Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1414: Do you know Ye Lanmeng?

The uniform girl has begun to use discordant coquetry skills again!

More importantly, didn't you, didn't you go through the ladder trial with everyone?

"Uh... Do you want to re-train? Then I will guide you through the ladder trial when the time comes. If it is to guide the spirit puppet master's gameplay, I will bow down to the wind, you are definitely the best of the spirit puppet master genius. I'm just a gangster in front of you."

Jing Tian's words of eagerness and restraint are naturally quite useful in Nan Lingxi's ears. After so many years, Nan Lingxi has often restored herself to a cowardly little girl, full of anxiety and serious lack of self-confidence.

No matter how Nan Lingxi once smashed the business world, no matter how she made her enemies fearful in the game, how enviable the accumulation of wealth in the game, she always has a timid shadow in her heart that cannot be erased...

Jing Tian's words of continuous encouragement and affirmation made her step by step to glory, and her heart was filled with warm sand, as if it could illuminate the shadow in her heart.

"Hero, some things passed in the past, and some things do not belong to you. You think you are making up for the past behavior, which may be a restraint to Ye Lanmeng. These dotings are increasing, making her breathless. Yes. You need to remember that everything depends on the power of Internet celebrities!"

Under what circumstances, when you point your old classmates to pass the ladder trial, it seems like you have committed some heinous crime?

At first, Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi criticized me together for special treatment, and then Nan Lingxi sold cuteness to ask the crime. Now Lin Yumian directly thinks that I am doting on Ye Lanmeng!

In other words, am I Ye Lanmeng's father?

Do I have the capital to spoil?

Also, isn't relying on the power of Internet celebrities to eat your soft rice?

You mean to let Ye Lanmeng be guided by you?

You said it earlier if you want guidance!

Although he complained so much in his heart, Jing Tian's face became serious. He said bluntly, "I admit that Ye Lanmeng has always been a hurdle in my heart. I was too young to bring her and her family. The damage is indelible. Therefore, I have been helping Ye Lanmeng, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, let alone spoiling. I just think that as long as I can help, I must help, otherwise my heart is not smooth. There is no way to meet the challenge of level 61. What’s more, if you are Feng Ji, you are going to run the cloud ladder trial now, I will definitely guide the whole process remotely, because we are friends! Similarly, Ye Lanmeng is not just me. My old classmates are also friends!"

Although Lin Yumian heard the warmth of the beach inexplicably overflowing in her heart, and even a drop of crystal liquid fell from the corner of her mouth, she still shook her head and said to herself: "Are we just friends? It's not what I want! Maybe Ye Lanmeng is not Ye Lanmeng. You will help her too. It seems that there is no need to puncture this window paper."

However, this is not over yet. Jing Tian also received a message from Yu Yan: "Puppet mother, do you like Ye Lanmeng?"

Puff...Are foreigners so direct?

Can't you be tactful about this semi-finished product?

Jing Tian resolutely refused to answer Bei Yuyan's brain-dead question.

However, coincidentally, Jing Tian has already seen the inquiry message from Xianqi's overdraft: "Uncle Se, you didn't even let go of your old classmates. It's okay to show your courtesy, you will steal if you are a traitor!"

No, that's not right, it's not that there is a unique group, it's just a group to attack oneself!

I saw a drunkard also sent a message: "Smelly man, you left so many beauties in the harem without asking, but you ran out to find flowers and ask the willow? More importantly, why didn't you bring me? Are you afraid that I would drink too much, you Can't afford to drink?"

Feeling looking for flowers and asked Liu if he was out drinking?

That's right, didn't it often say that drinking flower wine came in ancient times?

"Shut up, tell you nonsense, and punish you to stop drinking for one day! If you talk more, I won't let you stop drinking in this life!"

Naturally, Jing Tian discovered the M attribute of Jiu Qianxun in the past more than a year. The more cruel she is, the better the mood of this guy will be. So Jing Tian has never given her a good face, not ordering to obey. Just order torture!

Obviously, quitting alcohol or something is the greatest torture in the world for alcoholics!

Hearing the tone of Jing Tian's command, Jiu Qianxun's heart trembled inexplicably, as if he had heard some exciting news, but the next second, she scolded herself: "No, no, no, absolutely can't listen to this. As for the smelly man, this guy is simply a devil and he wants to give up drinking by himself... However, the punishment for abstinence seems to be a very good punishment. Why don't you give it a try? Give it a day and feel it?"

This canine girl was broken by herself!

What surprised Jing Tian most was that he received a message from Yang Mimi: "Hey...Is Ye Lanmeng really that important to you?"

Yang Mimi's voice was mixed with this kind of playfulness, as if he was joining in the fun.

Isn't it that the dog is nosy with the mouse?

Sure enough, women have a heart that likes gossip!

" doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, right?"

"Perhaps it matters?"

what is the relationship?

Do you have any other thoughts about me?

How could there be the illusion of digging a corner of the fat man inexplicably?

Shouldn't you just ask because of gossip and curiosity?

Do you have any special thoughts about me?

How should I face the fat man in the future?

Jing Tian felt that the whole person was bad, but thinking about Yang Mimi's thinking routines of aliens, Jing Tian shook his head suddenly in his heart, and asked faintly: "What does it have to do with you?"

"It really matters, I know Ye Lanmeng."

At this point, Yang Mimi's aura suddenly changed 180 degrees. If there was an inexplicable coercion, the atmosphere became know Ye Lan Meng?

In fact, Jing Tian wanted to ask this question before, but seeing that Ye Lanmeng and Yang Mimi weren't close in the ordinary days, so he dispelled this curious idea.

Now, Yang Mimi suddenly said that she knew Ye Lanmeng, what was going on?

Did she know Ye Lanmeng, didn't Ye Lanmeng know her?

"What's the matter?"

For a while, Jing Tian passed countless assumptions, but he vaguely felt that these assumptions were all wrong, so he must ask clearly.

"You want to know? Then I must answer my question first."

Jing Tian didn't understand why Yang Mimi in front of him was like a different person. She was obviously a careless alien in the daytime, so why did she press on herself step by step at this time?

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