Sky Dungeon

Chapter 210: Don't laugh the mobs with weak bosses, staying as chickens and dolphins in hungry

"Is there such a big little monster?" Yang Miaomiao said noncommittal.

"Uh... after hitting it." Sitting on the well and looking at the sky, he rushed forward. The village woman followed her on the left side of her body. Although the tunnel was not spacious, it was enough for five players to walk side by side.

The monster in front of him was indeed a little scary. It was a crystalline white bear inlaid with crystals. On the mouth of the blood basin, saliva dripped abnormally.

I have to say that Jing Tian underestimated this level 35 crystallized white bear. After Yun Xueyi hit the crystallized white bear with a magic arrow, sitting on the well watched the sky and habitually used a skyfall. When he tried to descend from the sky, the crystallized white bear in front of him showed no signs of slowness. Instead, it seemed to use some acceleration skills to sprint forward. In the next moment, Jing Tian’s Fang Tianji smashed with the sound of breaking the wind. Empty, and Jinghua Baixiong has taken the village woman in his mouth at this time.

Seeing the sudden change in front of him, Zhao Yunxue'er immediately used a demon tune, and the melodious flute sounded, but the crystalized white bear still bit the village woman. At this time, even the village woman was a little anxious: "The official save me, the two of them can't interrupt."

Neither of them can interrupt? Sitting on the well and watching the sky, a traverse had already cut a red hole on the crystallized white bear's back. With this cross-cutting hit, the mouth of the crystallized white bear's blood basin finally opened again, and the village woman fell to the ground along the way. At this time, her health bar had lost more than half.

At this moment, the non-eating mouse who was hiding behind Zhao Yunxue'er moved to the crystalized white bear. Although he wanted to give the behemoth in front of him a headshot, his short body couldn't reach the crystal even if he jumped up. It transforms the head of the white bear, so I don’t want to eat the mouse, so I just carried a one-handed red tasseled gun at the crystalized white bear just randomly stabbed a basic skill attack. Although this attack did not cause much damage, the crystalized white bear was shot for a short time. The action was interrupted, and the bear's paw that had been raised high was lowered again.

When Jing Tian saw this situation, he immediately understood. After he used a broken tendon toward the crystallized white bear's hind legs, he immediately said: "This is magic immunity. For physical attacks, Ya Ya is responsible for the main interruption. Support the attack."

Limited magic immunity? However, in Sky Dungeon, this monster intelligence is not magic immunity in the traditional sense, but can withstand a certain amount of magic damage. Before this, the monster can let all the magic attack damage and negative effects that attack itself. All resolved. This is generally the intelligence that BOSS has, and I didn't expect it to be used on Crystallized White Bear. No wonder this guy dared to rush up, showing that this guy is also a half-BOSS. Although it is possible for Yun Yiyi and the others to use magic attacks to break the magic immunity, for two magic classes with poor output, breaking the magic immunity is not as effective as changing the physical attack.

"Beast, you dare to bite me!" Liu Yaya yelled, but she didn't speak at this time. However, in the next moment, everyone felt the village woman's strangeness, as if the village woman's entire role was enveloped in a group of strong evil spirits. It must be said that the village woman's coherent skill attack with the purple sickle at this time is more sharp than before, and it is At the same time as the skills are released, the village women will jump up, and every move will strike the crystalized white bear's head without any deviation. Next, the village women exchanged all long-handled weapons, and their moves were aimed at the head of the crystallized white bear, as if to behead it alive. Seeing everyone's heart is slightly cool, as if seeing Liu Yaya's real life scene of something unlucky, it is really a bit scary.

As the saying goes: Don’t laugh, the mobs have weak bosses and stay as chickens and dolphins in hungry years!

"Brother Tian, ​​this is definitely not a little monster leader Meow." A minute later, without eating a mouse, he madly pressed the shortcut of the normal attack and said his own judgment.

That's right, the weapons in the village woman's package have been changed, but the crystalized white bear is still standing. If this guy was a mob, he should have fallen. Jing Tian hesitated for a while and said: "It should be a half-boss, not even a boss. The health bar is obviously not as long as the boss, but this guy also has more than ten times more health than the mobs of the same level. It seems we This book is really boring, not to mention taking the first kill, it is very suspenseful to pass the level smoothly. If two such monsters attack us at the same time, we will have to destroy."

"Fortunately, there are village women, and the skills can be changed without interruption under our support. Otherwise, let alone two, we will also have to destroy one of them." Zhao Jiaxue can see clearly at this time. Perhaps this was the first time she faced a mob that felt powerless. After all, apart from the magic attack, she only had the three basic attack skills of the magic sword. What's more sad was that the magic sword hit the crystalized white bear. The damage from the magical attack will be offset, leaving only a pitiful damage value for the physical attack.

A few minutes later, under the combined efforts of the five people, the half-boss crystalline white bear was finally killed to the ground. After the recovery, everyone walked forward with lingering but when they saw the front At the time of the monster of, everyone felt that they had been sentenced to death. They had already warmly greeted the whole family of the main strategy of the game in their hearts, because although the monsters walking in front of the field of vision were still crystalized white bears, they were three this time. ! That's right, two monsters that may destroy the group at random, three appear at once, how can it not make people desperate?

I'm really afraid of what's coming. Jing Tian, ​​who originally said that the two groups would be destroyed, was a little green at this time. He also wanted to rush to Tengyi Company to grab the game owner's hair. This is not clear. Put the player to death? No, this seems to suit the style of the game's main strategy. First, a half-boss is thrown, and then three guys who look like half-boss scare the player? What a horrible taste!

As the saying goes, letting it die and resurrecting, Jing Tian still wanted to give it a try and asked Yun Xueyi to play a magic arrow rain, but this time, after a dense blue magic arrow was pierced on the three crystalized white bears , The actions of the monsters unexpectedly slowed down.

It really works! These three crystalized white bears have no magic immunity! I'm afraid it's just an ordinary boss monster level!

The mood of these people was relaxed. Sitting on the well and watching the sky, one jumped up and rushed up and it was a sky drop. Fang Tianji hit the head of the crystalized white bear headed heavily, but it is expected that the crystalized white bear will fall to the ground. It didn't appear, the action of the white bear was only interrupted briefly. From this, it can be inferred that the three white bears are likely to have very high physical negative resistance!

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