Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1465: Actually died in the novice advanced tutorial

   Thinking of this, Jing Tian didn't hesitate, he directly kicked his legs hard, and the character leaped out to the right, which was able to avoid the attack range of the mantis dragon beast's wind blade.

  This kind of action is obviously the same as the original ordinary flash operation. This kind of operation consumes a lot of physical strength and cannot be activated continuously. If you want to activate it, you must wait for the physical strength to recover.

   Of course, the cooling time of this kind of rapid flash is relatively short, but the effect is not satisfactory, and the distance of flash is very limited.

   However, at this moment, Jing Tian was embarrassed to find that the Mantis Dragon Beast had once again launched the [Wind Blade Knife Light], but this time, the speed of the blade tornado visible to the naked eye was only half the previous speed.

   Originally, the tornado generated by the wind blade knife light traveled slowly and was easy to dodge. Now it is only half the previous movement speed. It is easy for Jing Tian to avoid it, but he does not understand: Why does it start continuously?

   It's not that he hadn't fought with the mantis dragon beast before, but he didn't remember that this beast had a continuous tornado operation.

   once again avoided the tornado that struck, Jing Tian's pupils shrank, and he found that the mantis dragon beast had once again activated the wind blade!

   can even be sent continuously?

   Besides, the speed of the tornado is surprisingly fast this time!

Jing Tian didn’t even have time to think about this weird phenomenon. His body slammed to one side, but while sitting in Jing Guantian’s body leap, the weird tornado still engulfed his body. In a moment, his body Many mosaic scars appeared on it.

   At this time, time and space seemed to be frozen, and the body of Sitting Jing Guantian was so strangely suspended in the blade tornado...

what's the situation?

   Jingtian wanted to look around to determine if Ralf had suddenly entered, but the next second he slapped himself in his heart. Why do I rely on Ralf so much now and think of her from time to time?

   is obviously a tutorial mode, Ralf is impossible to appear!

   Sure enough, after the next breath, the system said: "Ahhh, you were hit by a monster! Sure enough, it is not so easy to avoid monster attacks in actual combat? Don't underestimate sneaking!"

   actually came to taunt the player scum operation!

   It's obviously you who opened the monsters and let the Mantis Dragon Beast continuously launch skill attacks, okay?

   Ghosts can escape!

   Change you, I want to see how you hide!

  Thinking about the speed of his character, Jing Tian suspects that kicking Tian Nong Jing is specifically to discourage players...

However, the system will not just ridicule. After two breaths, continue: "We will try to interrupt the monster's attack now. If you have a remote backup weapon, you can raise your arm and carry the current weapon on your back. You can swap out spare weapons."

   What are you thinking about?

   It turns out that the advanced tutorial teaches people to change spare weapons!

   But now you say, is it useful?

Isn't    an afterthought?

   You don’t cheat players, you feel uncomfortable, do you?

   After taking a breath, Jing Tian suddenly found that the frozen time and space had returned to normal again, but he fell heavily to the ground, where could he replace any spare weapons, seeing the continuous attacks of the BOSS, he could do nothing!

   Because this state of falling down is too long!

   The more depressing one is still to come, the BOSS reapplied the old trick and gave Jing Tian a few consecutive blows, making Jing Tian unable to get up...

   Maybe just be killed by BOSS's infinite skills?

   Before Jing Tian gave up, the system prompts again: "When you fall on the ground, the system will not help you get up automatically. Players need to stand up by themselves. Come on! Stand up wherever you fall!"

   Can these words be said earlier!

   Don’t be after the matter, please?

   How do you think you are still pitting players!

   Jingtian's heart is choked to death and kicking Tiannongjing, obviously the main strategy of this game must be deliberate!

   is really the usual style of this insidious guy, and he is starting to cheat players again!

However, it was too late. Jing Tian found that his blood line was endangered, and the mantis dragon beast's skill attack came again. Jing Tian was able to get up from the ground, and even at the moment of climbing, he unconsciously sent his legs. However, due to excessive force, the character jumped up on the spot and jumped to an incredible height... It was precisely because of excessive force that the character stayed in the air for a little longer. After a breath, the wind blade knife light rolled him again Get up, then there is no more.

   died in the advanced tutorial for beginners!

   This is simply a shame!

   If you can't tell, I'm afraid not many people believe it!

   This is definitely a stain on life, and it is a stain given by kicking the patio!

   As expected, the new stealth system is not so easy to adapt!

   It seems to be to verify what Jing Tian thought, Zhao Jiaxue is already swearing that the system is abnormal...

   Soon, Jing Tian learned from Zhao Jiaxue's lament that this guy unexpectedly encountered a stone man who was immune to sonic attacks, and he smashed the flowers and killed her.

Regrouping, Jing Tian has understood that this tutorial is nothing more than training players to use spare weapons, blocking all the attacks that his main weapon is good at, and allowing players to switch out spare weapons against the Jing Tian will naturally not So arrogant that he thought he could break through the infinite skill attacks of the mantis dragon beast with his personal ability, honestly raised the bone-refining halberd above his head, with the halberd head facing up, and retracted to his back.

No special action is needed at all. Jing Tian only feels that at the same time that he completes the action of retracting the weapon, the weight of the weapon in his hand has changed. With a strong pulling force, his arms have already raised the crossbow horizontally. An auxiliary scope appeared in front of the crossbow.

   All this seems to be so easy and logical. Players don’t have to consider whether their hands have caught a spare weapon on their back. The system will automatically send the spare weapon into the player’s hands, which is quite convenient.

   After all, players can’t really run around with spare weapons, such as carrying a giant shield. If the enemy attacks the giant shield player from behind, does the giant shield count as an effective attack area?

  If it counts, does the defense of the Great Shield count?

   There are too many problems, and they can’t be explained reasonably, which can easily lead players to stand up and question, and even the back shield genre.

   Therefore, the appearance effects of spare weapons are simply omitted. Players only need to change weapons. This is basically the same as the previous system settings.

   With the aiming star, how to adjust the position of the aiming star?

   Jing Tian tried to use visual focus lock, but failed.

   Soon, Jing Tian tried to adjust manually. This is a real manual adjustment, which is exactly the same as in reality. As long as you adjust the direction of the crossbow arrow in your hand, you can adjust the position of the aiming star and predict where the attack will fall.



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