Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1661: This is simply a reversal

Jing Tian thought about it, but decided to agree. He didn't realize that the Hounds had cheered in his heart at this time!

   That's right, if you let you sit and watch the sky and run down, you will definitely be attacked by Odin.

   Don’t look at the two people in the same boat, but the boat of friendship overturned when it was overturned, let alone this hypocritical friendship boat?

   That's right, Jing Tian was really overwhelmed by the gutter this time, completely overcast!

   He really never thought that Hounds would be so disregarded of the overall situation...

  The shady Jing Tian looked gloomy at this time, and even the idea of ​​killing someone inexplicably emerged from the bottom of his heart. It was really unprecedented.

Everyone might have guessed that after Odin Clone caught up, Hounds did start to perform Space Kill according to the previous agreement, but Jing Tian never expected that the space kill performed by this guy turned out to be Jing Tian's role. Locked in it!

   Yes, the space kill can choose the location at will. If it is performed around the well sky, a two-way barrier will appear around the well sky. This barrier cannot be broken at all, and you can only wait for the space kill effect to end.

   And this kind of two-way enchantment can be constructed regardless of the enemy and the enemy, and is often used as a group invincibility.

   However, it is obvious that the two-way enchantment constructed by Dogs is not to help Jing Tian achieve the invincible resistance skills, but to hold him!

That’s right, now in the two-way space enchantment, only the small fire dragon is accompanied by Jingtian. Since the small fire dragon has not found a hostile target, it is extremely comfortable, going around in front of Jingtian, as if surrounding the well It’s like a bonfire dance.

   This made Jing Tian couldn't help kicking each other with his feet several times, but because it was a friendly target, he didn't have any influence on the other party. On the contrary, his foot seemed to be kicked on a rock, and he felt a strong sense of shock.

   Of course, there is no pain, but it also makes Jing Tian more gloomy.

  Jingtian of course was depressed and angry at this time, because the Hounds had already run away, and the Odin clone had already chased him, standing outside the space barrier, waiting for the moment when the barrier was broken.

  Yes, this time I was not so lucky. Odin did not choose to chase the Hounds, but stopped and stared at himself in the enchantment, giving people a creepy illusion.

   Is this going to wait for the rabbit himself?

   You fool, don’t you see one running ahead?

   Didn't you see that this is a barrier? You can't get in at all!

   Why not prioritize targets that can be attacked?

   Can’t you punish the evildoer first?

   Does NPC also like to bully honest people?

   Jingtian's heart is like countless alpaca horses running by, how can the depression in his heart be expressed?

   Obviously, his heart's voice can't play any role at all, as if Odin's clone has a certain wisdom, he is very clear that after another breath, the barrier will be completely shattered.

   That's right, Odin's avatar has already raised the Gangneil in his hand high at this time, and blasted towards the barrier!

   If it weren't for Jing Tian to know that this is the period of breaking the enchantment, he would definitely think that this was the power of Gangnir, this is the divine power of the main god, and the space enchantment would be destroyed with a casual blow!

  In other words, this NPC will look for opportunities to show off!

   Many unknown player referees already screamed at this time, and began to admire Odin's supernatural power.

   How smart is Jingtian, in fact, when Odin was standing still, he ran in the opposite direction.

  Although he is controlled in the enchantment and cannot go out, it does not mean that he can't use the space enchantment to distance himself from Odin!

  The ghost will stand honestly near Odin, waiting for the opponent to drop the butcher knife.

However, this space enchantment area is really not enough to see. Although the distance is extended, Odin will not be able to attack the Jingtian at will from the beginning, but Jingtian's rapid escape is basically useless. After all, the opponent's speed is obviously Much faster.

   However, what Jing Tian did not expect was that the opponent seemed to have displayed some skills, and a direct sprint flashed in front of the little fire dragon!

   That's right, the little fire dragon was abandoned here by the Summoner Hound. He couldn't teleport to the opponent's side. He still needs to start to catch up with speed.

The system does not set the spirit beasts that are out of the player's control to disappear directly, but there is no special teleportation skill for the spirit beasts to return to the summoner. In this case, the spirit beast can only rush to catch up with the summoner and complete the meeting. .

   However, Odin seems to have a special idea about the little fire dragon. It seems that he follows the principle of eating the weak and eating the weak first.

   However, everyone guessed wrong this time, and Odin had a conversation with Little Fire Dragon!

   Jingtian didn't feel in the mood to pay attention to such a strange setting, and fled all the way to the distance. There was only one thought in his mind: Are you acquaintances?

   I really hope you guys will talk for a while, and be sure to talk for a while!

   This way I can be safe.

At the same time, Odin said directly: "Poor mythical beast cub, you were driven by ants and abandoned here, don't you feel sad? I am God Lord Odin. I can give you divine power and make you strong. Get up, let you find the summoner who abandoned you for revenge, are you willing to eat him?"

   "You are The despicable ant used the deity as a backing, I must make him look good! I accept your supernatural power!"

   If the Hounds saw this scene, they would definitely regret that they were so angry that their hearts, spleen, lungs and kidneys would be blown up!

   The spirit beast he summoned turned out to be a sacred beast, but this sacred beast was actually instigated by Odin's clone!

  Is this the Sky Dungeon online game I know?

   Is this really a second world?

   Even the spirit beasts have become reality and power!

   The NPCs here are almost perfect!

   It's all about summoning spirit beasts by yourself. If the other party is unwilling, they can completely return to the arms of the system god. Is it necessary to turn against each other and prepare to hunt down yourself?

Oh no, it’s not going to hunt down the Hounds, Lord Odin has injected a lot of power of God into the little fire dragon’s body, and this power of God caused the little fire dragon’s body to expand several times more than immediately, just a moment, cute The little fire dragon became a fire-breathing tyrannosaurus with wings!

   I'm going, it's really a Pokemon!

   has evolved so easily!

   What made Hounds never dreamed of was still behind, the fire-breathing dragon leaped up and headed in the direction of his escape...

   That's right, when the fire-breathing tyrannosaurus chased the Canis, Odin hadn't chased it enough to watch the sky!

   The speed of the fire-breathing dragon is so fast...

   This is simply a reversal!

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