Sky Dungeon

Chapter 188: 0 Million bubble will not make an appointment, let you wind from east to west

"I said mouse, save the time. Your little friend is energy-saving and emission-reducing. You should eat more for yourself, maybe you can grow taller." Luo Xia burst into laughter, no Forget to continue sarcasm Yang Meow.

Since the participation of these Ziwu, even the boring flight journey has become interesting. Everyone uses their own methods to make fun with their friends. Sometimes the friends can’t answer the master’s questions, and the friends will still Ask the host how to answer. Others may not know, Jing Tian and Luo Xia naturally know that this is the system collecting data and recording answers. When the owner asks the same question again, the friend will answer what the owner taught before. Of course, the recorded answers cannot be promoted by the whole server immediately. After a certain amount of manual review is deemed reasonable, all the small partners on the server will share the answer data. This is to improve the automatic chat interactive system step by step.

In this way, time passed easily and happily, as if in the blink of an eye, the group reappeared in Chisa City. Seeing the diversified and naive little friends, Zhao Jiaxue's face was filled with unpleasant colors, and immediately ordered: "Go to the underground city now, the old lady's Ziwu must be done tonight!"

"Hey? Wait, the village woman is online, catch her as a coolie, let's go together." Jing Tian was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the village woman would be online when they met Zhao Yunxue'er, not that she would go online later. How come it seems that Jing Tian will go to the dungeon to brush magic cores now? This inevitably made Jing Tian wonder whether it was a coincidence or that the village woman was paying attention to her every move through some special GM method.

"Come to see you at the entrance of Chisa City Underground City." Jing Tian sent a voice message to the village woman, but the reply he got surprised him somewhat. I saw the village woman’s reply: "Oh? The slave family has been waiting here for a long time, and the officials just come here."

Jing Tian remembered that she was off the line with the village woman. At this time, the village woman should be in the leveling area. Is it possible that she would have any special displacement methods? Isn't this GM's blatant use of teleportation? But when I thought about it again, Jing Tian was relieved. I am afraid that the village woman deliberately caused the illusion that she was offline together. In fact, she did not go offline, or she went online after she was offline, and stopped the character at the entrance of the dungeon. She must have expected that she would go to the dungeon from Chisa City, after all, it was quite quiet to level up and spawn monsters here before.

"set off."

"Don't you want to wait for the village woman, why, got dumped?" Zhao Jiaxue said a little gloating.

"Uh... I was left behind. Hurry up. The village woman is already waiting for us at the entrance of the dungeon."

"This person is really not easy." Yu Yan's elegant voice carried a hint of appreciation.

"Yeah, the **** sister is mighty, maybe some teleportation method was also unearthed by her." Yang Miaomiao still supports the village woman, and has become a little follower of the head of GM.

"Impossible." Yun Yiyi only coldly denied.

"Uh... it's not completely impossible, but it's really impossible at this stage. It's not that the game doesn't have a similar setting, but the player's level has not reached that level. Let's go, discuss this issue while walking." Jing Tian led a party While chatting, people arrived at the entrance of the underground city in the center of the town.

Sure enough, the village women had already stood at the entrance. What made everyone different was that in addition to the village women, they were surrounded by passers-by. When everyone around them racked their brains to strike up a conversation, the village women ignored a word, as if facing It's just the whistling wind.

This situation is precisely this situation: the ten thousand years will not make an appointment, let the east and the west wind! This is somewhat inconsistent with the bohemian and unrestrained performance of the village woman on weekdays. Could it be that she only becomes enchanting with Jing Tian?

"Hey, you are really a celebrity now!" Jing Tian said lightly on the current channel. Although there are not as many players surrounding the village women when they kill BOSS in the wild, the village women are still like a small celebrity and are sought after. I have to say that this makes Jing Tian a little envious. And it feels sour.

The village woman shone in front of her eyes, and she passed through the crowd in an instant, and ran in front of the people sitting in Jingguantian. She also unabashedly said in a shameless voice on the current channel: "Officials can be counted. That said, I didn't talk to anyone, surrounded by so many people, the slave family was so scared and shy."

Crit! Absolute crit! There is no place for Jing Tian's old face at all. Let's not talk about the reaction of people. Even Zhao Jiaxue, who is getting along with him at night, snorted in reality at this time, expressing his strong dissatisfaction with him. Not to mention Yun Yiyi and Yu Yan, naturally with an angry gaze enveloping the two of Xiu Enai.

"You really are a control freak!" Yu Yan's elegant voice was filled with resentment, as if asking why she didn't control herself.

In fact, it is these passers-by who are closer to collapse in their hearts. ~ When they learned that the culprit who had tried all their best to reach a successful conversation was actually this fallen angel named Zuijing Guantian. Unsurprisingly, the muzzle was turned around, and all kinds of sarcasm and ridicule were overwhelmingly sounded on the current channel. It is simply: endless drooling, endless drooling.

Fortunately, this is just a bit of talk. If you change to a real gun with live ammunition, you will probably lose your appearance if you sit and watch the sky.

"I'm carrying this pot of you." After the village woman was invited to join the team, Jing Tian changed to the team channel and said such a lightly. After all, today she used the village woman to help her fight so many worlds. BOSS, is it a waste of time for upgrading? What's more, the exposure of the hidden occupation of the village woman started when she helped herself fight the world boss. If she hadn't invited herself, there would not be so many people paying attention to her, and no one would be around her. Isn't it a twitter? Thinking of this, Jing Tian's heart is somewhat balanced, and there are certain things that he should bear, and he must be responsible for his own responsibility, let alone find an excuse to escape.

"Oh? The slave family has handed themselves over to the officials. Is it because the officials are taking responsibility?" The village woman seems to have a good grasp, but the argument is totally unacceptable. Fortunately, everyone is accustomed to her now. Speaking style, I also know that Jing Tian did not actually do anything excessive to the village women, and most of the time he did not take it seriously, but the village women’s way of speaking really slandered several beautiful women, even if they didn’t say anything, Her heart has established her as the number one unpleasant woman.

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