Sky Dungeon

Chapter 141: Hiding in the dungeon and dare not come out

What’s more tragic is that most of the pastors in the building are Shennong priests. They only have basic weapon skills that can attack the people riding the cloud. This attack is basically a tickling attack, not to mention the long-range attack itself is easy to be avoided, and it is not enough to stay. Several people live in the Cloud Riding Guild.

   Finally, the five members of the Cloud Riding Guild ran out of the attack range of the killing players.

   Although the killing players re-adjusted their formation, they launched a chase to everyone Qiyunluoxue. However, the duck to the mouth has already flown, unless there is a group of killing players waiting for the five people to ride the cloud at the door of the dungeon, otherwise...otherwise it is not as simple as the five people who slip into the dungeon, even if they don’t slip away, the players will kill. Not easy to start.

Obviously, no one at the entrance of the dungeon dared to open the killing mode casually. If you make trouble here, a skill may accidentally injure dozens of people. Those who are accidentally injured will naturally fight back at the first time, not to mention there are some who have been idle and have not experienced the wild. Players of PK, a live target sent to the door for free, no hits, no hits! Many players are afraid that a single weapon basic skill attack is enough to easily send the killing player back to the city.

Sitting on the well and watching the sky, I ran all the way to the dungeon guard Niubi Lao Dao, and opened the dungeon with his fastest interaction. The next moment everyone has not had time to see if there are chasing soldiers. The VR screen has been twisted and rotated, and the characters are already in the dry water curtain hole. In the copy.

   Of course, what Jing Tian and the others didn't know was that outside of the instance area, the [Come and Go Lou] group was crying and scolding their parents, and they wanted to strip Jing Tian alive. What’s more shameless is that some of them couldn’t help but named Qi Yun Luoxue on the World Channel, Regional Channel, and Professional Channel, and lied: “Sitting on the well and watching the sky, they killed the Alliance players indiscriminately. After the killing, they shamelessly hid in the dungeon. come out!"


   Several people described Qiyun Luoxue as a big villain that everyone can punish, with various family greetings, but most of them were blocked by the system and turned into smiling faces.

   However, it didn’t take long for the world to be arrogant, and a word came out of the world, instantly slapped the face of the player who had just scolded Qiyun Luoxue shamelessly, and I saw [Unicorn Taurus] saying: "The brain is short-circuited. The killing mode cannot be opened to enter the instance.

"That's right, I saw that it was you who were chasing them in the killing mode. If you were counter-killed, you would slobber, weak." There are many players in the world who dare to say what they have seen and heard. After all, this is not only It's a Huaxia player. If Huaxia players don't like to act bravely in order to avoid trouble, then players in some countries like to do justice and are not afraid of things at all.

   ask the world, what is the face? Directly teach people to raise their hands and fight!

Jing Tian and the others didn’t pay attention to the war of words that took place in the World Channel. Instead, they started to fight the dungeon seriously. The few people thought that nothing happened just now, and they didn’t even think about whether they would replay the dungeon after a while. Encountered that group of people.

   Sure enough, according to Yu Yan's previously described style of play, the No. 1 BOSS Corpse Monkey Army Division fell more quickly than before.

Jing Tian began to suspect that Yu Yan, like Luo Xia, was an expert in calculations. She knew the skill control time and cooldown time of the rest of the team well, and made an estimate to complete her previous strategy. And get an optimized BOSS strategy method.

What is puzzling is that Luo Xia’s understanding of the game is based on the creation of the game data model, but where did Yu Yan get the basic data of everyone’s skills? Is it because she only used it during the past two days Observed and analyzed by naked eyes?

   completely impossible! Jing Tian came up with this inference, so there is only another way, that is, the Cambridge Game Research Society mentioned by Yu Yan. If it is the information they summarized, and Yu Yan just read it and wrote it down, it makes sense. Up.

   Next, it's up to the No. 2 BOSS. Whether they can win the first kill of the SSS, Jing Tian and Yu Yan jointly analyzed whether the strategy method worked, everything is still unknown.

   I don’t know how long it took, Qiyun Luoxue and his party were teleported out of the dungeon. As expected, the previous group of players in the killing mode disappeared at the door of the dungeon.

   There was no announcement of the first kill, Zhao Jiaxue was a little depressed and said: "Frog, what's the matter, why is it still SS? Isn't it optimized the BOSS strategy method? Why is SSS so difficult?"

   "Wait. Yu Yan, when did you change the comprehension skills?" Jing Tian did not answer Zhao Jiaxue, but asked about this topic that he cares more about.

   "It's today, what's the matter?" There was a trace of disdain in Yu Yan's elegant voice.

"You obviously have less mobs and brushes than we do, so how come you have enough points to exchange for ancient skill pages like us?" Jing Tian solved the doubts in his mind more clearly, and at the same time attracted the attention of others, Jing If God doesn't mention it, a few people really haven't paid much attention to this issue.

"This matter, it's better luck. After waiting for me to go offline, I received two one-star entrusted missions, and the difficulty of the mission seemed not high if it was received by one person, so I completed it alone. "Yu Yan's elegant voice seems to have deliberately added a little sense of She is right, the points rewards for one-star commissioned tasks are absolutely equivalent to the points they earn from teaming up two or three hours of monsters. sum.

   One-star mission? Is it so easy to do? Which one-star mission I received before was not something that everyone loved and hated? How could it become such an understatement in Yu Yan's mouth? Isn't it worth mentioning? More importantly, they can do it all by one person. Would you like to make it simpler?

   Everyone was helpless and unwilling. That is, Yu Yan's sense of relief made Jing Tian want to press Yu Yan to the ground and beat him wildly. He had to remember the famous saying: You can do the best with all your strength, and you might not be as good as others.

   Life is like this. You don’t necessarily lose at the starting line, and you don’t necessarily lose at the amount of effort and wisdom. Sometimes it’s just a little bit of luck. If it is not a bit of luck, there are two points. In short, there is no problem that luck cannot solve.

"People are more popular than others! Xue'er, can you let Lao Xia change you into the dungeon and try again? We just lowered the output. We only killed the BOSS after the second BOSS clone. This kill time It may be a bit longer. However, I think Lao Xia may not be able to upgrade to SSS when he comes in, but it is better to test." Jing Tian said hesitantly, for fear that Zhao Jiaxue's temper would come up and make something ugly.

   "Change me." Yun Yiyi said coldly.

Yun Yiyi naturally means that if Zhao Jiaxue disagrees, he can exchange Xia Jin's dungeon. However, Yun Yiyi’s biggest feature is to talk about loyalty. Since Jing Tian said that the output may not be enough, how could he hurt Yun Xueyi for Backing up her own self, she immediately stopped and said: "No need, let me switch to Xia. It just happens that these days, let me take a rest and get my blood back."


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