. This guy is most interested in destroying the map or something!

   But why did you destroy the map?

   Aren’t you letting you build the maze yourself?

   Do you want to design a map that specializes in BOSS cards?

   The idea of ​​aliens is really crazy!

But it’s not an exaggeration to say that the map can be destroyed instantly, because in the map editor, there is clearly a button of [One-click to clear]. Think about it with your hair, and you know that this is the nuclear weapon that destroys the map. Played this way?

   As expected, we should not participate in the alien world!

   "Hey, this is a very fun look. I will fill up with monsters and fly kites frantically. Hmm, I must build a maze suitable for kite flying. It must be very interesting!"

   The empress is crazy, she should be filled with monsters. Isn’t that a beast wave?

   Can you let it go?

   Maybe after the test is over, it will definitely let you know what Shura **** is!

   That's all, I hope you can gain experience from flying a kite!

   "Lao Na has just accounted for a hexagram. The geomantic omen here is very good. It is suitable for arranging the Eight Diagrams Nine Dragon Lock Sky Formation. It will definitely have a miraculous effect!"

   There is really a way for the old **** stick who doesn’t understand the black. I actually thought of using the map editor to form a lock sky formation.

   The key is this is a dungeon, this is a dungeon, look up and see where there is a sky?

   How do you lock the sky?

   However, this is also a kind of creativity. The dungeon maze has not been laid out according to the formation.

  Do you really understand the formation?

   Shouldn’t this be the specialty of Xiu Xian Zhong Er disease?

   Is there a more powerful formation for wind chimes?

   Everyone started to be busy according to their own ideas, and the busy time was several hours.

   I have to say that editing a map is really time-consuming and laborious, which really allows players to experience the hardship of the development team!

   Jingtian don’t understand why during the editing process, the player can quickly select the coordinate displacement through the map editor, and then close the editor to observe the environmental effects of making the map by themselves. Why do you need to set a [player test] function.

   may be because all monsters are not activated under normal circumstances. Even if the monsters and patrol areas are installed, the monsters are motionless like a stone statue.

   If you click [Player Test], this map may come alive.

   Midway, Jing Tian was also curious and tried to click [Player Test], but the system indifferently prompted: The map development is incomplete and it is temporarily impossible to test.

   Actually, the person who clicked [Player Test] was not only Jing Tian, ​​Yang Mimi madly placed monsters on the map for two hours. When she clicked on [Player Test] proudly, she also got the same prompt.

  The emotional Yang Mimi once wanted to quit, but Fatty Luoxia was clever, and only said, "Wife, you can try to build an FPS maze map."

   I have to say this sentence as if it was three inches from a snake. It hit Yang Mimi's key point. Yang Mimi immediately resurrected on the spot, and put all his energy into building the FPS map... Sure enough, Yang Mimi is a complete FPS master!

It seems that the entire map must cover the entire building, and there must be no large areas of blank space, and there may be high requirements for details. For example, relevant decorative lighting props should be installed on the walls of the maze. Called vast.

  Even the four-player group of the original game's main strategy, they only completed the prototype of the maze at the end of the fourth day of the first anniversary event, and the details need time to adjust.

   It’s not that everyone is willing to make adjustments. When you click [Player Test], the system indifferently prompts: The map you made is too rough, please use various props to embellish it.

Of course, there is more than just this kind of prompt. There are various indifferent prompts such as "Monsters are too sparsely distributed" and "Maze ground is too clean". Anyway, if you want to successfully test, you must follow the map in the dungeon. Standard, or beyond the setting of the genuine dungeon, can start the test!

   In other words, this rough room map is definitely not a test that can be started casually. Players must carefully create a real game map.

   At this time, some players in the world also discovered the relevant gameplay. Most of these players had various ideas and quietly invested in creating their own fantasy maps, and did not publicize them everywhere.

   Jingtian here deliberately warned the Constellation Party and the two female Internet celebrities, asking them not to disclose the secrets, and they must release the news after the guild players have completed the test.

   On the afternoon of the fifth day of the first anniversary event on June 20, 2021, someone from the Cloud Riding Guild finally took the lead in completing the map editing. The first thing to be completed was not Jing Tian, ​​let alone Zhao Jiaxue, but the **** stick white does not understand black.



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