Sky Dungeon

Chapter 159: Not a street **** the side of the road

   Challenge: Use a banner spear to provoke the target in front, so that the target has a chance to float for 1 second while receiving physical damage, and produces a large amount of hatred in PVE. That is, in this short 1 second floating in the air, the basic skills of the battle flag spear fell on the body of not eating mice.

Yang Miaomiao shouted, because the target of the basic skill of the two-headed Leo, the battle standard spear, is obviously not only himself, but to rescue the werewolf hero Finn Langer behind him. Unsurprisingly, the double Leo's next attack all fell on the werewolf hero. With the help of distant firepower, the werewolf hero got rid of the shackles of the thorns in an instant!

   Of course, the basic attack power of the two-headed Leo is not enough to destroy the plant, but the huge hammer attack before is not low, and the plant's health bar is low. The Leo's combo naturally destroys the plant completely. Although destroying the plants, it also caused considerable damage to the werewolf hero, but this damage was far not enough to kill it. Its figure flashed, and the double swords were directly inserted into the back of the mouse without eating.

At the same time, the one-armed Cancer is not idle. The moment he strikes the double-headed Leo, he has flashed to his side without eating mice. Naturally, he does not know that the Heroic Summoner is also good at spatial displacement. Cancer What I just used is the controllable displacement skill: [Lightning Movement].

   Although his main weapon is a space staff, his secondary weapon is equipped with a one-handed sword. In the next instant, the one-handed sword slashed on the non-eaten mouse. Yang Miaomiao wanted to cry without tears, and directly said in a sorrowful voice in the team's voice: "My God, I can't hold Miao."

As soon as   's voice fell, the werewolf hero's double knives cut through the throat of not eating mice. The damage of this skill was terrible. Without eating mice, the body fell soft and fell to the ground, entering a state of suspended animation that was very close to death. The team challenge duel will naturally not make the player really die, but before the result comes out, the player whose health bar is empty will enter a special suspended animation state. There is actually 1 point of vitality, although the screen will not turn black and white. Color, but still nothing can be done. And it cannot be resurrected for the time being, even if there is a profession in the team that can cast resurrection magic, it will not help.

Of course, Jing Tian didn’t ignore not eating mice for no reason, because they didn’t have much left with this skill. They had to kill the opponent's Shennong Pastor Aries at the first time, and when the Constellation Party decided to focus on not eating mice. At that moment, Jing Tian made the decision to replace players with players. Although Jing Tian was definitely unwilling to use this in the PVP battle with the demons, this is a challenge and discussion. There will not be too many scruples.

   Just one second after the mouse fell without eating, Aries also fell. Now the situation has become 4 vs. 3, and Qiyun Luoxue has the advantage in numbers, but the problem is that the skills of both sides are basically empty at this time, but the werewolf hero Finn Langel can deal damage from skills even if it is a normal attack. , This is definitely a combat power that cannot be ignored.

The heroes summoned by the heroes actually depend on the heroic summoners themselves. If the heroic summoners die, the heroes will also dissipate and die. Therefore, everyone in Qiyunluoxue will call out all the remaining skills to the one-armed in the next moment. Cancer. The one-armed Cancer struggled to evade, and the werewolf hero Finn Langer rushed towards Zhao Yunxue'er. Obviously the three of them had targeted the Pied Piper, but at this time, they have blood blessings and sky blessings instead of changing blood. Riding the clouds and falling snow everyone is more dominant.

   Not long after, Zhao Yunxueer fell under the attack of the werewolf hero Finn Langer, Taurus and Leo. But in the next second, Cancer also failed to escape their chase by sitting on the well and watching the sky. They also exhausted the last trace of blood and fell down. With the fall of Cancer, the body of the werewolf hero Finn Langel still sprinting forward also turned into a puff of black smoke and disappeared with the wind.

   3 vs. 2, the situation has become clear. Although the skills of both sides have been completely empty, the advantage of Qiyun Luoxue is self-evident. In the end, the one-horned Taurus gave a voice command to admit defeat, and the challenge of this team mode came to a perfect end.

   "You are really strong." It turned out that Jing Tian complimented each other first.

   He has to admit that if he really gives up the use of level 30 skills, it is still uncertain who will win this contest. Especially after the fight, Jing Tian found that the equipment of the Constellation Party’s five members were all level 25 self-made equipment, which was even better than their dungeon equipment. He didn’t know what the other party came from. If he was to brush these 3 Level magic core, time is definitely not enough, they are definitely true krypton gold players! Is it a member of a Russian prodigal game player club? Jing Tian guessed so.

   "You are really amazing." The one-horned Taurus seems to have got a satisfactory There is not a trace of loss in his tone.

   " ask us to compete, not just for winning or losing, right?"

   "That is natural, we just want you to recognize our strength." Two-tailed Scorpio preemptively said.

   "That's it?" Jing Tian's faint voice was full of suspiciousness, and he felt that this Scorpio beauty was a bit unreliable.

   "Of course not only, we also want to know about your guild's development plan, to see if we are suitable to join." The unicorn Taurus said in a very formal tone.

"What a joke! That is to say, we are going to tell you our guild's development plan, and you also have to join selectively depending on the situation? We are the number one guild, and not the street **** the roadside. Where did we come from so casually. I think you might as well sing a national anthem for us, and I will tell you if you sing well!" There are some things that are not suitable for Jing Tian to say, Zhao Jiaxue snatched the topic, although these harsh words are spoken by women, but in the scene But it will not intensify conflicts, after all, women still have privileges in this regard.

   But why is singing the national anthem? It is said that others are casual, isn't it casual to leak secrets after listening to the national anthem? The fighting nation was completely defeated by Zhao Yunxue'er's jumping thinking.

"Hehe, it seems a bit too much, but it also shows that we pay more attention to it. If we join a guild without asking anything, we find that the guild is not suitable for us in the future, and it will be somewhat ugly when we quit again. I hope you can understand. "The one-horned Taurus said with a very sincere attitude.

   "'s true that our Riding Clouds and Falling Snow Guild plans to accommodate only elite players, and the total number of players is expected to not exceed 30, so that all members of the guild can maximize the benefits of the guild."


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