Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1584: Reverse the fairy tale

Although the skill of reversing fairy tales is also a random change of looking at the face, the changed characters are really creepy.

Not because the changed witch is too terrifying, but because the image of the witch is too weird.

The so-called reversal of fairy tales is definitely not a simple matter of directly rubbing out the witch in the fairy tale to reproduce.

For example, in a certain battle today, Lin Yumian suddenly transformed into Snow White.

Yes, yes, it is Snow White.

Yes, Snow White is a witch.

The so-called reversal of the essence of fairy tales is to reproduce some familiar fairy tale characters, and reverse the characters of fairy tale characters, turning them into witches abruptly.

After transforming into Snow White, Lin Yumian holds the poisonous apple and the magic mirror in his hands, and can throw the poisonous apple to cause damage to the player, and can also summon seven dark goblins through the magic mirror.

Yes, you can also think of it as the seven dwarfs. It is just a dark version. Even the seven dwarfs that were summoned have been completely reversed and become evil.

They are indeed not dressed like goblins, they are more like dwarfs, with a red hat on their heads, a blindfold on their left eye, scars on their cheeks, and a weapon in their hands that is more weird and terrifying than a single piece. Looking at their weapons will make you have a creepy illusion, just like facing a perverted murderer with a lot of evil.

Just so weird and magical, the seven dark dwarves directly hacked to death the opposing player who was still in a daze!

Jing Tian has also played against Lin Yumian, and has also experienced the power of reversing fairy tales, and he has such an evaluation of this skill: the magical skill in the coat of generals!

Yes, although there is no big opening and closing scene, but under 1V1, you can almost be invincible.

Don’t think that summoning seven dark dwarves in the fairy tale of Reversal is cheating. In fact, there are even more cheating. For example, after transforming into Little Red Riding Hood, Lin Yumian can use skills to create 16 wolf grandmothers, 15 of which have autonomous attack consciousness. And is given a mirror image of the player's attack routines, and each person is equivalent to a werewolf player.

However, it is not to say that some reversal fairy tale characters can perform this kind of perverted summoning, but most of the characters have special exaggerated effect skills, which are sometimes hard to defend against.

For example, Feng Ji turned into a sleeping beauty. Don’t look at her sleeping face, but in battle, this guy can open up a powerful dream enchantment and directly bring the player into the dreamland, and in the dream, she becomes a sleeping beauty. Feng Ji can control a giant spinning wheel to launch various wonderful attacks on players.

To defeat the dream, the spinning wheel must be destroyed, but Jing Tian failed to do so.

Therefore, Jing Tian can be 10,000% sure that if he wants to defeat Lin Yumian, he must never give him a chance to reverse the fairy tale.

Don't give Lin Yumian a chance to look at his face, he is an internet celebrity!

You may have to ask, since female local tyrants have such powerful comprehension skills, why did they rush to fight melee in the first place?

This has something to do with the skill of reversing fairy tales. Although the effect of reversing fairy tales is theoretically random, after investigation by the female local tyrant's intelligence network, if you want to maximize the effect of reversing fairy tales, you must first reverse yourself.

Otherwise, the effect of the reversal is not great, and the resulting combat power will be average.

For example, after Lin Yumian became Little Red Riding Hood, he did not have the skills of the clone wolf grandmother at all, and could only use some ordinary fairy tale attacks.

The same role produces very different results.

That's right, in other words, the key to reversing fairy tales to be strong is to reversing oneself, that is, to embark on a path that completely deviates from the profession.

Yes, Lin Yumian used a dagger to perform physical attacks, which in itself was reversing the witch.

After the system detects that Lin Yumian has been operated by other witches, it will strengthen the effect of reversing the fairy tale within a certain period of time, causing Lin Yumian to transform into a rather abnormal fairy tale character.

Except for Lin Yumian, which witch would use the dagger as the main output method?

In addition to the female local tyrant, who else is so confident who wants to kill the opponent through crazy physics?

Obviously no, this is naturally a reversal.

Therefore, many players simply don't understand Lin Yumian's gameplay, let alone why the skill of reversing fairy tales is so bad.

They simply think that there are countless female local tyrants, and finally synthesized such a perverted magical skill, but few people will seriously think about it. Such a magical skill still has great drawbacks.

In addition, don't think that the female local tyrant can really play the curse of death to the fullest. We have said many times before that the probability of the curse of death is too low, and there is only a 1.5% probability of triggering the sixth level.

The key is that the curse time is only five seconds. Excluding other action time, the effective attack time may be only 4 seconds.

Even if Lin Yumian's attack frequency is high, the probability that every time a curse may be triggered remains 1.5%, and this probability is not cumulative.

However, if the player wears equipment with a high luck value, this probability can be increased somewhat, but even if it is increased, it will not exceed 2%. If fortune is added, the probability of the curse of death effect on every hit is about 2.5.

Therefore, within 4 seconds, it is quite difficult to trigger the instant death curse, even if it is an Internet celebrity face.

It is very interesting that these characters transformed by Lin Yumian are often positive characters in fairy tales, and they have all been turned into dark villains.

Therefore, Jing Tian likes to call this skill a black fairy tale.

Right and right, the skills of blackening the characters in fairy tales are really embarrassing...

Starting from the fourth day, the pace of the game has obviously It is obvious that there are fewer and fewer players who can start high-end games.

To open a certain number of games, a certain amount of registration time is required.

The pace of the game is slow, but it does not mean that the pace of the referee players is also slow. All players who are eliminated will still receive invitations for multiple matches.

Now, each game may invite multiple players to be the referees. After all, more and more players are eliminated. You can't let everyone sit idle, right?

The high-end competition has a very high level of participation experience. If the referee players want to catch up with the players, they must participate in more referees, watch the game, and make judgments.

This is a very reasonable setting. Everyone hopes that their game will be full of spectators, and countless people will pay attention.

However, if the referee is changed to a spectator, then everyone may choose to watch some wonderful games, or the system forces to watch a certain game, then the player will take a form, yin and yang will not go to the game at all, directly Sitting in the audience chatting.

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