Sky Dungeon

Chapter 191: Are your feet sick?

It turned out to be Miss! Doesn't this mean that Jing Tian has been relying on Miss Sister to solve his physical problems for the past three years?

At this moment, Jing Tian really wanted to drop the VR device, then kicked open the door of Luo Xia's bedroom, and then beat the fat man so his parents thought he was an alien...I am afraid this is from this lifetime, Jing The most ruthless time it was darkened!

"Brother Tian is mighty!" I don't know what Yang Miaomiao is thinking at this time, but he also came up with such a sentence inexplicably. In the eyes of young people, illegal and discipline are all the feats of Liang Shang heroes on behalf of the sky?

"Are your feet sick?" Yu Yan's elegant voice was a little worried. She is indeed a young lady who grew up abroad. She didn't even know what the pedicure shop in Chengzhong Village did for selling dog meat.

"Yes, he is sick, he has a serious foot odor, Qilixiang, Hong Kong feet! I pledged as my roommate with him for more than three years!" Luo Xia laughed with an unprecedented pleasure.

awkward! It can only be said to be embarrassing! But Jing Tian is a sensible person. Although Luo Xia blacks himself, this absolutely proves the fact that he does not have a fiancée in fact, so he is too lazy to defend himself, even if he is mistaken for a protégé who drank flowers and wine last night. The prodigal son, can't let everyone know that he was a living puppet who had no right to speak even about marriage events! Political marriage and fiancee are terrible!

"Oh? The fiancée was just a delusion of the slave family. The slave family thought that outstanding men like officials were naturally selected by wealthy women who had earned their status at a young age. Since there are none, the slave family is relieved." The village woman suddenly pretended Put out a pitiful accent.

Delusion? Or is it a woman's sixth sense? Or what else do you want? Jing Tian had already begun to think about this somewhat unexpected woman quickly in her mind. The moment she spoke in a serious manner, she seemed to have investigated her identity information and had any conclusive evidence, but this moment has become a behavior. The little woman who loves temptation really makes Jing Tian somewhat unacceptable.

It's really a risk! If Jing Tian chose to admit it last moment, I am afraid that the current situation is out of control, but fortunately, he has never admitted the marriage contract in his heart, and has never admitted the identity of the woman's fiancee. Jing Tian thought so in his heart, and his mood slowly calmed down.

"Officials, if you don't dislike it, let's get engaged to the Nujia. The Nujia is originally yours, whether in the game or in reality, at any time..."

Before the village woman could finish her words, Jing Tian was already operating sitting Jing Guantian and rushing towards the monster in front of him. He obviously didn't want to pay attention to the village woman anymore. Naturally, Jing Tian didn't want to be tortured by the village woman anymore. The village woman said something that stimulated everyone.

"Are you angry?" Yun Yiyi asked coldly in reality, seeming to see something wrong. After all, Jing Tian shouldn't be angry with such a joke. He should be angry with Luo Xia more than a village woman, but Jing Tian seems very satisfied with Luo Xia's relief. Does Jing Tian really care about what his fiancee said? Yun Yiyi thought so, her icy face frowned slightly.

"No." Jing Tian only faintly returned these two words, but I have to admit that such a joke by the village woman evoked many unpleasant memories in Jing Tian.

During the next leveling process, the village woman suddenly became abnormally quiet. It seems that she also found Jing Tian's abnormality. Even Yang Miaomiao, who has always been low in EQ, seemed to feel something. Taking the jokes of the village women as a time division point, it becomes extremely depressing. In this repressive atmosphere, the efficiency of gaining experience has also declined slightly, but everyone is still upgraded to level 31 as planned. It can be regarded as refreshing the highest record of the world ranking list again. After seeing some good things, players even promoted it on the World Channel for everyone in the Cloud Riding Guild.

However, Mu Xiu Yu Lin Feng will destroy it, and everyone must be blamed if it is higher than everyone. The voices of sarcasm and ridicule in the World Channel are endless.

That's right, players in the world now refer to Riding Clouds and Falling Snow Guilds as Riding Clouds Guilds for short. This is in line with the habits of online game players and try to simplify other people's nicknames or guild names.

In the evening, a few people sat down in the living room routinely to hold a summary meeting. Although Jing Tian sorted out all the things that happened in the game today as usual, and exchanged opinions with everyone, when he laughed, he still seemed to bring it. With a little dignity, Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue can naturally feel it.

I have to say that God still takes good care of Zhao Jiaxue, just when she is still thinking about if she can't get the fourth-level magic core today, and will not be troubled by Jingtian and Luoxia, the system will pop up the ROLL reminder of the fourth-level magic core. Everyone chose to give up according to the agreed matters before the mobs were wiped out. Zhao Jiaxue randomly ROLL out 129 points and obtained the magic core she urgently needed.

When he woke up, Jing Tian went downstairs to buy breakfast as usual after freshening up. However, what he did not expect was that the moment he walked out of the gate of the community, the car that only met one side was unforgettable for a lifetime. The pink modified Land Rover came into view.

I'm really afraid of someone coming, the village woman is really a crow's mouth!

Jing Tian suddenly had the urge to turn around and go But he still shook his head in the bottom of his heart. If he escaped, wouldn't it appear that he was cowardly and that he could not control his life? So, while he took a nervous step, he thought about the woman's intention to come here. Did she know that he was kissing Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi? Unless there is this woman in the room! Jing Tian vetoed the random thoughts in his mind and stopped in front of the Land Rover car.

However, the owner of the Pink Land Rover did not push the door to get out of the car this time, but only slowly lowered the window of the driver's seat by a gap and passed the two words: "Get in!"

Jing Tian was shocked for a moment, and then directly opened the back seat door on the same side as the driver's seat, and after walking into the car, he slammed the door closed.

"Let's talk, what's the matter?" Jing Tian tried his best to show an impatient appearance, as if he had encountered a bad friend who came to borrow money again.

"Oh? It's okay." The woman said indifferently.

"I'm going, it's okay. What do you call me into the car?" Jing Tian said depressed, and reached out to pull the door lock, but what made him even more depressed was that the door was locked and it was a special safety that he could not open. lock.

"It's too hot outside, don't you think that if I go out in this way, the temperature outside will be higher?" The woman said as she deliberately adjusted the angle of the rear mirror so that Jing Tian could clearly browse over her delicate body Dress up.

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