Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1606: Who is Ye Lanmeng

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The fat man sat down on the foot of Jing Tian's folding bed, and suddenly the entire folding bed made a creaking sound.

A cold sweat broke out in Jing Tian's heart: Are you retaliating against me in this way?

I want to squeeze the bed down!

My simple folding bed can't stand your toss!

Jing Tian’s exchange with Liu Yaya just now was very simple. He asked very bluntly: "Yaya, can we find out the true identity of Yang Mimi? I suspect she knows us. What she said just now seems to be related to us."

However, after a while, Liu Yaya replied like this: "Sorry, I can't find out. It seems that there is a pair of invisible big hands preventing me from inquiring the true identity of Yang Mimi and Yang Mimi. In fact, I also feel that Yang Mimi is related to us. Only. But neither before nor now, the other party doesn't want us to know who they are."

"You already knew it?"

"Well, I just can't be sure, and I'm not very interested. The other party deliberately concealed it, but unlike the enemy, there may be unspeakable concealment. Everyone has privacy, so why break the casserole and ask the end."

That's right, everyone has privacy. I said the same before, but now it's different. Yang Mimi took the initiative to pierce this layer of window paper, which meant that she was trying to find the truth.

"Well, I'm asking Lin Yumian for help, maybe she is not in the other party's concealment range."

"There are results, if it's important, you can tell me, if it has nothing to do with me, then I don't need to know. Some things are still messed up, it's better not to worry."

Liu Yaya's voice still seemed very indifferent, as if Jing Tian was her ex-husband, and she didn't want to know too much about her ex-husband.

It really entered the sage mode.

"Yumian, can you do me a favor, check Yang Mimi's true identity."

"Hero, I actually checked it a long time ago. The results are really interesting, but out of the person’s own wishes and because I don’t have any good feelings for her, I don’t plan to tell you. Everything is from Internet celebrities. the power of!"

Do you want to refuse so directly!

It also gave such an illusory reason!

In other words, don't you regard me as a hero and a benefactor, can't you meet such a small request from the benefactor?

How cheap is my kindness.

Isn't it right? I don't have any impression at all. Did I save Lin Yumian? It's also a matter of saying, how can I claim to be a benefactor now?

I'm really deceiving myself, I...

Wait, Lin Yumian can find out Yang Mimi's identity, but Liu Yaya can't find it!

It's not because the other party is so prominent, Lin Yumian just doesn't have a good impression of the other party, so he doesn't plan to tell himself?

This is not normal!

If you don't have a good impression of the other party, you should help expose the other party's true identity, and you can't let Yang Mimi's conspiracy continue!

But why, Lin Yumian would not tell himself because of this?

This can only explain one reason. If you tell yourself the truth, then Lin Yumian will be troubled!

Will Lin Yumian bother?

Does she think Yang Mimi is very important to me?

Then Yang Mimi must be her own deceased, and a heavy deceased!

There are only a few women who are very important to you. Who are they?

The woman who can bear the hatred most should be Liu Yaya, she is the first love in her heart that she does not want to admit, and the existence she will not forget for a long time.

But Liu Yaya cannot be Yang Mimi, and the two cannot exist in the game at the same time.

Liu Yaya may be Ye Lanmeng afterwards, this is a longing of her own ignorant period, and it is the nightmare of her life.

Lin Yumian has enough reasons to dislike Ye Lanmeng.

However, it is also impossible for Ye Lanmeng to appear in the game at the same time!

and many more!

It's not normal indeed!

Lin Yumian has never expressed disgust with Ye Lanmeng. Every time she mentioned Ye Lanmeng, she didn't seem to care, as if there was no such person at all, she regarded her as a passerby.

Although Ye Lanmeng's current appearance is indeed a bit of a passerby...

This is indeed abnormal. If you are Lin Yumian, although you will not pay attention to and target Ye Lanmeng, you should show a little disgust in your attitude!

In other words, the problem lies with Ye Lanmeng!

In the next moment, Jing Tian echoed Yang Mimi's previous words: "Do you really think that time will not change everything, things are still people? I am no longer me, and you are no longer you, and she is not her."

Is she talking about Ye Lanmeng?

That's right, I did notice that Ye Lanmeng was a little strange.

However, I attributed all the reasons to the past and time issues, but ignored an important issue!

I have never verified Ye Lanmeng's deity!

Even if the other party undergoes a plastic surgery, some temperaments cannot be changed after all, just like the unique body odor of the human body. Although we can't detect it, it doesn't mean that creatures with sensitive smell can't detect it.

Jing Tian once thought that he could perceive the temperament of Ye Lanmeng's deity, and her movement habits made Jing Tian somewhat impressed.

However, as Yang Mimi said, doesn't time change a person?

Maybe Ye Lanmeng's temperament has changed, maybe I don't really recognize her, but what is very strange is, why is Ye Lanmeng's tone and behavior habits the same as when he was a student?

That's right, she seems to have been frozen for ten years!

This is not normal!

It is indeed abnormal. Ten years are enough to wash a person's character. It is absolutely impossible for the other person to change at all!

Thinking in this way, Ye Lanmeng in the game now seems to be an existence deliberately shown to him, not real!

Now the question is, who is Ye Lanmeng in the game?

How did she know the past Ye Lanmeng?

How is it imitated so vividly?

More importantly, who is Yang why does she know all this?

She even knew that Ye Lanmeng was a fake, did she know the real Ye Lanmeng?

Reminiscing about the inexplicable words of Yang Miaomiao and Yang Mimi, as well as the special conditions involved with Liu Yaya, Jing Tian suddenly had a bold guess in his heart. This guess changed his expression dramatically.

That's right, when Yang Miaomiao once saw Ye Lanmeng, he obviously showed strange emotions towards her name. It seems that Yang Miaomiao also knows Ye Lanmeng.

This family actually knew Ye Lanmeng?

So who is Ye Lanmeng?

Isn't this true?

Jing Tian's body trembled slightly. He turned on the communicator and said a word directly. However, the person who spoke was not Yang Mimi, but Yang Miaomiao.

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