Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1445: It's a woman who kicks the patio

"You think, if this star is trapped in the game and cannot be cut off, and my sister wants to murder me again, and deliberately doesn't cut off the power for me, then I am going to starve to death and die of thirst in the game? No, no, This is too dangerous!"

How big is Yang Mimi and you?

Sure enough, it's not your biological sister and brother!

If you step back and say that the game can't be offline, then your parents won't care about you?

Can't you call your parents for help?

If Yang Mimi wants to murder you and pretend to give you water and food without cutting you off, you can also call the social security department!

The built-in VoIP function of the system is not a display!

What, what if there is no internet?

If there is no network, the game connection will be cut off directly. There is no need to consider the logout issue at all!

Moreover, although it is said that Sky Dungeon uses a dedicated network, it is actually supervised and managed by the operator. If there is any discordant sound in the game, the supervisory department will know the first time that it really happens. When going offline, the operator will also cut off the network directly.

"If it is forced to go offline, will this helmet burn our brains?" The plastic surgeon really watched too much animation!

"Of course not. The equipment should be tested and notarized by the United Nations. The equipment itself only has the function of intercepting and transmitting brain information. The information processing is through the game console. The power of this helmet is not enough to cause any direct damage to the brain. Information is also limited, especially for pain and other information. The maximum effect is not allowed to exceed the normal tolerance of the human brain. That is to say, it will not produce severe pain, numbness and other feelings that cause human brain discomfort, and the pain can be felt. Adjusted, adjusted to the lowest level, even if the enemy's weapon penetrates the heart, it just feels that the body has been lightly poked."

So it seems that Tengyi has already considered all aspects of the safety performance of the new equipment, and the players are just worrying about it.

"Huh? What's the biggest pain? I want to lock the stupid brother's pain to the maximum, that must be very interesting!"

"Stupid sister, can you log in to this star's account Meow?"

Maybe you are aliens. It is normal to have black technology. Isn't it a piece of cake to tamper with the account settings?

" buy it yourself, and then I transfer the money to everyone, which is regarded as a guild benefit."

The fact is just as Jing Tian said, when the world players came up to frantically question the safety of stealth gaming equipment, Tengyi took out UN-certified information, including a video of the safety test of the new helmet.

However, there are not many people who really read the information. Only some game companies and game information websites have begun to analyze these files and videos carefully, hoping to get more inspiration and topics from them.

It's not because of other reasons, it's because Kitian Nongjing landed on the screen for the first time, as the main strategy of the game, made his debut to explain the brand-new incomplete stealth game system.

Even Jing Tian seriously connected to the live broadcast site to watch the live broadcast of the official announcement of the company's anniversary celebration...

If you know yourself and your enemy, and you want to beat Kicking Tiannongjing, you must know who he is. This live broadcast is naturally a great opportunity.

However, what disappoints players in the world is that the so-called live broadcast turned out to be an in-game live broadcast. Kicking Tian Nongjing turned out to be only a game character at this time, not a live broadcast.

In this way, it is obviously not that easy to determine the true identity of Kitian Nongjing through live broadcast.

However, the game live broadcast is not to say that there is no one at all. After all, there is no portrait, and you can still guess and judge by sound!

However, even so, what excites and shocks players in the world is that Kitian Nongjing turned out to be a woman!

No, it should be said that the kicking Tiannongjing is operating a female character...

At this point, let alone the world players, even Jing Tian's brows frowned, and he began to wonder if Kicking Tian Nongjing was playing mystery, and he used appearances to hide his true identity.

"I'm doing it! This is the main strategy of the game? We didn't allow the player to play shemales, but the main strategy of the game came out to play a shemale?"

"That is, only the state officials are allowed to set fires and the people are not allowed to light up. We have to change **** in the game, and we have to play shemales!"

"Go upstairs and play by yourself, we don't have that special hobby!"

"You changed your personality directly in reality, so you can go to Thailand and come back? Don't just pull us on, okay?"

"It's really brain-dead from generation to generation!"

"Who said that women can't be the main strategy of the game? You are machismo. Can't women plan games anymore? Who says that women are inferior to men!"

"That's right, I don't like to see your preconceived statements the least. Kicking the Tian Nong Jing is the heroine's strategy, and I will be her fan from today!"

At this time, Jing Tian was even more surprised and speechless. He seemed to understand everything now, and finally understood why Kicking Tian Nongjing deliberately took care of female players in the game, so that they hide their lucky value against the sky. Almost all copies require Bring the female player's big red hand.

That's right, it's because Kick Tian Nong Jing is a woman!

Is he fighting a woman?

Jing Tian has never doubted the gender problem of kicking Tian Nongjing... This is definitely the first time!

However, he faintly felt that even if Ki Tian Nong Jing is a woman, she is also a very masculine woman, the kind of myth like Mulan.

After all, in Jing Tian’s view, Kitian Nongjing does not have the crazy perseverance and pursuit of beauty like normal women. For two years, it has not launched a game you change to another beauty The main policy, I am afraid that fashion has long been regarded as the first development priority!

Some male game masters also pay great attention to the fashion effect and activate the old players by constantly launching new fashions, but Kitian Nongjing has not done so.

I don’t know if it is because she is calm, or because this woman is a house-fuss who stays at home. Every day she puts on a set of cute pajamas to get rid of all the cumbersome dressing up, and she has no sense of beautiful clothes...

In this era, services such as express delivery and takeaway, and home delivery make it possible to stay at home, and even give birth to more and more home squatting, just like black and white impermanence brothers and sisters.

According to Jing Tian's understanding, these two people are typical nerds and nerds. If it weren't for some circumstances that had to be solved by brother Bai who didn't know how to go out, I'm afraid the two could never go out.

In addition, kicking Tian Nongjing always plays mystery and does not want to be human flesh, so she is probably still a shameless super ugly girl!

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