Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1561: I am not me

Then, the picture flashed suddenly, and everyone returned to the dark old tree.

The dark ancient tree suddenly trembled at this moment, and began to be surprised: "Huh? I didn't expect this guy to break away from the control I planted on him with his own willpower. But it doesn't matter. I have completely revised your memory. If you break through my control over you, I will continue to do things for me, and my strength is getting stronger and stronger. When the right time is right, I will plant a ban on you again, and you can continue to do things according to my wishes. Needless struggle, it can only make you more painful."

It turns out that level 25 players are here to give nutrients to the ancient dark tree!

Moreover, our players will still have the nutrients for self-rebirth, which is really good calculation!

But why does the smelly old man appear in the copy now, and why does he become the bartender here?

What kind of ghost setting is this?

Didn't explain clearly at all?

Can we not jump too much in our thoughts, we cannot understand!

That's right, everyone has finally broken through the personal dungeon and returned to the log cabin bar. The old dungeon guardian in front of him is still wiping the wine glass in his hand, looking unpredictable.

Isn't it the puppet of the dark ancient tree? Isn't it so mysterious?

"What's the matter? Why don't you continue? Is this a savage appetite? Why stopped at a key place, this old man is not capable? Now he is disgusted by the dark ancient tree, do you want to recruit us as younger brothers? I know, my salary is very high, I need to do it down and have a good talk!"

Zhao Jiaxue's thoughts began to become dirty again.

What ability does not work?

The ability to find nutrients for the dark ancient trees?

Sure enough, curiosity didn't know how many cats were killed!

You still want to discuss salary and treatment with the dark ancient tree. Do you really want to help him be abused?

"My god, what do you do now, do you want to kill this old man? This old man must have taken the old dark tree in turn, and even dug a bar on the old dark tree. This kind of environment-destroying guy should be fattened. Hundreds of times, I don’t know how to protect the environment at all! How do you think this dark ancient tree is very old? Anything you want to cut down and transform it should be condemned by God!"

How do the aliens view the plot? The dark tree of emotion is the righteous side in your mind?

Do you really believe that Zun is the master of this world, and we should help the Dark Ancient Tree to collect nutrients and let Zun return as soon as possible?

Obviously the dark ancient tree is running the train with his mouth full, okay?

If this old man can really occupy the dark old tree, doesn't it mean that he is doing harm to the people?

Finally, Jing Tian couldn't help but stepped forward and had a conversation with the old man. The dungeon guardian said indifferently: "Why, do you already want to understand everything? Then, please tell me, who do you think I am?"

Another multiple choice:

1. Dark ancient trees.

2. The dungeon guardian himself.

3. The servant of the dark ancient tree.

4. The servant of respect.

5. The combination of the dark ancient tree and the guardian.

What is the fifth article?

I really want to choose the fifth item to see, what kind of chemical reaction can a living thing and a tree produce?

I always feel that if you choose fifth, you can get more gossip!

It's so evil!

As for the first item, it is also possible at that time that the dark ancient tree completely controls the old man of the dungeon guardian, and even directly seizes the house, which can be explained, but if you choose the first item, it is likely to face the dark ancient tree directly.

The third article seems to be relatively harmless, but I am afraid that there is no turning point, and there is bound to be a battle.

The fourth article is too terrifying. If it is a slave of the respect, then the combat power may soar by a lot.

"Brother Tian, ​​I think I should choose 2. This bad old man who destroys the environment and destroys trees should be punished by God. The forest coverage rate is lowered by such unqualified people!"

My child, I really don’t see that you love the environment so much. Does a family care about forest coverage so much?

The external environment seems to have nothing to do with your squatting at home. You can sell an **** brand air purifier and enjoy fresh air at home, right?

By the way, how many people have you ever seen open bars and cabins on tree trunks?

Even foreigners should build wooden houses on trees.

Sure enough, aliens think differently from ours. Are alien trees growing so huge?

"Oh? I don't know what the consequences will be if the wrong choice is made, will the group be destroyed?"

I have to say that this is a serious problem. According to the urinary nature of kicking the patio, the eighth achievement of this multiple-choice question is a pit. If you choose the wrong one, you will definitely not end up.

"Hero, will there be no correct answer at all, no matter which answer is correct?"

Are all five correct?

How can this be explained?

It’s also right. Kicking Tiannongjing deliberately defaults to a piece of the past, or to let the player choose one of the development plots. These five have reasonable plots. Choose different routes, and the enemies you will face may be different. .

"Uh, is it safer to choose 2? At least we don't have to face the dark ancient trees."

"Brother Jing, if he can even defeat the Dark Ancient Tree, can we possibly defeat him? The Dark Ancient Tree clearly gave him so many restrictions, but if this guy breaks free, I am afraid he will become very powerful."

This... also makes sense.

"I think this old man is a good man. The wine he makes is delicious. Men are scornful and contemptuous. This guy is an accident."

For the first time in an unprecedented way, Jiu Qianxun actually said that a man is a good person!

Don’t you think all men in the world are scornful?

As long as you are a bartender and make a good wine, you can wash the label of a stinky man in your heart and directly become an excellent existence!

Why don't you find a bartender to marry?

If you can't find us, I can help you, and you can definitely get rid of the embarrassment of the older leftover women!

"I don't think there is any need to burn our brains. Since no matter which one we choose is likely to be the right one, we will choose it Even if the mistake is gone, we still have a chance next time."

Jing Tian even thinks that as long as he chooses the wrong one, he may be destroyed by the group, and even directly sends out a copy to become a wild BOSS.

So, it's a big deal to die once.

Again, no one has died in the game since ancient times.

Therefore, Jing Tian really chose Article 2 according to Yang Miaomiao's wishes.

Since you have to face it, it is better to face the strongest instance guardian, not facing the dark ancient tree directly, it may not be a bad thing.

Sure enough, Lin Yumian was right, or Yang Miaomiao was a good cat, there was no group destruction, only the plot.

The old man of the dungeon guardian smiled lightly: "I didn't expect to be seen through by you."

"Yes, I am still me, but unfortunately, I am no longer me."

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