Sky Dungeon

Chapter 171: This play is too unreliable

"That's just a cute form in a non-combat state, what's so great?" Although Luo Xia knows that Zi Wu is the watershed in the weapon rank, he will not set his goal on such a watershed. , You must know that compared to Ziwu, Heiwu is more powerful. In addition to ordinary commissioning, there are also weapons created by magic blueprints, which are more stunning and full of surprises.

"Ziwu can still grow up!" Yang Miaomiao was obviously a little unconvinced. In his opinion, Lao Xia just couldn't eat grapes and said grapesao.

"Zi Wu grows up to feed demon cores, but not demon stones, do you have so many demon cores to feed?" Luo Xia said with a solemn tone of disdain.

"Okay, Lao Xia, don't fight the mouse's enthusiasm. Although Ziwu's growth can be quickly improved by feeding magic cores, it can also get a small amount of growth by killing monsters, but it will take a lot of time." Tian felt that it was necessary to explain to Yang Miaomiao clearly, although Sky Dungeon opened a shortcut for local tyrant players, it does not mean that civilian players have nowhere to go. Civilian players can also use a fourth-level magic core to build a 10-level purple weapon, and then continue to kill monsters and constantly feed low-level magic cores to obtain the growth value required for upgrading the weapon.

Of course, this process is long, and civilian players must spend more game time!

"Brother Tian is amazing, I know more meows!" Yang Miaomiao is obviously very grateful for Jing Tian's explanation, otherwise his enthusiasm for Ziwu will really be wiped out a lot, after all, just creating a 30-level purple Weapons all need 3 fourth-level magic cores. If one or more magic cores are needed for each level of growth, it is really unbearable.

"Let's go, download this."

The five people came to the entrance of the Water Curtain Cave of Lost Waterfall again. It has to be said that the number of players at the entrance of the instance is better than the day before, and the voices of calling people to form a team are one after another, endless. Although some people started talking in a low voice after seeing the guild symbol of Qiyun Luoxue, Jing Tian and the others were not interested in listening to what these people said. With the idea of ​​taking the first kill of the 25th dungeon SSS level, everyone directly Into the copy.

After half an hour, the World Channel did not publish any system announcements related to the copy, and Jing Tian and the others had already been sent out the copy.

"Brother Tian, ​​your play style is too unreliable." Yang Miaomiao, who has always supported Jingtian, was a little disappointed.

"Uh... it's just a matter of luck."

Life is like this. You don't necessarily lose at the starting line, and you don't necessarily lose in the amount of hard work and wisdom. Sometimes it's just a little bit of luck. If it is not a bit of luck, there are two points. In short, there is no problem that luck cannot solve.

"This kind of play is very unreliable, but it is indeed possible to win the first kill of sss with good luck." Luo Xia affirmed very seriously, as the team's data master, he must give his own opinions. .

"Why Yu Yan didn't go online today? Her instincts have always been accurate." Jing Tian sighed.

"Are you suspicious of this lady?" Zhao Jiaxue said unwillingly.

It turned out that Jing Tian, ​​the last BOSS of the Dungeon in the Dried Water Curtain Cave, adopted a more desperate way of playing here, which is to kill the clone with fire! It is different from before. Everyone is focusing on the fire and attacking clones to increase the overall output. This time, Jing Tian's goal of focusing on fire is only the real body of the three clones! In fact, no one knows which clone is the real body of the BOSS. According to Jing Tian's analysis, as long as the real body is selected and killed during the BOSS clone, it is possible to completely destroy the BOSS. This theory was actually confirmed in the dungeon just now. When the BOSS was in the second clone state, they forced fire to kill one of them, and that one was also the real body of the BOSS at the time. At the moment they were knocked down, the other two clones disappeared into afterimages.

If the BOSS can set fire and kill the real body for the first time, it can indeed greatly increase the time consumed to kill the BOSS. It should be possible to reach the 500 points required by the SSS, but once the wrong choice is made, There will be a result like the present: 445 points, which is lower than the previous play score, no wonder Yang Miaomiao is a little bit sigh. However, it was Zhao Jiaxue who had just made the choice to kill the clone.

"Uh, maybe every character has a hidden setting of specialty. Your character is the hand of God. You can't pick up the orange outfit. You should try it with someone else. You can't expect it. The system sets you up as an all-around master, right?" Jing Tian raised first and then suppressed.

"Cut, I don't believe it. Let me try again. If you are not sure, then wait for the King of Sword Cavalry to go online and you will get off together. I will see how accurate her instincts are!" Zhao Jiaxue still refuses to admit defeat. Tao.

"Well, do it again!"

As a result, Zhao Jiaxue was very disappointed. Not only did the BOSS not choose the real body for the first time, but even when the BOSS only separated two clones for the second time, she still didn’t choose the right one. She wanted to draw at this moment. Cursing Jing Tian's impulse in circles, he opened his mouth and said coquettishly: "It's all your fault, it's all yours, saying I didn't make the selection, Crow's mouth!"

"That's it, don't shame, change the King of Sword Cavalry into this book." Jing Tian was a little helpless. When they were in the dungeon before, he had a hunch that Zhao Jiaxue could not choose the real body, and had called the King of Sword Cavalry to the door of the dungeon.

The next moment, Zhao Yunxueer left the Jiaxue was naturally still a little unwilling, but since she said it, she had to give way even if she was reluctant, but she was already muttering in reality: "Huh, I'm just here waiting to see your headlines. I'll see if your heart is at work towards Yu Yan, or my luck is not as good as others?"

Jing Tian's heart was sweating profusely: What is this? It's obviously just a matter of luck. Obviously Zhao Jiaxue's luck has been overdrawn today. After all, she fell from the top bunk but didn't suffer any injuries. On the contrary, the back of my head was swollen. , I don’t know what happened on the back, it may have been bruised and swollen. More importantly, how can this luck be linked to the inferior skills? Is there any technical skill for luck?

Naturally, Jing Tian wouldn't care about anything with Zhao Jiaxue, who had always been a little leaping in his mind. After adding the King of Sword Cavalry to the team, he opened the last instance. I have to say that the King of Sword Cavalry was added, and the killing efficiency of the first BOSS. It improved a bit, and soon everyone was killed in the last BOSS room. The Dark Monkey King still fell from the heights awe-inspiringly as usual, exuding a gloomy life.

"The strategy method here is changed. First use basic skills to attack and suppress the BOSS. When the BOSS clones, set fire to one of the clones and win them in one fell swoop. If you are lucky, you can directly finish spreading flowers." Jing Tian explained to the King of Swordsman Tao. Sky Dungeon

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