Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1490: Cats don’t eat grass

"Uh... indeed, everyone's guild is protected, and only our Cloud Riding Alliance can be the target of the invasion, but I believe that the big forces on the Mozu will not attack rashly for the time being."

This is the fact. The Demon Race has already heard that the Cloud Riding Alliance can activate special guild skills, which has greatly increased the difficulty of the invasion. Everyone has just won, and no one is willing to step in the footsteps of the Destroy Moon forces. Most of them died and did not take them. The egg hit the diamond.

   After all, the other demons have won a complete victory, and no one is willing to superfluous to fight uncertain battles. If they lose the invasion, they may lose their previous victories and affect the morale of the members.

   Morale has already reached its peak, and another victory may not have the desired effect. On the contrary, if you lose, it will make the morale decline that hardly reach the peak. The risk is large and the return is small, which is obviously not a good deal.

   On the contrary, some small demons will declare war on the Cloud Riding Alliance every day. Of course, these people are sent to spy on the reality.

   Jing Tian is also happy to see this situation, and accepts everything as it is. Every time he opens a mirage to confuse the enemy, he claims to have opened the fusion guild skill, which makes the demons have no confidence in the small forces, and is even more powerless in fighting.

   After all, the forces of the Ruiyue Group have devoted all their strength to it and have never broken it. Even if they burst into the small universe, it is impossible to destroy the Guild of Riding Clouds twice in the specified time!

  According to the so-called fictitious reality, the fictitious is the real, the fictitious is the fictitious, every time the Riding Cloud Guild opens the mirage, it defends the real location with all its strength, confuses the opponent and makes the demons even more confused.

   After all, the effect that appears in this way is exactly the same as the effect after fusion of guild skills, an invincible empty city, an illusory fake city that can be attacked.

   It's just that the demons scratched their scalp and couldn't think of it. The empty city is simply an illusion, and the so-called fake city that can be attacked is the real residence of the Cloud Riding Guild!

Besides, if it is not a full invasion, many Alliance players will gather to launch surprise attacks on their combined forces when they are bored. The slogan is nothing more than revenge, resulting in insufficient supply of Demon players' combat power, and they are simply unable to penetrate into the Riding Cloud Guild. Gong, let alone destroying the guild hall of Qiyun Luoxue, there is no way to spy on the reality of the Qiyun Alliance.

   However, these demons think that they are still threatening the Cloud Riding Guild, and each time they force sitting and watching the sky to consume high gold coins to activate the Fusion Guild skills, it can be regarded as suppressing the overall strength of the Cloud Riding Alliance.

   At least let the other party spend a lot of gold coins, right?

   The demon force does not need to pay much, it is nothing more than the sacrifice of a small force.

   However, Domineering doesn’t think so. In his opinion, various information shows that Qiyun Guild is the trust of Tengyi Company!

  Gold coins are just a number to them. This kind of operation is basically increasing the number of consecutive victories for the Cloud Riding Guild, without any suppression or weakening effect.

   The **** Tengyi company, actually used the support to stimulate itself!

   If you fight with your wits, don’t you fall into the conspiracy of Tengyi, and get deeper and deeper?

In fact, Jing Tian is very happy to see small forces invade, so that you can fully train your troops, and you don’t need to waste gold coins to activate fusion skills. The enemy poses no real threat to the guild, and everyone’s proficiency in the operation of the incomplete stealth system is also Rising rapidly, why not do it?

   Therefore, the Riding Cloud Alliance has grown rapidly in a week, becoming the only guild force in the alliance that resists the invasion of the demons and has made the most profits.


   Isn’t there a guild to protect time?

   Is everyone’s setting different?

That’s right, but the daily system guild protection time is limited. Even holiday protection is also limited. It is impossible to use it casually. The Demon Race has used Thunder to destroy all Alliance guild sites this week. The Cloud Alliance was spared.

   This week is indeed the most humiliating week for Alliance players in history, so much so that many guilds will take the initiative to arrange for people to attack the invading Demon players to achieve the effect of training and shame.

Yes, since listening to Jing Tian’s words, the leaders of the conference have also been optimistic about the future of the incomplete stealth system, but they lack the opportunity for experience. As long as the demons invade the Cloud Riding Alliance, they will gather the elites of the guild and gather together to intercept the demons. Experience, it can be said to bear the burden of humiliation.

   Moreover, through this kind of revenge, many Alliance players regained their confidence and became more familiar with the battle of the new system.

Soon, the facts proved the correctness of the decisions of these guilds. In the weekend’s guild hegemony competition, in the guilds that also used the incomplete stealth system, the main players of these guilds who participated in the experience were obviously superior in combat power, especially the riding Several guilds in the Cloud Alliance have become the most dazzling stars after constant experience.

However, the stars are just stars. The eight guilds of the Riding Cloud Alliance were still eliminated in the competition. There is no other reason. All the guilds of the Qinglang Group have used the controller operation mode to take the top three in the competition. Somewhat contemptuous.

It’s really a guy who does nothing to achieve his goal. For a little fame and fortune, he didn’t even want to go offline. He even learned from the demons. If it is to deal with the demons, it would be excusable, but to do so for the league competition, it is really somewhat Excessive.

   "It's so despicable Meow! The Green Wolf Group is the same as the bullying everyone who is not proficient in the new system!"

   "Stupid brother, winners and losers, since the system does not prohibit us from using the controller, this is not considered mean, it can only be regarded as the use of rules, but you can also use it. Don't worry, I will definitely despise you."

  What's the situation, aren't you talking for the guy who uses the controller?

   Why if your brother uses it, you will despise it, but don't despise the group of Green Wolf Guild instead?

   is really not my sister and brother!

   "Bah, the cat won't turn back to meow!"

   So cats eat grass!

   "Hee hee, let me tell you some good news."

   Ralfah suddenly appeared at the guild's premises, and everyone was shocked.

   "Oh? How do I feel that I have never heard any good news from your mouth?"

   Liu Yaya seems to know Ralf well.

   is right, Ralf rarely reveals any useful news, most of the news she reveals on her own initiative are tragedies.

   "Hee hee, the little girl Ya Ya knows the character of this palace very well! This palace generally does not let men take advantage of it, but this time is different, this palace is to bring good news to all beauties."

   "What news, why don't we share it?"

   "Hee hee, I won't just talk about it, I will launch the fashion system tomorrow."

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