Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1700: Pay me a wife

Thinking of this, Yang Mimi actually laughed, like a little girl about to do a prank, the key is that she must first tell Jing Tian the content of the prank.

"The first love is what those people think they are. I say that everyone believes it, and it is very easy to keep some secrets. Only I know my own situation best. First love is a bit true and a bit false..."

"Huh? Really? What if I don't think so?"

After speaking, Yang Mimi turned around and left, leaving Jing Tian alone in a daze.

what's the situation?

This Yang Mimi really looks like a different person!

How do you feel, or is the alien before that cuter?

What did this guy say before?

You don't think so, what do you think?

Why don't you say something that I find inexplicable like an alien, instead of this kind of plausible words?

Finally, Jing Tian found the black and white brothers and sisters. After some theoretical deduction, Jing Tian perfectly described the close connection between the treatment of phobia and the guild's offline party.

I have to say that anthrophobia is a good card. After all, when the black and white brothers and sisters enter the guild, they are largely used to treat their sister’s heart disease. If they can develop to meet offline, they may be treated further. This dialogue Not understanding the attraction of black is fatal.

However, Bai did not understand that Hei asked for a hexagram before making a decision at the end. What made Jing Tian collapse even more was that this guy did a hexagram and told Jing Tian directly that it was not suitable for travel these days, which might bring disaster to others, so Rejected Jing Tian's proposal.

Damn it!

How can the **** stick attribute be more serious than sister control?

Is this not in line with your personal setting?

Are you not afraid of your sister being sad?

Don't come if you don't want to come. What's the matter? I'm waiting for you for a long time, so you come out like this?

Where is it not suitable to travel these days?

Is the old almanac for a week unsuitable for travel?

I don't want to come, can you tell me straight next time?

What's going on in this world, is it so difficult for otaku and otaku to travel?

Finally, after waiting for Yang Mimi's affirmation, Jing Tian decided that the offline celebration party would not officially start until Yang Mimi came.

This can be considered a small accomplishment. At the very least, I have convinced the members to participate in offline unity, so that I don't lose face at all.

During this time, Jing Tian and the others need to make some preparations...

It's not Jing Tian that they have to do some preparations, it is better to say that Fatty Luoxia has to do some preparations, this guy is kind to Yang Mimi, since he learned that Yang Mimi is coming, he started to buy things for Yang Mimi.

Luo Xia's whole person is completely renewed, as if to light up a new life. After busying, he can no longer be described as being positive. After all, he has never been so active in his own affairs. This can be said to be a kind of diligence, and even doubts. Is this guy preparing to get married?

That's right, this guy can't wait to decorate a new house for Yang Mimi!

Not right, this guy wants to buy a wedding room for both of them!

Regardless of everyone's opposition, Luo Xia said that she would prepare a surprise and a big gift for Yang Mimi, so she personally selected a set of vacant rooms, purchased exquisite furniture, and ran out of her own intestines, dressing up the room full of pink and tender air. . Read for a long time

That's right, it's a matte scent.

Everyone looked at the fat man with admiration first. In just half a day, he turned a set of empty rooms into a themed house, just like a lovely palace for the princess. Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi couldn't help but admire.

This is not just a matter of thought, the fat man’s savings may have also been eaten up.

Although the fat man entrusted local tyrant Lin Yumian to help, he also paid labor fees for the laborers. There was absolutely no free lunch.

Of course, after admiration, it is a long-sounding curse.

Of course, I am scolding. The fat man is so capable of buying furniture and decorating DIY, why didn't he just decorate the room for himself, and went to help a woman he had never met before!

Think about the two women regretting it when they first bought the 18th floor house.

But is there any reason to regret it?

Didn’t you doubt the tastes of the two boys, so you arranged for them to buy gaming equipment?

Even if the two women knew the facts, they were still indignant.

This is definitely color-laden over friends, and color-laden over old friends!

Zhao Jiaxue hates this kind of low-hearted man the most. Who told her to be the most loyal?

As a result, Fatty Luoxia has been scolded by the woman Zhao Jiaxue with all kinds of jumping thoughts, poking her backbone to turn over the old accounts.

However, the fat man is not ashamed at all, but proud of it.

It seems to him that how bad he treats other women is to show how he treats Yang Mimi differently. Especially this kind of girl who has been with him for many years can prove his true heart to Yang Mimi.

He even wanted Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi to scold himself together, and even wanted the two women to scold themselves in front of Yang Mimi, which better reflected his love for Yang Mimi.

Fatty was also a person who couldn't hold back, and finally confided his thoughts.

After learning of Fatty's abnormal thoughts, Zhao Jiaxue really scolded him again and decided to stop.

Obviously, Zhao Jiaxue did not intend to help this ungrateful guy.

Moreover, in the fat man's mind, there may be some unruly attempts waiting for the opportunity to brew and implement.

After all, how do you think this guy is preparing for the wedding room? It's hard to say whether he wants to enter the marriage stage in advance!

The first time I met, I went straight to the subject. Is this not a hooligan or a stinky hooligan?

If you help yourself, you might become an accomplice of the gangster, isn’t that also a gangster...

Soon Jing Tian received a call from Yang Mimi. She told Jing Tian that she had already rushed here in a driverless taxi.

That's right, M City has now launched driverless taxis online, and built isolated roads or elevated roads dedicated to driverless taxis.

Individual main roads in the city can allow unmanned vehicles to easily carry passengers.

As we mentioned before, the difficulty of driverless cars is meeting people.

Manned places are full of variables. On the contrary, roads paved for driverless cars are safer and more efficient.

Without the variable of people, unmanned vehicles operate in an orderly manner. Under the guidance of the intelligent navigation of urban smart transportation, all vehicles travel smoothly throughout the journey and travel efficiency is greatly improved.

"I'm doing it! Toad, what do you mean, didn't you mean a private car? Let my wife take the high-speed train by herself. Now it's fine. If you get off the bus, you have to take a taxi yourself. What if you get lost? You said you can pay. Can you afford it? How can you pay me a wife out?"

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