Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1707: What a mistake

However, these vignettes couldn't interrupt the conversation between Jing Tian and Ye Lanmeng at all.

"Hey... I have always wanted to say something to you, but now I can finally say it in person."

After a pause of two full breaths, Ye Lanmeng said loudly: "Jing Tian, ​​I'm sorry, I shouldn't have used you at the beginning! I'm really sorry!"

Sure enough, you are using yourself!

Although Jing Tian had this idea from the beginning, he dispelled it from the beginning.

In fact, many people approaching themselves have other purposes and ideas, so every time Jing Tian meets someone, he will first doubt the other's purpose.

However, in Jing Tian's view, Ye Lanmeng did not have any clues to show that he was deliberately approaching him, only that the other party's methods were too clever!

But why did Ye Lanmeng use herself, and how did she use herself?

Well, these may not be important to myself now.

Let alone whether the purpose of Ye Lanmeng's contact with herself is pure, the key is to directly evaporate from the world after contacting herself, which is the matter of her life guilt.

He even said that now that he learned that he was being used, Jing Tian felt a lot more at ease. Moreover, now he has no value in being used. Ye Lanmeng was willing to approach him again, and confessed that this was Ling Jingtian. A place to feel relieved.

So, he didn't have any anger or surprise, he just said indifferently: "How are you doing after moving? It doesn't matter if you use it or not. I was dead in the past. What I care most about is how you are doing. Maybe you contact me, I didn't expect it would develop to where it is today."

"We have a very good life, very good! I thought at first that I could approach you, and I could borrow money from you to repay the foreign debts owed by my father, and even sign a contract to repay it by myself after a few years. I never thought that I would be forced to move my family out, and I can’t tell you everything. This is where I feel most guilty for so many years.

At this point, Ye Lanmeng lowered her proud head slightly.

"However, the compensation we have received from your family is far more than what we have lost. Father's foreign debt was completely wiped out. Although we were controlled and could not leave the city where our new home was located, and could not have any contact with you, we gained a small amount of money. Buildings can be used for business and life. At the beginning we couldn't even believe that everything was true. After the houses were rented out one after another, with rental income, our family had a very happy and incredible life."

Ye Lanmeng kept her head down, her eyes seemed to flash, she didn't seem to dare to look directly at Jing Tian.

"I don't think this is necessarily the case. What you lose is more important. At the very least, as me, I must feel that I have gained a lot, and what I lost may be more precious."

"Yes, yes, you are right. I don’t know what the parents think of, so my younger brother is often bullied by school students and called pseudo-mothers, and finally had to drop out early. As for me, I also couldn’t integrate into the new school. I didn’t find new friends, I felt guilty, even suffered from autism, and finally embarked on the road of game competition, and only slightly improved. However, I feel that my personality has become more and more weird and perverse, and it has become a foreigner in your eyes. Star."

"'s a bit serious. You are very personal. We only talk about aliens. It's not weird. In fact, I am sorry for you! This sentence has been held back for many years, although I said to the fake Ye Lanmeng Live, but I also solemnly apologize to you." Global

Jing Tian felt a little embarrassed. He complained countless times in his heart about the Yang family's sister and brother. This might be an even worse injury to their character.

"No, no! I said, this time I came here to apologize, I shouldn't use you, I was wrong at the beginning. It was my obsession that led to everything that followed. But I believe that meeting you is my life The most correct one, I chose you, and the most correct. Without you, I am afraid that our family would be broken. My father might be completely stunned because of the debt, and my mother might leave. My brother and I might be separated forever. Never meet. We will even drop out of school early due to debts and embark on a path of no return."

Jing Tian heard this and began to ponder. Indeed, some things have their own cause and effect. If Ye Lanmeng didn't show the feeling of sympathy for herself, she might not have been attracted to her.

No, no, it's better to be attracted to the other party first, and to pay too much attention to the other party, so that Ye Lan dreamed of the dumb way of borrowing money to repay the debt.

"I think both of us may be wrong, and neither is wrong. After all, we don’t blame each other. It's better to let us abandon the past and start over! Let him pass the past. You wanted to persuade me like this before. Isn't it?"

Give up the past and start again?

Ye Lanmeng's cheeks were inexplicably stained with blush, she seemed to know what was wrong, but for her, how could this kind of thing let a man take the initiative, and she had to say something first.

Ever since, Ye Lanmeng took a deep breath and shouted loudly: "Jing Tian! I have always liked you, but this is the only thing that I have never deceived you. I am sincere to you, and for so many years, Never changed! Approaching is purposeful, but liking you is pure!"

When Ye Lanmeng shouted out, she felt that the whole world had become quiet, as if the music in the banquet hall had completely disappeared.

No, not just when I shouted loudly, it seemed that after I shouted, the whole banquet hall was frozen, and there was no sound quietly.

After the next breath, Jing Tian unconsciously swallowed a sip of water, and not far away was the sound of a glass falling and breaking.

That's right, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com is exactly the moment when Ye Lanmeng called Jing Tian, ​​the rock music in the entire banquet hall came to the end.

The whole room recovered a bit of tranquility in the frenzy, but before this tranquility made everyone breathe, everyone heard Ye Lanmeng's call to Jing Tian.

What a blunder, what a blunder?

Isn't this pushing yourself into the fire pit?

Are you here to apologize or to hurt you?

In the next instant, Ye Lanmeng realized that she had made a mistake. Her cheeks that were already flushing red instantly felt like a volcanic eruption. The temperature rose sharply. She could no longer sit down beside Jing Tian, ​​and got up directly to the banquet hall. Ran to the door.

However, at this moment, Luo Xia stopped in front of Ye Lanmeng with a vigorous step.

"Yang Mimi, what did you mean just now? What is the relationship between you and Jing Tian? have an adultery with Jing Tian behind my back?"

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