Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1718: Various profiteer theories

"That is, what about the second real virtual world, everyone can't stand a businessman, so how come so many profiteers in reality don't see people to fight? I think it's because little girls are bullies. You want to kill girls. Right?" [Red Sun Dangge] also teased.

What is shocking is that all game merchants have risen one after another, frantically responding to those who talked about Nangong Lingxi, and each of them has evidence and thorough analysis.

This is definitely an unprecedented great unity. Even the fall of the instigator was a bit puzzled at first, but after thinking about the rationale, it was relieved.

After all, many people are doing exactly the same thing as Nanlingxi. If Tengyi Company wants to suppress the black market because of an article, it will touch the fundamental interests of this group of people, which they absolutely cannot tolerate.

In other words, doing this by yourself is not just as simple as offending Nanlingxi, it may offend all profiteers, big and small...

From oil to everyone's daily necessities, and then from stocks to currency circles, all kinds of profiteer theories have been exposed at a glance, shocking.

Many people suddenly feel that the game world is actually quite clean. This kind of profiteer is just the most primitive merchandise business, just buying umbrellas on sunny days, buying water on rainy days, stocking merchandise, and selling them at a higher price when players need it.

After all, there is still a white market that controls the price trend of the black market. The price of the black market is too high and players are likely to buy through the white market.

In reality, everyone is not so lucky. In many cases, everyone has no choice but to let the merchants kill.

Compared with the twists and turns in reality, the profiteers in Sky Dungeon are basically hoarders who keep themselves safe, and to fight against the profiteers in reality first!

That's right, Jing Tian had actually anticipated all this a long time ago, and had a long conversation with Nan Lingxi. Relatively speaking, Jing Tian was more at ease in Nanlingxi.

Nan Lingxi, as the queen of the business community for many years, touched Jing Tian by her words: "Brother Jing, don't worry too much. Even if the profiteer's behavior is exposed, it is understandable. I did not use any loopholes in the system. It’s just operating in compliance with laws and regulations. Moreover, there are far more businessmen in Sky Dungeon than everyone thinks, hoarding and reselling is not a business secret. Many people and organizations are hoarding goods, once their interests When touched, they will desperately stand up and speak for me. I don’t need any explanation at all. Many people will rush to explain.”

That's right, the people who speak for Nan Lingxi now are naturally businessmen. How can they allow people to criticize normal business activities and their way of living? If they want to change the status quo, doesn't it mean they are going to die?

We must know that among these businessmen, some have just stepped into the game business after borrowing foreign debts, while others have gained a lot of money, hoarding a large number of game props, and waiting for these props to appreciate.

Now if Tengyi Company bans black market trading because of some people's revelations and criticisms, then their money will be completely lost!

Isn't this asking their capital?

Although the game does not promote offline transactions, there are a large number of people who make a living by selling black gold in exchange for real money. Whoever wants to cut their financial way is to cut their livelihood, and who they must fight hard!

Therefore, more and more businessmen have joined the condemnation of the fault-finders, and more and more people are supporting Nangong Lingxi, so that in the end, not many people even dare to speak out about the profiteers. They are really afraid of being overwhelmed by saliva. what!

There is also a group of people who are preparing to enter Sky Dungeon to seek a small business. Although they have not invested yet, they have seen the money in the game from this exposure, and they also want to get involved and make some extra money.

This group of people also stood up to speak for Nangong Lingxi.

This is what Luo Xia and Azure Wolf Soul never expected!

Where are so many profiteers in the world?

Wouldn't ordinary people just wait for profiteers to fight back?

Should there be more ordinary players than profiteers?

In fact, it is not that everyone does not stand up to speak, but most people agree with the existence of businessmen.

If there are no merchants, then things on the black market cannot be sold quickly, and it is very troublesome to use gold coins.

As for buying products on the black market and losing money, this is a very misleading statement. Players can completely buy fixed-price products in the white market with krypton gold. Buying on the black market is actually cheaper. They don’t want to spend platinum and use the black gold and white prostitution items earned in the game .

Normal players will not sell the black gold on their account. Black gold is actually game currency to them. There is no problem of losing money at all. Only platinum can be exchanged for real currency.

As for the black market robbing white market business, it is even more nonsense.

If there is no black market, all goods will inevitably flow into the white market, so it will be more difficult for everyone to sell the props in their hands, and there is a single way.

Why is it more difficult? Because the white market price is fixed and there are too many players selling props, it is naturally difficult to sell.

Still diverting a large number of items to the black market is more conducive to white market sales.

In other words, the fundamental interests of ordinary players have not been touched.

At this time, Luo Xia and Azure Wolf Soul were full of indignation. They didn't understand why so many people worked hard to speak for Guiyun Guild, and why so many people stood up to offend Nangong Lingxi.

At this time, the fat man was holding the green wolf in his arms, biting Luo Xia's shoulder and said, "Brother Xia, don't be angry. These people are just short-sighted. You must have another way to clean up the Guild Riding Clouds, right?"

The soul of the blue wolf secretly gave a big praise to the blue Although at first this woman was unwilling to wait for Luo Xia, but under her own orders and promises, Go to the service of Luoxia.

Now a few days later, this woman has been thoroughly tamed to become Luo Xia's wise helper, and she keeps teasing the fat man and breaking the news about Riding the Cloud Guild, obtaining a lot of useful information.

This may be the power of a couple of days.

Although the fat man’s surrender was sincere, he still had grievances at the beginning and didn’t reveal all the inside information. Until the green wolf bite and became his woman, this guy took the initiative to make plans to attack the Cloud Riding Guild. The previous plans were all successful.

It shows that the method of the green wolf biting this woman is really good, making this fat man submissive is simply a strict wife!

"My wife, don’t worry, I will definitely not make those in Jingtian look good. This time is purely an accident. We underestimated the businessmen’s thoughts. We thought they would be silent and sit and watch Nanlingxi, the number one profiteer in the game, being slobbered by the players. Drowned. Never thought that they would speak for their biggest competitor and help her develop. I really don’t know if their brains are flooded!"

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