Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1519: This copy is definitely a mortal plot

His face was even more tightly covered with blue liquid, and finally formed a hideous ghost king mask, which looked a bit scary.

Of course, considering the health of the game, the ghost king's mask is not condensed, it is still translucent and jelly-like, so that it looks a little softer and does not scare the girl like an entity.

It was impossible for Jing Tian to stop and watch whether he had become a slime or an avatar. He greeted the Corpse Monkey Sergeant in front of him while holding the halberd!

Flying to the sky, falling dragon, burial, thousand halberds, full red...

Jing Tian deduced the skills he developed one by one. He drew an exaggerated crescent shadow vertically with the bone-refining halberd. The corpse monkey army division was thrown high, and the next breath Jing Tian jumped up again. The bone-refining halberd slammed into the ground like a blue dragon hovering above the nine heavens. It slammed straight into the chest of the corpse monkey army division, and directly blasted its weak body to the barrier on the ground. The barrier was smashed out of a shallow pit. .

In the next second, the bone-refining halberd inserted into the ground of the enchantment, and under the force of Jing Tian, ​​it once again blasted the dead monkey army division in the state of falling to the ground with the force of tearing the earth.

Without any accident, its body was instantly torn by the bone-refining halberd, and an exaggerated pink mosaic data wound appeared, like it was split into two petals by a kitchen knife.

This was not over yet. In the next instant, the body of the Corpse Monkey was confined by the mud, as if buried alive.

Obviously, this is a special effect produced by the ghost king halberd created by Jing Tian.

The successful Jing Tian didn't rush to launch an attack anymore, but entered a short-lived charging state. The bone-refining halberd was pressed against his waist, as if at this moment, the bone-refining halberd in Jing Tian's hand was simply waiting to be unsheathed. Long sword instead of a two-meter long halberd.

After a breath, the corpse monkey army master finally struggled out of the mound, but what was waiting for it was a crazy blow that was fully charged.

That's right, the halberd in the hands of Sitting Jing Guantian was like a crazy long sword. Numerous mosaic blood holes were pierced into the body of the army master at the time, which made the army corpse monkey a little unrecognizable.

Regarding the bone-refining halberd as a long sword thorn, perhaps only the ghost king halberd can do it. Throughout the halberd skills, there is no similar exaggeration. Thanks to the system, it can actually recognize such unreasonable moves as Jing Tian.

But thinking about it, you can understand that since the system needs the skills to exaggerate the effects of film and television, on the contrary, too old-fashioned moves will be suppressed.

After the storm-like intensive blow, it was Jing Tian's ultimate skill at the heart. His body sprinted frantically, and the bone-refining halberd's halberd was just blocking the neck of the Corpse Monkey Army Master. The next moment, Corpse Monkey A mosaic necklace was added to the military division's neck.

That's right, Manhong is the decapitation skill Jing Tian imagined!

Although there is no strong control effect, as long as it hits accurately, it can produce a fatal blow, and it can also produce crazy bleeding effects.

However, the so-called fatal blow is just a fantasy. The system has never recognized it. Wanting to kill the enemy in a single blow is purely idiotic. The system only greatly increases the damage factor of this blow, which is already enough for Jingtian. face.

However, before the bleeding effect took effect, the Corpse Monkey Army Master directly ossified his body and disappeared into the single-deck space barrier.


My poor blue bar is about to be completely hollowed out, and it is really a fluke to complete the kill!

Jing Tian let out a sigh of relief and focused his attention on other people's battles, but now that he is exhausted, he no longer intends to do anything for the team. He has completed his mission.

However, looking at it this way, Jing Tian collapsed completely, and the other two corpse monkey army divisions were alive and well. With the cooperation of the four, they were not as fast as they could single-handedly kill one!

"Uh... are you paddling? I'm done. If you continue paddling like this, my gods will be in vain. I think you are going to invite everyone to dinner and prepare gold coins. I will definitely not let everyone and You are polite, you must choose the most expensive one!"

"Ahhhhhhh! Who's paddling the water, what we are after is group damage, if we kill one together, the time will definitely not be enough, first throw the group skills to pave the way, and then destroy one by one, how can a organized person like me let the group be destroyed! Toad, you doubt the commanding ability of this swan!"

Whoops, the old dirty lady has become reliable for a while, and she has even commanded the team to fight!

No, right? The sun is really coming out from the west, why don't you feel that you are not the turn of a woman who is jumping in thought...

However, they have to say that their plan is wise. After a few breaths, the mandarin ducks in the hands of the black meridian mandarin ducks in the hands of the black and white took a casual blow and harvested one of the corpse monkey soldiers. Corpse monkey army division.

However, the skills are still not enough after all, especially under the time limit, everyone dare not use the wheel war and throw skills, or let the last corpse monkey army resurrect eight corpse monkeys, Jing Tian did not stay out of the matter, and added the last one. During the crusade, the five people exhausted all their efforts and finally rushed to kill the last Corpse Monkey Division before the time However, what broke everyone was that the death of the Corpse Monkey Division did not make the eight The corpse monkeys disappeared, they launched a frantic attack on the five people, and at a certain moment suddenly exploded, directly killing all five people in the fight.

Is there any mistake? Why is there a time limit when the Corpse Monkey Army Division is dead?

Just triggered the time limit of the killing group setting?

As long as feelings do not kill all monsters within the time limit, they will not be able to escape the curse of being destroyed!

This setting is really good for players, it must be the masterpiece of the guy who kicked the Tiannongjing!

However, fortunately, the three corpse monkeys have all gone together. After the five are resurrected, they don't have to challenge any more and can move on.

If, if you ask everyone to come again, then you will definitely greet the whole family at Kitian Nongjing...

"Unexpectedly, just three mobs will let us destroy the group four times. This copy is definitely a mortal plot. Tricky, you still believe me once, let's go offline and go home early for dinner!"

White did not understand black and moved with retreat.

"God stick, you should just die and run away. Since the system said before that you will either pass the level or die to trigger a special plot, it is impossible for you to leave easily. But I am very curious about the number of deaths. What kind of plot will be triggered? Maybe it's very interesting! How to say, we are also a wasteland group, maybe we can get some special death plot rewards, maybe it can make me...hahaha..."

Zhao Jiaxue swallowed her saliva frantically, presumably she had imagined some unrealistic reward.

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