Sky Dungeon

Chapter 205: Let FPS players find 1 day in the game

Next, something even more incredible happened. [Sister who doesn’t eat mice]’s walking position was not a crab step in place, but a crab step retreat. While she moved left and right, her body was gradually retreating. This is more Complicated tactical positioning. After all, in Sky Dungeon, when using this retreat crab step, you must always consider ensuring that the prey is within your own range. If you retreat while jumping out of the attack range, then this This tactical position lost its original value.

However, what is incredible is that [Sister Who Doesn't Eat Rats] actually accurately locked the distance to the monster, and consistently maintained the farthest range of attacks, it is not like a novice player at all! Is this the true face of FPS God?

Ordinary attacks do not require voice commands and can be performed through shortcut keys. As a result, Yang Mimi found a complete FPS feeling in Sky Dungeon, and every next ordinary attack accurately removed the depressed one. The Butterfly Beast headshot, although the normal attack did not interrupt the Butterfly Beast's actions, but the Butterfly Beast was unable to get close to the sister who didn't eat mice, and even her hair didn't touch a single piece of it. It turned out to be a perfect kite flow!

"Hey, Frog, have you ever considered that someone would use general attack to play MMORPG online games as a first-person shooter competitive game?"

Luo Xia was a little unbelievable, and even more confused. It was obvious that Yang Mimi had learned the custom settings of voice commands for skills from herself just now, so she didn't need to learn a skill after all.

"Uh...I thought about it, don’t forget that I said before that FPS players can also find a piece of sky in the game, but can this efficiency be high? The damage power of ordinary attacks is too low, unless it is matched with a professional skill."

Jing Tian already tweeted in his heart: Only this kind of natural idiot would play this way. If he had to kill a monster so many attacks, he would definitely go crazy. With professional skills? Is it possible that someone can perfectly interpret what I had originally imagined?

"Stupid sister, you give me a good use of skills!" Yang Miaomiao originally thought that her sister hadn't done what she did. At least the queen of misses from the beginning has returned to the former spear goddess, but she listened. After Luo Xia and Jing Tian had a conversation, he realized that all this was just the beginning.

"But... but it's just a monster. Is it necessary to use skills? Obviously, ordinary bullets are infinite. If you don't do more ordinary bullets to pop out, I am sorry for such an amazing setting." Yang Mimi's thoughts jumped again.

Everyone was speechless. Indeed, according to the FPS setting, all weapons are set with bullets. If the trap box is regarded as a gun, its ammunition count is really unlimited. It seems that something is wrong, Luo Xia immediately said: "Skills are also infinite bullets. They are just special bullets that limit the frequency of use. Think about it."

"Giant panda, you are so stupid, I thought about it a long time ago." After speaking, Yang Miaomiao seemed to be a different person, and once again manipulated the character and rushed out. This time she was facing three gatherings In the direction of the giant red ant, [Sister who doesn't eat mice] once again stepped out of the crab step.

At this moment, her lips were separated up and down, and she softly issued a skill command: "Ghost bomb!" At this time, everyone discovered that the sister who was not a mouse finally played a basic skill, and it was the phantom needle of the trap! This flying needle shot out slowly at a speed visible to the naked eye, staying in the air, but at this time the real body of the phantom needle was already stuck on the head of the giant red ant. That's right, the flying needle visible to the naked eye in the air is just a phantom. Although this skill does not have any negative status, it also has the miraculous effect of confusing the player's vision in PVP.

"Tracer!" Yang Mimi said the strange bullet name again. At the same time, the trap box in the hands of the sister who does not eat mice shoots an object, dragging a silver beam directly at the head of another giant red ant, and in the next instant, a bright silver dart is embedded in the giant red ant’s head. Above the head.

Of course it's not over yet. Yang Mimi's mouth moved slightly, and another strange term came out: "RPG!" This is not the abbreviation of a role-playing game. The full name is RocketPropelledGrenade (Rocket Propelled Grenade), commonly known as a rocket launcher. At the same time, the violin box in the hand of Yang Mimi’s character flew out of a weirdly colored spherical stone. When the stone hit the last giant red ant, the spherical stone suddenly burst open, setting off a burst of blasting force of flame and thunder. , Swallowed all the three giant red ants.

This is the basic group attack skill of the Trap Box: Thunder Fire Migratory Locust! This Yang Mimi is really not bullshit, the explosion effect scene really feels like a rocket.

Yang Mimi naturally understood that this attack was not enough to destroy the three monsters, so the mechanism box in her character's hand did not mean to stop at all. As the character used the crab to retreat, countless ordinary attack bullets actually hit them separately. Three giant red ants. It has to be said that Yang Mimi’s operation at this time is very smooth and Treating a few weak monsters without the slightest negligence, she really has the feeling of playing PVP in PVE, just playing in MMORPG online games. It feels like PVP for FPS shooting online games.

"Stupid sister, there is a spare weapon for meow." Yang Miaomiao said again commandingly from the side.

Yang Mimi pouted, she really had forgotten this setting before, but she was very stubborn while pressing the voice button while keeping the shot gesture and said: "Idiot brother, I just disdain to use it. You don't need to remind me. If you don’t believe me, I’ll use it for you!” So ​​the next moment the sister who doesn’t eat mice pulled out the crossbow on her back, and shot at the three monsters like flowing water. The accuracy of the shooting is even that of Jingtian and Yun. Yiyi is ashamed. After all, these two people often use bows and crossbows, but their eyes are almost falling off, staring intently at how this tall mermaid, who looks like wearing a seductive black leather pants, can do it like a gun. head shot!

I have to say that Yang Miaomiao seemed to have seen the majestic and heroic sharpshooter empress of the past. At this moment, he even felt proud of having such a sister.

"Sure enough, it still feels weird to use the limited special bullet setting. It's still very awkward and I always feel that it doesn't go well." The three giant red ants were unexpectedly killed by Yang Mimi's mermaid. I have to say that the gun-shot headshot style is really arrogant, and more importantly, with the crab retreating, Yang Mimi achieved zero damage, which is simply a textbook-level kite-flying style!

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