Sky Dungeon

Chapter 168: Monitor sent by Ten Yi Company

"Oh? The Nujia doesn't want to hear this answer."

Not this answer? Is it possible that you can still tear the sky with only one hand?

"Then I don't know, do you have another way?" Jing Tian pretended to be confused.

"Oh? Of course, do you want to try, only the two of us."

"Forget it, since everyone has formed a group, let's deepen our understanding of each other, how about weird together for a while?" Jing Tian would naturally not be fooled.

"Oh? Well, as long as you are with officials, the slave family is willing to do anything."

Jing Tian already had a disgusting feeling that he didn't want to talk, and he walked towards the entrance of the dungeon as he manipulated the character.

"How do you know sitting on the well and watching the sky?" Zhao Jiaxue's gossip heart began to aching.

"Oh? Fate, we are destined to be together, not like you." The village woman vowed.

Zhao Jiaxue wanted to rush to the village woman and slap her with all her strength. This kind of shameless woman, even Zhao Jiaxue felt ashamed, and sighed in her heart: She is already open enough on weekdays, but she is also open to acquaintances. , Definitely won't flirt with a stranger you know in the game. Also, what are you destined to be together? It is clear that you are lying with Jing Tian right now, and you should be able to slap her in the face.

"Do you know him in reality?" Before Zhao Jiaxue could make a final decision, Yun Yiyi asked his own question coldly.

"Oh? He looks like a stranger. Do you really know him? What is his name, his family, and what life experience does he have?" Yun Yiyi was surprised by the village woman’s answer, and Yun Yiyi wanted to answer. But she found that apart from the name, she could not fully answer the question raised by the village woman.

The conversation between the village woman, Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi was seen by everyone, and they felt that the village woman was not friendly to them, let alone Luo Xia, which gave Yang Miaomiao a new problem. , He plucked up the courage and said: "Sister God, why are you so good to me?"

Everyone really doesn't know where Yang Miaomiao's self-confidence comes from, and they think that the village girl is kind to him? But, think about it, the village girl called Jing Tian's ambiguous, called Luo Xia's disgust, and called the two beauties unfriendly, but when she talked to Yang Miaomiao, she was a bit like a big sister.

"Oh? Little brother, that's because you are not so close to Sitting Jing Guantian, so you are not a rival." The village woman's voice was unusually gentle, which made people think of goose bumps on her arms.

Jing Tian was taken aback when she heard this. The village woman seemed to know herself well. Obviously, the relationship she said was not that close. It could be understood that the distance in reality is relatively far away. So what does this mean? Jing Tian had a bad premonition, and then thought of the various [village women] who said that she was a GM, and her views on the 43rd profession, she had to doubt that the village women were the monitors sent by Tengyi Company!

"Then Brother Xia?" Yang Miaomiao asked very curiously. If it is because Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue are regarded as rivals, then Luo Xia should not be treated like this.

"Oh? Little brother, you still don't understand. My friends are even more terrifying. In a sense, I and the other two sisters are on the same front." The village woman's voice was intriguing.

"Huh?" Yang Miaomiao was completely speechless. He secretly glanced at Zuijing Guantian and Luojing Xiashi who were walking together in front of him, and said in his heart: Don't say it, it really smells like a friend, and the names are so lovers. !

If the characters in the game are replaced by Jing Tian and Luo Xia in reality, I am afraid the two must be staggered and fall to the ground. The two of them were extremely depressed at this time, feeling that the gaze behind them had deteriorated, as if the four of them were staring at their backs with a curse gaze, making both of them feel a little back numb.

What makes Jing Tian feel even more embarrassed is that Zhao Jiaxue turned off her voice and asked directly in reality: "Frog, don't you really like Lao Xia, do you?"

After coughing for a while, Jing Tian gritted his teeth and said: "I like the two of you naturally."

"Bah, don’t be hypocritical, don’t you and Lao Xia often drink together? Go back to the dormitory after drinking. You all talk about being messy after drinking. You won’t hide anything from us." Zhao Jiaxue turned into a dirty woman and said suspiciously, already in her mind. Started thinking wildly.

"Uh... elder sister, of course you will have to go to the dormitory if you drink too much, do you go to the street and go crazy?"

"Don't you know that things that are prone to fall into the hatred of the ages after drinking, you two lonely and widowed together, maybe what sparks will come out of friction!" Zhao Jiaxue seemed to have found a strong evidence.

"Evil woman, evil woman, let me go. How do you prove that I am innocent?" Jing Tian shook his head and laughed at himself.

"Kiss me!" Zhao Jiaxue's cheeks flushed, she suddenly remembered that she had forgotten Yun Yiyi was still lying on the lower bunk, and immediately added: "There is also Yiyi, kiss by one person, to prove that you don't get involved."

Jing Tian swallowed a big mouthful of saliva in shock. There is no such proof that he is not involved in the foundation, but this is too difficult for himself, but his own experience in this area is almost zero. After all, when he grows so big, his mind is also There are only sporadic memories of being kissed or kissed by an adult as a child. However, at the moment Jing Tian recalled this way, a girl appeared in his mind. In his impression, it seemed that this girl was a bit taller than Jing Tian at the time. However, Jing Tian slowly raised his toes. He lifted his chin and seemed to want to kiss the girl's lips!

"Ah! Jing I think you are a pseudonym, a **** gay!"

Jing Tian withdrew his thoughts from the sea of ​​memories, and he was distracted! So he immediately said: "Don't make trouble, you have to prove it, and I'll talk about it when I'm offline."

In a word, Zhao Jiaxue calmed down in an instant, and the two red tides on his face could not go away for some reason.

Afterwards, everyone was silent in the fierce monster spawning and leveling. What was surprising was that the village woman had a very good operational awareness, and she observed the situation of the whole team very carefully, and she did the ultimate in checking for deficiencies. , She will appear wherever it is necessary to suppress her. After the attack, she can get rid of the hatred and quickly escape to find the next target with the special escape combat skill of bluff and throw.

Her fighting style is very different from that of the King of the Sword and Cavalry. The courageous style of the King of the Sword and Cavalry often causes some inevitable mistakes and loopholes in the team. A superb assist player.

"Nice team." It turned out that the village woman praised them first. Sky Dungeon

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