Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1475: Which one did these women sing?

  噗...Can aliens not use positive and derogatory words to say the same thing at the same time?

   You will make me misunderstand that you are teasing me!

   To Jing Tian’s surprise, the first attack turned out to be the alien Yang Miaomiao.

   This made Jing Tian immediately alert. He had begun to suspect that Nan Lingxi had told Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi about the incident. The two women did not even react in anger, which really made Jing Tian somewhat puzzled.

   Under such circumstances, it is clear that Zhao Jiaxue should be the first to go violently. Even if he does not jump out of the incomplete stealth system and violently question himself, he should also directly ask clearly.

   But, why is it like this now?

   How did Nan Lingxi comfort the two girls and what benefits it gave them? Yun Yiyi didn't rush to accept it. Even Zhao Jiaxue would do the same. It was really weird!

   Which one did these women sing?

  Obviously, he was ready to experience the ravages of the storm, but the center of the storm was a clear sky...what the **** was this?

   Jingtian naturally can't understand that women's envy and jealousy are the best bargaining chips. As long as they satisfy their jealousy to suppress their rivals, and without any cost or damage, they will naturally accept it unceremoniously.

   In other words, they knew that Jing Tian said this sentence passively. It was not from the heart at all. Naturally, they would not be jealous of Nan Lingxi. On the contrary, Liu Yaya, who was kept in the dark, might be frustrated.

   After all, there is no patio. Now that she has lost the patio, she is alone.

   "It's really shameless!" Ye Lanmeng said coldly, her eyes bursting with anger.

   It seems that Ye Lanmeng absolutely does not know the truth of this matter!

   "Huh? When is the president such a straightforward person? There seems to be something tricky!"

   Yang Mimi seemed to like this gossip very much, but there was a ripple in her heart inexplicably, and she was a little confused about Jing Tian's performance.

"The president used to be a real wolf without showing his face, but today he finally revealed his nature. What's wrong, but I would like to advise the president to seduce his sister in hard work and play, and deeds in thinking are ruined in the kidneys." January 31 Hippie smiled.

   "Shut up!" The women said in unison.

"It's really dead to me. I originally thought that the president is not clean and self-conscious, but is more interested in men. I originally thought he could be the cornerstone of my plastic surgery road. Why is it suddenly transformed into a wild boar now? Sorry!"

   The plastic surgeon felt heartbroken as if he had lost a mouse.

   Sorry your sister!

  Who said I am interested in men?

   I don’t have any plans for **** reassignment surgery. You should put your mind on the identity of others, the ghosts should be your test mice!

Before Jing Tian greeted Jin Chengwu's family, Jin Chengwu smiled and said, "But it doesn't matter. Men also have many operations that can be done. For example, if you are not satisfied with your body's bumps, I can Let your body muscles become bigger and stronger, and fill you with the charm of a man!"

   Muscle becomes bigger and thicker

   The charm of a man?

  What kind of muscle did you mean?


   "I did it! This kind of operation is too evil, I like Fat Master, can I make my body bigger and stronger? I must be a super fat guy!"

   Luoxia immediately became interested. Although he said that he wanted to gain weight all over his body, the awkward aura in his tone was enough to prove that his true thoughts were so strange.

   The key is that you are a super fat guy, right?

   As for setting an already achieved goal?

"Did you misunderstand something? I won't make people ugly plastic surgery. You can eat fried western fast food if you want to gain weight. You will be satisfied after a few months. I said that the surgery is liposuction of abdominal muscles. surgery."


   Abs can also be sucked out by liposuction?

   I thought you were forming your abdominal muscles through surgery. Feelings can be filled with fat!

   This sounds a bit unimaginable!

   Actually, it’s nothing. After liposuction, it still needs to be filled, otherwise how to shape it?

   "Dear sister, stay away from the guild leader beast. I just calculated it, the guild leader is indeed going to experience love tribulation today! Let's not get involved in love tribulation."

   White did not understand the black words, the expressions of the women showed a little unkindness, Jing Tian even felt the strange fluctuations in the breath of Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi.

   White does not understand black, this magic stick is even going to use this kind of thing for fortune-telling, I really have nothing to do with my stomach!

   Even if I experience any love, it has nothing to do with your old girl. Is it necessary to hide from me like the plague?

   "Okay, brother."

   Jingtian vomited a mouthful of old blood in his heart. These black and white brothers and sisters really sang and harmonized, wanting to anger the president!

   "Sister, are you under pressure? I think you should confess quickly. Maybe you can turn the tide? Otherwise, the president you like will be taken away."

   The beautiful lady was obviously not afraid of the water getting more mixed, and immediately stirred up the trouble.

   "What are you talking about! I just like frogs and have nothing to do with the real president!"

   The ugly chick immediately negated it Tiange is a frog, and the ugly chick just likes Tiangemei! "

   Can the aliens shut up!

At this moment, the rap experts joined in the excitement and sang: "This is a simple old love song, singing the twists and turns of Pharaoh’s heart. I think Wang is very happy. When you have your warmth, you The air is green. This is a simple old love song, singing the green pigeon in our hearts. I think I am very suitable. Being a voyeur, smuggling in the wind..."

   "Hey, it's still too young!" Uncle Smoker couldn't help sighing.

   You have enough!

   What and what is this!

   How to say the singing expert was also broken by the January 31st?

   This guy started singing crooked songs?

   However, what makes Jing Tian even more uncomfortable is that the women who live in the same building as him are surprisingly calm and have no intention of accusing themselves at all. Are they all bought?

   So what exactly is Nan Lingxi for, just to make myself say a word?

   Is this necessary?

   What Jingtian didn't know was that although Liu Yaya was silent at this time, her heart was like a little girl who had lost her beloved toy. She was inexplicably cramping, as if that beloved toy should have become her life's pet.

Liu Yaya did not want to admit, nor would he admit that Jing Tian was diluting the existence and position of Tianjing in her heart a little bit. However, in Liu Yaya's emotional arrangement over the past year, she clearly realized that Jing Tian is at most beloved in her heart. Is not a lover.



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