Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1837: new device

At the very least, this shows that my online treatment has also played a certain role. Combined with overseas offline treatment, my sister's anthrophobia has real hope of curing for the first time.

Until now, Hei does not know Bai will occasionally say a few words on the guild channel, making all the single dogs who are performing a scene of passionate dialogue overjoyed, one by one, as if they are on a stimulant, talking with the saint.

However, in this case, black does not understand white but will immediately become dumb, without saying a word, and even go directly offline to seek the peace of reality...

However, Ji Yumian was not so careful, not angry because the black and white brothers and sisters did not join the Scenery Party Guild, nor did they forget them when updating the equipment.

After all, she also likes little black sister very much. Besides, everyone has been together for a long time, and friendship is naturally indispensable. Therefore, Ji Yumian is very gracious to help everyone change their equipment this time. Even if they are overseas, they also Feeling Ji Yumian's concern for them, this made tears in their eyes.

After Huaxia placed the order and found that the delivery date is today, everyone is completely out of the mood to continue the mission. After all, Jiuying’s car has been robbed for a week, and it’s not a big deal to delay for a long time. It’s everyone’s current state of mind. It is no longer suitable to face the BOSS. Instead of being tortured to death by the BOSS, it is better to discuss the use of new equipment together.

It doesn't matter if the mission really fails or something, anyway, it will open a branch line, so it won't be completely impossible.

Not to mention Jing Tian and the others, the influence of the Empress and Feng Ji is there. No matter how arrogantly kicking Tian Nong Jing, it is impossible to ignore the anger and revenge of the fans.

It can be said that everything is the power of Internet celebrities...

"Brother Tian, ​​you said that after we use the new equipment, can we completely cross into the game world?"

" might have guessed right this time. The parallel stealth system is absolutely impossible for the player to combine the virtual and the real. It must enter the stealth state to separate the main consciousness and the auxiliary consciousness, and separate the two consciousnesses from each other. No intervention. Of course, you can also play at the same time. The interaction between the two parties is based on the common game."

"What do you mean, can I play the game by myself in a team? It sounds so cool!"

"This is almost the case, but it should not be possible to create new characters. Even if you play a game with yourself, it is not a team game."

"Hero, then it's like saying, can I play the game with my heart and live it with my heart? The technological advancement is really a very convenient and good thing, everything is the power of Internet celebrities!

Sure enough, Internet celebrities are most concerned about such problems!

That’s right, the most difficult problem for Internet celebrities is to play games while broadcasting live. After all, “(Sky Dungeon)” has an indissoluble bond with the voice system itself. The first generation of game equipment needs to use voice to give quick instructions to display skills, while the second generation of games The device began to require the player's voice or lip language to give instructions, which made it difficult for net celebrities to comment on the live broadcast while playing.

However, the parallel stealth system is the savior of Internet celebrity players!

When the parallel sneak separates the main consciousness and the auxiliary consciousness, the player can use the main consciousness to play the role wholeheartedly, and his auxiliary consciousness serves as the anchor to explain the situation on the scene.

It's like a player explaining his own feelings while playing the game. Normal players can't achieve a complete dual purpose, especially a perfect dual purpose, but pseudo-parallel world stealth can do it.

However, there will still be some problems here. For example, even if you explain your own game character actions live, there may be misjudgments!

Compared with the main consciousness, the auxiliary consciousness is not perfect. The main consciousness can exert the strongest combat power of the character when playing the game, control the combat environment more effectively, and make more effective responses.

The thinking is relatively more mature and predictable.

However, the isolated auxiliary consciousness may not have the perfect response ability of the main consciousness, so it may not be able to keep up with the main brain's thinking during the interpretation, and misjudgments may occur.

There is nothing wrong with this phenomenon. Instead, many anchors use the huge contrast between before and after to add topics and laughs to the live broadcast.

Often when they explain the misjudgment themselves, they often say the last sentence: "I didn't think I could not see through myself!"

It's like writing an article by myself, reading comprehension by myself, but getting the wrong answer by myself is generally contrary to...

In just two hours, the fourth-generation gaming equipment purchased by Ji Yumian had been delivered downstairs, and everyone was naturally excited to pick up the goods downstairs.

Bringing a new set of equipment back to the bedroom immediately entered the changed unboxing mode.

The unboxing time is the happiest time for most people. Whether you are satisfied with the items you buy, this happy time for unboxing cannot be erased.

After everyone unboxed, they were shocked to speak when they saw the brand new gaming equipment.

That's right, the pit guy, Kitian Nongjing, always likes to keep a sense of mystery, so when the fourth-generation game device was released, there was only a functional introduction manual, but no pictures of the device itself were released.

Of course, there may have been players who have obtained the equipment and took pictures and distributed the pictures, but Jing Tian did not pay attention to these, so this seemed a little surprised.

Why is it surprised, because the VR device I received was not what everyone thought it was. I thought it was a heavy helmet or a headset-like device, but now everyone is receiving a whole sleeping bag!

That's right, it's a sleeping bag!

Why is a sleeping bag?

Take a look at the new host, the appearance of the host turned out to be a small suitcase!

In fact, even if you don’t buy the fourth-generation console, players can buy a "sleeping bag" and connect to the second-generation console, and you can also turn on the parallel stealth system, but it may be subject to many restrictions, such as playing while working. Games, if you need to use a computer during office, the performance of the computer will be poor. After all, the host uses half of the resources to run the game, and only half of the resources can be used to run the virtual office!

Naturally, Ji Yumian would not save money in this regard, and directly bought the fourth-generation game console at the same time.

However, this time the game console obviously took into account the portability and convenience of the equipment, so it completely abandoned the shape of the traditional game console and changed the shape of the suitcase.

And this suitcase-shaped host is also very cute.

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