Sky Dungeon

Chapter 207: Conspiracy emerged at the beginning of the cloud

"Uh...this way, they are all at level 29. It's not that they don't have time to fight us. I'm afraid they are aiming at our guild residence." Jing Tian analyzed indifferently, and everyone heard cold sweat on their backs. After all, this is a big American power, and it is not something that these small players can contend. After all, this is not a game played by one man.

It's true: a conspiracy emerged in the early days of Xiyun, and the mountains and rain are about to come and wind all over the building.

"It is indeed possible, no, it should be said that this is the reason. They must be at level 30 and want to establish the first power of the demon. After the demon is established, they can launch the invasion mission. Once they invade, I am afraid that the first One goal is our guild. After all, there is no other guild. Even in the game we can fight against them, but the guild residence is dead. As the saying goes, monks who run away cannot run to the temple. They must think so. "Luo Xia also analyzed very seriously.

"They will lose." Yun Yiyi coldly expressed his opinion unexpectedly, and couldn't tell where she was confident.

"No, there are only seven of us..." Yang Miaomiao didn't say anything. Even if he didn't say the following, everyone should understand. When the alien’s thoughts should jump, he settled down. After all, Yang Miaomiao also discovered that there is no anti-sky artifact in the online game Sky Dungeon, there is no invincible potion, there is no uniqueness, even krypton gold They are all struggling and can only be used for equipment, just one step ahead.

"Indeed, this is not a competitive game. Who said that our guild can only have 7 of us? If they start the invasion mission at the first time and do not make sufficient preparations, they will definitely be shocked. You know, the game world It's not surprising, but the enemy is forced to be too small." Jing Tian's mouth raised a strange arc. If Luo Xia sees it at this time, she naturally knows that if the demons really want to invade, they must be out of luck.

"Who else is there besides us?" Yang Miaomiao asked with a puzzled expression.

"Oh? Little brother, why do you ask so much? Do you know where our advantage lies? Of course it is in the amount of intelligence about the game. The official has not released a detailed introduction and strategy for the invasion of the demons. However, our side With first-hand information, we naturally know how to resist the invasion of the demons. This invasion war will be directly lost by the demons once they start. I believe they will not make complete preparations. Although there are 7 of our players at level 31 leading the world rankings in the league, there are not many players at level 29. When the demons build their power at level 30, the population will naturally be no less than dozens of people. They will not miss such a level time difference. It’s a great opportunity, and the war will be launched as soon as possible.” Liu Yaya’s analysis seems to be very reasonable. If you wait until the general level of alliance players reaches 30 to join the guild, the demons will lose their numerical advantage. This is indeed the case.

Obviously Liu Yaya did not want Jing Tian to leak too much, and she also showed distrust of Yang Miaomiao. The soldier’s style is rigorous. If Yang Miaomiao is asked to continue to ask questions, then Jingtian will surely come out. It seems to the heavens that there is no doubt about employing people. If others fail their trust, then it is their sorrow, not their own misfortune.

"That's it, there is a **** sister, open an invincible mode or something, and kill them all by one person." Yang Miaomiao didn't understand what Liu Yaya meant, and his thoughts jumped directly.

Naturally, a black line is falling in everyone's hearts. But this is good, Liu Yaya's goal can be considered achieved.

"Uh... after going online this afternoon, let’s do guild missions together. Yesterday the guild mission hall has been completed, and the missions are available today. Guild missions can increase the guild’s fund income, increase experience, and increase everyone’s guild points contribution. In the future, the points contribution can be exchanged for the broken pages of the ancient skill book."

Jing Tian did not choose to build the mission hall on the first day, because comprehension skills are important, but after all, they can’t be exchanged for a while. Although the mission hall can increase the guild’s financial income, guild missions often involve hunting powerful monsters or Killing the demons is related and time-consuming. Although the task of killing demons is very similar to the daily tasks of the demons, the demons will be randomly teleported to the leveling area or dungeon with alliance players. The Alliance Guild’s killing mission requires players to find the Demon by themselves, and it takes a lot of time to run. Even if the experience is the same as the Demon’s killing mission, then the efficiency is quite different.

"Oh? Then the more people do the guild mission, the better, the more funds the guild has, and the faster the guild develops?" Liu Yaya asked in a serious manner.

"It is true that the more people complete the guild mission, the more the guild’s capital income will be, but the daily maintenance of the guild will also increase with the increase in and the guild’s hall must be upgraded to accommodate more. For the players, the cost of upgrading the lobby is quite expensive, and the task lobby is the same. If the task lobby is not upgraded, the number of tasks obtained from the system every day cannot meet the needs of the guild personnel, and it will also cause player dissatisfaction. Although if we Also, if the mission hall is full, there will be unfinished missions, but in fact, the guild mission limit is limited to twice a day. We only need to upgrade the mission hall to satisfy everyone with seven-star missions. It is the per capita resource advantage of the small guild. The seven-star mission of the big guild may always be needed, but we are very rich." Jing Tian felt that Liu Yaya might not understand the guild's settings, so he talked more carefully.

"Oh? That is to say, the development of the Grand Guild is relatively slow. Although the overall combat effectiveness is relatively strong, the strength of the members can not be maximized, and the individual combat capability is very low. The officials really have a vision, and the slaves are all over. I became excited with admiration." Liu Yaya, who was still serious at first, suddenly changed back to that enchanting voice, without concealing his love for Jing Tian.

Of course, in this way, it is naturally successful to attract the hateful eyes of other women.

"Uh... I think we can't wait for the afternoon. Let's go to the level 30 dungeon to open up wasteland. The level 30 orange outfit can also be dropped in the level 30 dungeon heaven and earth crater. At least it can improve everyone's strength. Most people are still at the level 25 equipment stage, and it is also very important to change outfits as soon as possible." Jing Tian immediately changed the subject.

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