Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1657: Team up to defeat the main **** of Odin in Northern Europe

It is natural that Bei Mianzuo is not good to speak directly to attack the other's self-confidence. After all, it is a very good thing to have an ideal. If this guy's luck is against the sky, won't it be realized?

   People must have various dreams to live, otherwise they live without fear of death.

  Don't say, the Hounds immediately burned a high fragrance in his heart after he appeared on the field, and launched his summoning skills, hoping that his lucky value today has not been overdrawn.

   And this time he summoned a fire dragon for Hounds!

   I was really hit by this guy, and got the lottery?

   I ran out of luck for a year in one day!

   All the judges and the audience were also shocked. Undoubtedly, as long as the creatures linked to the dragon are often powerful, this beast is definitely not a general.

   However, the Hounds who summoned the fire dragon did not mean to be happy or screaming at all, because this little fire dragon's body is really stunted!

   That’s right, Hounds did summon the little fire dragon, but the little fire dragon in front of you is not half the height of the hound deity. This is a fire dragon baby!

   The referees and the audience also calmed down at this time. Although dragons are rare to summon spirit beasts, it should not be too strong or outrageous to be so small.

   Yes, yes, if you have seen or played Pokeball, you know that this little fire dragon is clearly the Pokémon inside!

   Isn't this cheating?

   Why did I draw the beast...

   Which kind of beast is this?

   is a sacred animal, can't you give yourself a cub?

   Just send me a dinosaur egg directly, so that it’s more exciting for me to hatch?

   Maybe the dragon eggs can still be used for food, so they can give birth to several levels in a row!

   No, no, no, you must hurry up and call again, the master of skills quickly cool down!

   However, the system did not give Hounds any time to summon again, and a white light flashed directly, sending Hounds and Little Fire Dragon to another map.

   That’s right, I just prepared a dedicated closed room for players to perform final equipment switching and summoning operations.

   It seems that the finals are still very humane, and even the time for summoning is reserved.

   Once the countdown has passed, players will be teleported into the game map.

   However, after such a teleportation, the entire face of Hounds was green, because he directly saw the face he didn't want to see at this time, and the person opposite was Jing Tian!

   Feelings weren’t a humanized setting at all just now, they were clearly prepared for face-to-face combat now!

   This finals is too trivial, right?

   Many referees and spectators also expressed their puzzlement at this time. Why did it become so direct to the finals?

   Can't all maps be strategically planned before?

   "Yo! See you again so soon."

   Jingtian is generous, especially after seeing the little fire dragon next to him, the corners of his mouth can't help but raise a strange arc.

   Jingtian is a good person, but he is definitely not a good person. He will never give the other party the opportunity and time to summon again because of the weak spirit beast of the opponent.

   Tiansha's system, why did it send us together again?

   Hounds are full of alpacas and mud horses. I really want to vomit a liter of saliva!

   However, the system doesn't care about Xiao Jiujiu in the Hounds' heart, and directly opened the follow-up plot. The angry Odin descended from the air again, and there was a real flame in his eyes.

   There is a follow-up plot in the emotional finals!

   The key is how can the finals go smoothly after the appearance of the shit-chucking stick?

Obviously, Odin could not tolerate the fact that his family members were so incompetent. Together they failed to defeat the two little bugs, Zuijing Guantian and Hounds. He roared angrily: "You dare to hinder me from taking up position. Let's completely remove the name from the world! You die, my Odin's family is still number one."

   This Lord God is too shameless, right?

   Do you want to use this method to gain the position of God?

   is really a lofty main god, completely ignoring the existence of players in the world...

   In an instant, Odin's name turned into a hostile red!

   Jingtian and Hounds glanced at each other's names and confirmed that each other is still friendly. Only then did they realize that the emotional finals are not as simple as one-on-one singles. It turns out that they have to join forces to defeat the Nordic Odin Lord God!

Nonsence! Only ghosts can defeat the Lord God of Odin. After defeating us, we can directly climb to the top of Sky City and become God directly, okay?

   The battle power of the six major gods was about the same. If you defeated Odin, doesn't it mean that you can sweep all the gods in Sky City?

   It is impossible for the two to join forces to defeat Odin. This is no different from Moth Fighting Fire, even if they are level 100.

   So, what exactly does the plot now let us join hands?

   Jingtian and Hounds had a clearer mind at this time, and both thought of the current problems.

   Is it a time-limited mission, as long as the defense for a period of time can open the next plot?

   But before the two of them figured out this question, Odin grabbed his right hand casually, and a flash of thunder instantly turned into a spear in his hand. It was the **** soldier Gangnir!

  Many people watched the greedy drool in Odin's hand. The referees and spectators stayed out of the matter anyway, looking at some unreliable things, where did they know how they felt.

However, this time, not only the audience's thoughts jumped, but even Jing Tian also thought so: If Odin, the magic weapon can be, then you can be king in the game. Dominate!

   In the next second, Jing Tian slapped himself severely in his heart. He can be sure that he must have been infected by the alien Yang Miaomiao with jumping thinking fantasy!

   The system does not give Jing Tian time to reflect, and immediately prompts: "You have to be careful, Odin will launch crazy attacks on you, and the one who lasts to the end will win the game!"

I go! it is as expected!

   The final of the Battle of the Gods has evolved from one-on-one singles to a great escape?

   If Odin really wants to launch a sharp attack, can he and the Hounds withstand a blow?

   I always feel that this game is going to end in tragedy. Isn't it true that kicking the Tiannongjing is not going to let players win the championship?

   Is the battle of the gods a pit?

   This is too trifling...

   "Odin, what are you going to do?"

   At this moment, the sound of thunder in the distance was loud, and the voice of Haotian God came rumblingly.

   "Haotian, you don't want to stop me and kill them, this time the place of God still belongs to me. I have sealed the space here, your deity can't get in at all!"

   How naive are you?

   Can you be so self-willed if you are the main god?

   You are such a naive and self-willed lord, even if you obliterate us, you can't convince the public, right?

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