Sky Dungeon

Chapter 164: In March, the war book is overwhelming!

Of course it's wrong!

That's right, the woman in front of me actually played the villagers to level 30, and the leveling speed is not slower than her! When Jing Tian thought of this, he was already speechless in surprise.

Her thoughts moved quickly, and Jing Tian really began to believe that she was a GM. If there is no special way to gain experience, why would a villager upgrade so quickly? Even with the support of the team, her level should not have soared so fast, not to mention where to find a strong team for her. If the team takes her to upgrade, the level of the team is either higher than her. Either there are enough people, or you absolutely dare not rush to level 7 in the underground city. But, how do you think she is alone!

Then there is another impossible possibility, that is, the villagers have hidden gameplay, and this hidden gameplay promotes the efficient upgrade of the village woman.

Jing Tian had to shake his head in his heart, because he and Luo Xia had discussed the villager's gameplay many times, and the possibility of all the villagers' hidden gameplay was blocked. He didn't want to have an unnecessary occupation. Where did the problem go? Was it the problem between me and Luo Xia, or did Tengyi Company make changes?

"Wow, Hidden Profession, it's so amazing!" Yang Meowiao had Venus in his eyes, apparently already believing it, and he had begun to believe that: the village woman is the GM eldest sister, and only GM can play Hidden Profession , Even the great hackers like Jing Tian didn’t get any news about hidden professions. Of course, only GM could know the path to hidden professions. If you learn a trick from GM sister Style, maybe you can also achieve a hidden career!

"Oh? Isn't it a shock?" The village woman looked at the five people who were speechless, as if she knew everything they were thinking about.

Do the villagers really have BUG settings and hidden gameplay? Jing Tian swallowed a mouthful of saliva and operated the guild interface to invite the village woman to join the Riding Clouds and Falling Snow Guild. The village woman did not hesitate to accept, and there was a cloud sign with sunglasses on the ID above her head. That’s right. Riding the cloud and falling snow guild logo.

"Join the group to speak." Jing Tian immediately formed a new team, and he naturally knew that what he said next would never be seen by a third party.

"Oh? The official is finally willing to believe in the slave house." The village woman's voice was full of resentment, as if a **** finally gained the trust of her husband, it made people even more angry.

"Can you speak normally?" Jing Tian said a little uncomfortable.

"Oh? To you...can't." The village woman deliberately prolonged the pronunciation of the word "you", seeming to play Jing Tian between applause. I clearly said that I couldn't, but this time I used "you" instead of "officials", which clearly shows that she can speak well, but she wants to play some special, special role-playing game for Jing Tian.

"I'm afraid of you, let's talk about hidden careers. How do you level up so quickly?" Jing Tian still asked a crucial question. It was precisely this problem that caused Yun Yiyi and the others to endure the enchanting village women. So far, otherwise they would have to express themselves, how could they make the vixen swagger and pose in front of them?

"Oh? Don't you know that if you don't find your job, PVE damage will increase by 30%. This is a blessing bestowed by God to the villagers." The village woman said in a very pious tone, like a believer thanking God.

"I'm doing it! Don't be kidding. With this 30% damage compensation, you convince us that the villagers can upgrade faster than forty-two professional players?" Luo Xia was a bit disgusted with this woman who likes to go in circles.

"Oh? Could you please shut up, you fat pig! The slave family only wants to talk to officials." The first sentence of the village woman looked very cold, as if an ice blade was resting on Luo Xia's neck. But it was extremely enchanting, making it difficult for people to adapt to the rapid change in speaking attitude.

However, when Jing Tian and the three of them heard the village woman utter the word "fat", a drop of cold sweat fell on their foreheads. They naturally predicted what would happen next...

"I'm doing it! Who do you say is fat? You are fat pigs, and your entire community is fat pigs!" Luo Xia said in a rage, he didn't care about the murderous intent of the village woman when she was talking, even if she was really holding a knife on him. Luo Xia will do the same on her neck.

But what does it mean to have fat pigs in your entire community? Is there such a curse that even people in the other community curse? Are the people in the community wronged?

The two words "Fat" and "Fat" are the most intolerable keywords in Luo Xia's life. No matter who said it from him, even if he only uses one of them to describe him, he will regard it as an insult to his personality. Absolutely not as superficial as the insult of appearance, he will instantly rise this insult to the height of national shame. Although Luo Xia had already controlled the fire pressure to the limit at this time, the operation in the game showed his attitude. In the next instant, the red and blue long sword in Luo Jing Xia Shi's hand had already slashed towards [the village woman].

It's a pity that the same players in the Alliance cannot start the killing mode at this time. How can Xia Shi's double sword hurt her in the dungeon? It's just: the panda dance sword, intended to provoke!

"Oh? The fat pig seems to be your pain point. If you don't like others to say you, why bother to choose a panda? If you can't kill me, then you must accept the reality that I will call you a fat pig if you can kill it. I, then I will never mention this term in front of you in my whole life. How will you call me a fat woman in the future?" The village woman was not at all scared by Luojing Xiashi's fierce provocation, but instead conducted a counter-provocation, even Added color to the next battle.

"I'm doing it! It's just what I want. I'll tell you a hundred times a day! Get out of the dungeon to fight!"

The flames of fire for March book of war is overwhelming!

Ever since, the group returned to Chisa City. On the square of Chisa City, before the duel between the [village woman] and [Luojing Xiashi] officially started, they suggested not to eat a mouse: "Made to leave and come. Come on, betting on Brother Xia or elder GM, I will win by elder GM, 1000 gold coins!"

"I'm doing it! Mouse, are you your own? Can you have a little confidence in Brother Xia!"

"That's it, it's too unreasonable, I will win against the village woman." Zhao Jiaxue pouted.

"Should I bet on loyalty to win?" Luo Xia looked frustrated, uglier than eating shit.

"Men only talk about loyalty to you. This is a duel between a man and a woman. I, a woman who talks about loyalty, naturally want to pressure a woman to win. Although I think you have a higher chance of winning, I have to talk about loyalty, right? I don't understand, I deserve to be single, single for a lifetime!"

What kind of ghost logic is this! Sure enough, you shouldn't ask what the Leap Thinking is thinking, you can't understand it! Sky Dungeon

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