Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1611: Make a face in front of acquaintances

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It's just that because they play with purpose, they can't enjoy it all.

However, there are also some local tyrants who regard this kind of travel around the world as part of the game, and enjoy the game while traveling around the world.

Therefore, Sinbad's blackjack offline points are also very rich, and the skill level points are higher than Jingtian. Not only all skills are at full level, but also the power of God is added!

Not only that, although this guy doesn't have many adventures, he has also obtained some ancient skill book fragments through travel, some of which are not even available in the game. You must go to tourist attractions to brush your face to have a probability!

Therefore, this is one of the reasons why many local tyrants like to travel the world in groups in the game.

Although the rank of these comprehension skills is not against the sky, if you combine a few to increase the rank, then the combat effectiveness is also very amazing.

Fusion skills?

As long as there are fragments of ancient skill books and skill points, it can be done, and there is no shortage of local tyrants.

Therefore, in terms of the rank and quality of comprehension skills, although Sinbad’s Blackjack individual skill may not be as powerful as Jing Tian, ​​the number of comprehension skills in his hand is full, and as long as the comprehension skills can be upgraded, they are all full. Order!

This point, even Jing Tian can't compare, he still wants to synthesize some skills, but he lacks skill points and frowns.

However, the real local tyrant does not have so much trouble for the time being.

As for Jing Tian’s shameless question, from the perspective of Sinbad’s wine glass, there is no doubt at all. After so long, players in the world don’t know how to call him a terrible existence, but this guy is still calm and calm. Active.

In fact, the real Jing Tian still wants a face, just wanting a face in front of acquaintances.

Many times he still can't save face when eating soft rice.

For example, Lin Yumian also proposed a national travel plan. After all, it may be inconvenient for everyone to go abroad, but for various reasons, it is not convenient for people in the guild to gather together to implement this plan.

Don't talk about others, just talk about Lin Yumian. She is an uncertain factor in her own right. If the ghost knows that if she steps down to lead down the line, will there be a safety issue in it? Will it be opposed by the bodyguard team?

Before, I wondered why Yang's sister and brother kept avoiding offline gatherings, but now they are a bit dazzling. It turned out to be because of Jing Tian.

The identities of Ugly Little Girl and Beautiful Auntie are even more mysterious. They seem to be made by the insiders of Tengyi Company, so they are also opposed to offline parties, let alone traveling together.

In fact, Jing Tian himself is also against it. On the one hand, he does not like to travel. On the other hand, the ghost knows whether Lin Yumian is plotting wrongdoing. If there is any special arrangement, then it must be himself who fell into the pit!

That's right, this may be huge!

Especially when Lin Yumian was talking about the national tourism plan of the group, the corners of his mouth could not stop the overflowing crystal beads, Jing Tian felt that the whole back was cold, as if he was the prey under her mouth, and there would be no bones left. Similar.

More importantly, it must be Lin Yumian's arrangements for travel and other things. The big ticket holder himself is considered to have eaten for nothing. Lin Yumian pays guild members monthly dividends. Everyone is ashamed of it. Have the face to take annual vacation to travel?

If Lin Yumian started a company, that would be too conscience!

In the end, Jing Tian did not shamelessly agree to Lin Yumian's travel plan, and continued to stay in the game quietly.

Therefore, compared to the number of skills and overall strength, Jing Tian is actually inferior to Sinbad's blackjack.

The reason why Sinbad's glass was not confident in himself was because his reputation for sitting in a well was a little too exuberant.

Especially after Jing Tian defeated the Son of God and the Daughter of God, he has become a new superman among the world's players.

This guy usually doesn't show the mountains and dews, and has always behaved mediocrely. Now everyone knows that he is just not serious.

Some players even claimed that the empress actually chose to retire after knowing that she was defeated by the genius.

This is not a random speculation. After all, sitting in Jing Guantian seems to have easily defeated the first person in the FPS world, so it is not unacceptable that the female emperor who has won the ranking in the FPS world loses to Jing Tian.

Of course, this statement was frantically counterattacked and criticized by the members of the female emperor husband group.

However, in this process, the reputation of sitting on the well and watching the sky naturally became strong.

This invisible pressure of public opinion still makes Sinbad's wine glass lingering.

Often, the enemy is not as terrible as imagined. It's just that everyone's heart is not strong enough, and they didn't calmly analyze the gap between themselves and the enemy. They lost their momentum to the enemy, so that their subsequent performances continued to malfunction, and the game was lost.

Tension is a strong enemy that humans have not overcome so far!

That's right, not only is Sinbad's wine glass nervous, but also Jing Tian, ​​who is ambushing behind the door, is also nervous!

People who are not sages can be indifferent?

Ordinary heart?

Don't be kidding, if the game can still maintain a normal heart, there is no feeling of tension and excitement, then how to enjoy the throbbing brought by the game?

At this time, Jing Tian's heart is now pounding and pounding, this kind of yin person's gameplay is simply playing heartbeat!

He was also afraid that Sinbad's wine glass would find himself hiding behind the door. After all, the opponent was a stalker, and he couldn't see the opponent. If the opponent found himself silently, then he would lose the effect of ambush.

Yes, Jing Tian did not hide in the deepest part of the house.

He has never liked playing cards according to common sense, hiding in the deepest part of the house and waiting for the stalker to kill himself. This anti-submarine method has been ruined by the player. How could he repeat it?

If you want to play, just play with some innovation, especially the innovation based on local conditions, which makes the opponent unexpected!

That's When Jing Tian entered the house and found that it was a restaurant with a wide range of food on the table, Jing Tian decided to abandon the traditional anti-submarine methods and have a heartbeat!

From the moment he entered the door, Sinbad's glass began to look for the apartment door. He had preconceived that Jingtian must be waiting for himself in the deepest part of the building.

After all, in the face of stalkers, it is common sense and a must to lure the enemy into deep!

Even if you change yourself, you will do the same, lure hostile stalkers into, and then ambush in the deepest place where the opponent's whereabouts are easily exposed, and then kill the opponent.

Ambushed at the door is a joke, it is easy to be run away by the stalker and fall short, okay?

What he is thinking about now is: maybe he will go the wrong way, maybe there are a few suites here, but Jing Tian will definitely wait for him in the suite to get ahead!

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