Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1497: Have you ever taken medicine?

"Uncle Se! You really gave them an aphrodisiac!"

The ghost drugged them. Didn't you see them sticking their tongues out and looking for juice to drink?

Isn't this the effect of pepper?

Why have to be associated with medication?

Is it in your heart that you will be thirsty after taking medicine?

Have you ever taken medicine?

What is somewhat surprising is that after drinking the juice, the other women did not cruelly deal with Jingtianxia. Instead, they fanned their little hands one by one, bringing a hint of coolness to their little fragrant tongue, and then one by one said comfortably: "It's so spicy, so hot, so cool!"

Sure enough, women who can eat spicy food are crazy!

I really don’t know if the usual light meals are meant to take care of a creature like yourself that is not so spicy?

As a result, this hot pot meal was extremely hot and very happy. Even Yun Yiyi, who had never been spicy enough, was coerced by Zhao Jiaxue and added a small spoonful of chili to the dipping sauce.

Jing Tian's conspiracy did not succeed in the end. The girls seemed to know that there were tigers in the mountains, and they had to go to the mountains, which really surprised Jing Tian.

However, he was not frustrated by conspiracy failure, but rather happy, watching everyone eat happily and contented...Perhaps this is the charm of gratitude, which makes people happy.

However, when Jing Tian told the women to go online at the end of the day, everyone's answer made him dumbfounded: "It's not a daily routine!"


Of course it's because the girls are still adjusting their battle outfits!

And one day is not necessarily enough, the women's pursuit of perfection in fashion is surprisingly consistent.

Jing Tian started to regret planning such a weird fashion system back then. If you follow the traditional online game to randomly come up with a suit fashion, and everyone can pick one to wear, then there is no need to be so cheating!

Sure enough, ask what the pit is in the world? Directly teach people to stumble and jump! You have to climb out of the pits you dug in tears!

Forget it, it's rare for them to have such fun, let them be willful once...

Time flies, another month has passed, Sky Dungeon ushered in the first batch of 70 full level players.

Of course, level 70 is only the full level estimated by everyone at this stage. After level 70, the experience value in the experience slot can still continue to rise, but no one knows whether the system will prompt experience when the experience value fills the entire experience slot. The value has reached the upper limit.

In other words, Tengyi did not give any information about whether there is a level 71.

No one can be sure, after the full experience of level 70, will let everyone pass another perverted trial to enter the new continent at level 71.

After a month of adapting, Jing Tian and the others have basically adapted to the incomplete stealth system. The character bodies in the game seem to have become their own flesh and blood, and they are active and handy.

Moreover, everyone has vaguely discovered the convenience brought by the incomplete operating system. Using different combat methods under different circumstances can make the battle...

The effect is quite different.

However, as the first batch of so-called full-level players, the members of the Riding Cloud Guild discovered unexpectedly that there were no new professional skills at level 70!

That's right, there are obviously new vocational skills to learn every 10th level, but it is precisely at 70th level that there is a gap.

This is somewhat different from my own planning. Although I did not plan the level 70 professional skills, it was because the game copywriting planning did not need to be too detailed. After all, the game copywriting planning focused on the pre-construction, and the later skills were introduced. Wait, as long as the game can be launched smoothly, it is a matter of course, and follow-up planning is not too late.

But why didn't kicking the patio well release new professional skills?

Could it be that he couldn't do it because he left his own detailed planning of copywriting?

This idea is obviously arrogant!

"Dear Queen, what is going on, why are there no new professional skills? Could it be that you haven't developed it yet?"

Jing Tian summoned Ralf, and only Ralf was most suitable to answer the doubts in his heart.

"Hehe, after level 60, everyone has boarded the Sky City and activated the power of the gods. How many skills have you integrated until now? Don't be too greedy. The existing skills have not been perfected and transformed. You have to pursue more. , I’m not afraid of greed and chewing? Too many skills, just like putting cakes of various flavors in front of everyone, and it’s a cake that can’t be eaten in a year. This is not a kind of happiness, you can only look at the length of the cake. Mao’s devaluation must be painful."

In the sea of ​​Jing Tian's consciousness, it was like being slapped with a loud slap in the face. Ralf was right. Now half of everyone's professional skills have not yet integrated the power of God, and the power of God alone will consume a lot of offline points. , If you start a new skill, where do you collect downline points?

That's right, this will only increase the burden on everyone invisibly.

In other words, God’s power fusion career skill is a new skill. The new skills have been opened at level 60, but everyone didn’t think about it at all. For now, all you need to do is to use the accumulated offline points for God’s power fusion. It’s easier to perceive the little emotions in the player’s heart by kicking the Tiannongjing!

"What's the situation with the 70-level mentoring system? I haven't said this before kicking the Tiannongjing!"

That's right, after level 70, Jing Tian found out that there was an extra mentoring system inexplicably. He always felt that this setting was inexplicable, because he casually asked other people in the guild. Players who did not reach level 70 did not turn on the mentoring system, only him. The first to open the mentoring system.

After that, people over level 70 also discovered this mentoring system.

So the question is, why should the mentoring system be opened at level 70? Shouldn't this system be opened early?

Why is there a level restriction?

Isn’t anyone below level 70 qualified to be a master?

Jing Tian thought about this for a long time without any clue.

"Hehe, I feel honored to be able to stump my husband...

what! "

what? What?

Stump this cheating mentoring system from your hand?

Isn't it the masterpiece of the pitman kicking the patio well?

It's right to think about it, Rafael is also a member of the game planning and development team. If she doesn't propose something, shouldn't she be fired?

Besides, Kitian Nongjing has always developed and expanded on the basis of its own game planning, and there is nothing wrong with absorbing the novel ideas of others.

So Jing Tian was very interested and asked, "Is the 70-level mentoring system your suggestion?"

"Hehe, of course, this is the proud work of this palace. You know, I have been playing games with my dear, so I don't have time to do planning work."

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