Sky Dungeon

Chapter 153: Human beings are deceived by monkeys, and demons are riding by beasts.

   The most depressing thing at this time is probably [Slag Pie Noodles]. She has to marvel at the obvious improvement in the output ability of the people of Qiyunluoxue after level 30. She definitely can't speak the same day as before, and her bloodline is declining. For example, the prairie prairie arrow shot by Yun Xueyiyi at her a moment ago, after it pierced her body, unexpectedly produced a deflagration special effect scene.

  【Slag Pie Noodles】I wear a spirit stone coat. Although the spirit stone coat can enhance the spiritual power of the priest Shennong, thereby increasing the amount of healing, this non-metallic coat is very easy to activate the ignition effect and add additional burning damage.

Burning is also a kind of continuous damage. With the combination of the piercing bleeding effect, how can the bloodline of [Slag Pie Noodles] still remain calm, and can only helplessly fall straight down, she has been repeatedly treating Voice commands, but the people of the Riding Clouds and Falling Snow Guild will give her a chance!

   Slag Pie Noodles was depressed and discovered that his VR screen suddenly produced illusory geometric shapes, as if he had entered a screen saver and lost the game screen. She immediately understood that she had been inflicted on illusion and entered a state of illusion.

   But what surprised her the next moment was that the picture suddenly became clear, but a group of level 25 dungeons, the final BOSS Dark Monkey King appeared in front of her!

As the Demon Clan, Slag Pie Noodles have never played any dungeons and don’t know these BOSSs. But where does the Dark Monkey King take care of so many things, his savage faces raised up all kinds of weapons in his hands. Although Slag Pie Noodles don’t understand what happened. What's the matter, but she definitely won't catch it with her hands, she is ready to flee while operating the character, but at this moment the voice shortcut command and the remote sensing controller all fail, and the character is not under her control at all. After all, all this is an illusion!

   Slag Pie Noodles has only one thought at this time: I don’t have a copy on weekdays, and I don’t know how to offend the boss in the wild. Why is the rhythm of being beaten to death by the boss again?

   This situation can be described as: good people are deceived by monkeys, evil spirits are rided by beasts. There are bosses in Jiangshan generation, and hundreds of noodles are abused!

   That's right, this is exactly Zhao Yunxue's level 30 skill: first-order phantom kill. The illusion of death appears in the mind of the target in the illusion. The illusion lasts for 5 seconds, causing magic damage to the enemy once every second. Of course, letting the illusion of death appear in the target's mind cannot be directly realized in the pseudo-VR era, so Jing Tian planned to let the death screen of various strange game characters appear in the display of the VR device. Unfortunately, the scum noodles were drawn. BADEND was beaten to death by the boss.

   " me!" Slag Pie Noodle screamed helplessly, but unfortunately no teammate could hear it. She watched as her blood line was plundered by the BOSS’s combined blows. When the fifth time they hit her, her blood line was cleared from the bottom, and the screen instantly went black, as if the character and the VR device had died together. Generally, as if she had died in the game world, that kind of fear made her shudder.

   However, in the next second, the illusion disappeared, and the VR screen restored the real game world. Of course, the illusion is after all an illusion. The scum-pie noodles were not killed by such a skill. If this were to be done, I am afraid that the Pied Piper would succeed in the world's number one career.

   However, the real game screen returned from the VR screen has become black and white. It turned out that when the scum-pie noodles were in an illusion, Luo Jing Xia Shi quietly stuck in front of her, and the two one-handed swords were danced into two chic brushes. Yes, it was the level 30 skill of the swordsman. [ Picture]! This ultimate move is the last rolling pin to crush the scum-pie noodles.

   The scumbag finally knew that he was a little bit big. After all, they didn't understand the skills of level 30, and there was a decisive gap between level 30 and level 29: poor equipment. In fact, his thoughts were completely blinded by the orange halo emitted by their coats. Except for this equipment, which is level 30, most of them are also level 25 dungeon equipment, which is customized by the scum faction family. In comparison, it is actually worse.

Zapai Bell could have been able to hide himself to restrain Qiyun Luoxue and one of them, but lacking information, he mistakenly thought that his invisibility had no effect on the 30 players in front of him. Some of them had anti-stealth detection, the biggest It is possible that Yun Xueyiyi is similar to the existence of a "hunter" in traditional online games, and maybe even all of them can see their hidden whereabouts clearly.

This error of traditional online game knowledge prevented him from entering a sneaking state again, and he was beaten back several times by a crossbow sitting in a well and watching the sky. When he saw that everyone in Qiyun Luoxue had not received the negative effects of deafness, he was confused. , But after concentrating on the slag-pie noodles in a very tacit understanding, he shook his heart and used the shadow!

   The special skill of the stalker turns into a black shadow on the ground, and its movement speed is increased by 100%. Often used as a life-saving escape skill, this time he was used as a quick pursuit skill close to the enemy by Zappibel.

If it is used early in the morning, Jing Tian will definitely praise him, but now it can only be used to make people laugh at After all, if he was posted in the first time, Jing Tian would not dare to ignore him, but Now that the scum-pie noodles in front of you have completely fallen, what is the possibility of a comeback after the treatment has fallen? Shit went into the pocket of the pants, and then I remembered to take off the pants! The battle seems to be completely controlled by Jing Tian!

   Jing Tian knocked the Scum Pie Tomato to the ground at this time. If it is a threat, the threat of the element mage far exceeds that of any profession. After all, the powerful magical attack power cannot be ignored by any of them. At the same time, don't eat the mouse suddenly turn the gun head, aiming at the berserker scum pie apple in the distance is a natural restraint! Jing Tian sighed secretly in his heart, and had no choice but to avoid eating mice, this young man, PVP is more attentive than PVE.

Natural Entangling is a small-range attack skill that causes plant entangling damage to the target within the range, and makes it impossible to move. It lasts for 10 seconds in a restrained state. The plant entangling part has an armor effect. The attacks of both enemies and friends are absorbed by the plant. Plants take a certain amount of damage to release the bondage, but the entangled target will receive a fixed value of damage.

   seems to be a very tasteless skill, but when used in melee occupations, it is simply a direct hit to the opponent's life gate. If you don't damage it, it is 10 seconds of complete control. Immediately after not eating mice, he cast a special skill of level 30 guardian shaman: first-order guardian blessing. The group guardian state skill, absorbs 20% of the damage within the state's duration, lasts 5 seconds, and has a cooling time of 30 seconds.

Because the falling stone in the closing action at this time has been hit by the attack of the luthier’s scum-pie corn. Although not eating mice is a treatment aid, there is no direct blood increase skill to use. On the contrary, he can use it. This guardian skill reduces the output effect of the enemy.


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