Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1731: There is such a poor person in the world

"Haha, how could Tengyi not accept us? Isn't even a small planner willing to give it? Isn't the best way to keep us confidential is not to tie us to a boat? Why do we have to buy out? There must be some unknown inside story in this, but we have no idea whatsoever."

At this point, Luo Xia's chubby face seemed to swell in a circle.

"Even if we don't want us to control the game, we can completely arrange for us to idle positions and engage in some corner planning. Taking our grass team, there are any problems in the game planning and development that do not understand. Isn't it easier to communicate and inquire? "

Luo Xia's cheeks turned redder.

"Therefore, Boss Liu's fight is a joke in our opinion. If we are allowed to enter Tengyi Company, even from the bottom, we are confident that we will become the main strategy of the game! However, we actually bought out our creativity , Use the next policy to seal, this kind of restraint is not strong at all, there is no practical effect. If you change to me, you can persuade Tengyi company not to use this kind of lower policy, it is easier to control us, and it is easier to let Sky Dungeon perfect!"

Obviously, Luo Xia's eyes were full of blood-red violence.

Yes, in his opinion, Boss Liu has never seriously considered everyone, let alone convinced Tengyi Company that he only cares about the profit.

"That's the way you think so. It's really reasonable, very interesting. In other words, you think that Boss Liu has been deceiving you from beginning to end, and he hasn't fought for you at all, except for hush money. It may even be He moved his hands and feet on the sealing fee and deducted part of it."

"Isn't it? I didn't get it and I didn't get it before. In fact, the result is the same. Even if I get it, but there is no way to explain such a simple truth to the people of Tengyi company, have you been distracted? Ask casually, this Such false charity and hypocrisy are disgusting."

"Okay! Just as Brother Xia said, I will arrange for someone to publicize this matter. I guarantee that the matter of Mr. Liu can be smoothly passed into Jing Tian's ears."

"Haha, no, this matter, for me, is more effective. Using others will only make people suspicious, whether it is your conspiracy."

"Oh? Your identity is so sensitive now, will they believe it?"

"I will believe it, especially at this time. If you use others to promote it, they will think it is a conspiracy. But if I tell you, it will be different. They are the people who understand my feelings best. , Even if you think that kicking the smoker is an unwise decision, we will do it. Besides, we have the same enemy and the same past. Regardless of the present, the resentment will remain the same, so they can believe my words. ."

"Okay, then wait for the good news from Brother Xia! At this time, don't hesitate to ask what Brother Xia wants. Is it still used to biting by your side?"

Therefore, Luo Xia didn't hesitate, and directly took out her previous mobile phone, turned on the phone and dialed a call in front of the soul of the green wolf.

At the scene where everyone was picking up the wind for Zhao Jiaxue, Zhao Jiaxue's cell phone rang untimely. She picked it up casually, her eyes were round, and she said in disbelief, "What's the situation? Why would he call me? Sorry! I went to answer the phone, and a man who had been pursuing me for many years was resurrected!"

Pursuing you for many years?

Haven't given up yet?

Is there such a poor person in the world?

Everyone didn’t care too much, so Zhao Jiaxue hid in the bathroom and answered the phone: “Hello? Fatty where did you die? You deserve to be single, single for a lifetime! You finally miss me, come back quickly, I will give it to you A place dozens of times better than a kennel, let your life be full of sunshine and women!"

"I'm doing it! Can you change the curse? I have a girlfriend now, and I'm tired of being together every day, living a happy life, maybe I will get married soon. I don't lack your sunshine and women, What kind of woman can you give me?"

"Ahhhhhhhhh, ghosts believe it! I'll give myself to you, do you want?"

"I'm doing it! You made a lot of money this time, and you took so many things home from others. Is there any part of me? Now you are planning to repeat history and use me as a local tyrant to cheat money and sex? You are really ruthless. what!"

Cheating money and sex?

The last point is really impossible...

"Sure enough, you went to the Soul of the Blue Wolf. The game against me this time was under the Soul of the Blue Wolf! Haha, I really lost my wife and broke down, a clever plan!"

"No! If Brother Wolf really knows you so well, I'm afraid he would have been off the set long ago, would you still stay in the Riding Cloud Guild? I made this set, but I found the wrong actor, and you saw the flaw. By the way, how did you see the flaw? Although I don't know the details at all, I am still very curious! Obviously taking you as a person, I won't see through it at all."

"Huh! It turned out to be your bad idea! How could this trickery be possible, this lady, I am the rich young grandmother of the future. That guy said what his name is Ximen Chengfeng, and I knew it was Ximen when I heard it was Ximen! Don't you? You know, Ximenqing is also surnamed Ximen? I don’t have this reasoning ability, and he came out to bluff and deceive. Xiyangsen is really naive. Go back and practice cheating kindergarten children. There are such poor people in the world..."


Because of the surname Ximen?

Are you kidding me?

"I do! For this reason?"

The Soul of the Green Wolf on the side also patted his head, and had to admit that he was defeated by the woman Zhao She would jump thinking. According to a surname, I think the other party and Ximenqing are similar people. This is What an arbitrary and neurotic!

Even the Western Forest’s magical calculations did not expect to stumble into such an inexplicable place, right?

It seems that Xi Yangsen was really wrong before, his acting skills are first-rate, there is no problem at all!

Ah, no, this guy is an idiot. Why can't he be called Wu Dalang if he has to be a Ximen Chengfeng?

Damn idiot, a pot of porridge with a name!

I shouldn't bother Zhao Jiaxue, this kind of stupid woman should fend for themselves and stay in Guiyun Guild to harm their group!

"Yeah, how about it, am I witty? If you call, it will not be a special trip to congratulate me, am I? And I told you that it was not I who did someone else’s stuff, but Xiyangsen himself wanted to give it to me. All those waiters have seen it and think Xiyangsen loves me very much! Don’t be rascal and good people, I won’t return the gifts I received! I only approve of male chauvinism!"

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