Sky Dungeon

Chapter 221: This marriage must be divorced

Despite being tortured by Jing Tian’s method, Liu Yaya smiled happily. It seemed that she had been waiting for this moment for a long, long time, wishing to record what Jing Tian just said with her mobile phone, repeating it dozens of times and hundreds of times every day. all over.

Perhaps this is love. You can forgive your lover for pranking yourself in an instant, only to repeatedly experience the loving part of the prank.

Naturally, Jing Tian was also afraid of calling out the unwarranted name "wife" in front of people nearby, otherwise, his old face probably wouldn't have any ground cracks to drill.

However, the next moment Liu Yaya took the initiative to speak. This opening gave Jing Tian an urge to turn around and run away, no matter how many people he had kissed Liu Yaya! It's not uncommon for ghosts to know!

Because Liu Yaya pretended to be cute and grotesque: "Husband, the person you got is so painful, they are a bit unstable, or you are carrying them."

Naked revenge! Liu Yaya’s voice didn’t mean low-key at all. The few boys next to him followed from the parking lot to the unmanned supermarket, and even a few middle-aged uncles pretended to be waiting for someone to park in the supermarket door, looking desperately here, clearly. They were all attracted by Liu Yayan's "this woman should have been in the sky, but she should have traveled in the world"!

Although Liu Yaya wears a sports visor with automatic color control, it can't hide her stunning appearance. What's more, the pair of slender white legs exposed to the air are enough to make people think about it, but fortunately, the sky blue shorts. The lower part is tightly covered, otherwise, I am afraid that some villains have already used something wrong!

However, it is this short shorts with a slender waist that outlines Liu Yaya's buttocks in a perfect, full and round arc. There is also that group of turbulent and elastic big Lantern Festival, which makes people unable to look away, because her upper body is only wearing a small to the extreme exposed white short sleeves, and her enchanting bee waist has a very obvious vest line. To make people feel comfortable, I want to caress the left and right hands. What's more important is that when Liu Yaya talks, her chest will be pulled up naturally, and the white short sleeves will be pulled up naturally, inadvertently revealing the more exciting trend inside, which makes people always vigilant and ready to capture wonderful photos. Picture.

Because Liu Yaya was thinking about being cool and beautiful, she only posted two coin-sized **** stickers when she went out today. The white short sleeves with exposed navels are a real vacuum!

Although everyone could not listen to what they said to Liu Yaya today, the decibels between the two of them were too big, and they were even suspected of spreading dog food. However, when everyone reflected what Liu Yaya had said, the young man spit on the ground and cursed directly: "Animal, the goddess has a little white face and a handsomer, this guy can be a father, right? ."

Although Jing Tian was far away, he could still hear the words word by word in his ears, and he could even feel the unkind look of the people around him, and even strip him alive.

"My wife, let's go quickly. There are too many singles here. If you sprinkle too much dog food, you will be bitten. When I go to the drug section of the supermarket, I will directly buy a bottle of Yunnan Baiyao and spray it on your feet. I let you wear flat shoes. High heels are so difficult to walk. I am indeed to blame for walking too fast, making you tired of chasing." Jing Tian did not lower his voice this time, and his wife was also sonorous and powerful. It was made clear that the dog food was to be spread thoroughly, and the problem that Liu Yaya had just posed for herself was solved ingeniously.

"Oh? Husband, when I go to the medical area, they will buy you more medicines that nourish yin and nourish yang, thirty times a day, one time must not be less." Liu Yaya's voice deliberately brought out a sense of desire and dissatisfaction.

As soon as these words came out, the originally enthusiastic passers-by glanced at Jing Tian's crotch, and with a very pitiful look, they watched Jing Tian and Liu Yaya enter the supermarket. After the two of them left, the passers-by exhorted each other with emotion: "The little white face is really not good enough, it is a biochemical robot. Let's go to work. The beautiful goddesses are tigresses. Let's try to marry a plain looking goddess. Live a dull life."

"My wife, are you very ruthless?" Jing Tian looked around and no one mumbled. At this time, the large shopping cart he was pushing was already covered with goods.

"Oh? Husband, people are just telling the truth. Do you think marriage is a child's play? That's a responsibility. For the sake of responsibility, you have to replenish your kidneys." Liu Yaya had already laughed in her heart, of course not because of the prank just now, but the well Tian actually started to talk to herself. Although the wife's call was a little bit different, it still made her very happy.

Jing Tian couldn't help feeling that his back was cold, and an inexplicable fear came to his heart. There was only one thought in his heart: This marriage must be divorced! But the next moment he slapped himself loudly in his heart. He really cooperated, and he got into the play too deeply and entered the role of husband...

Walking to the fresh food Liu Yaya provokes fresh vegetables, but it’s an unmanned supermarket. Most of all vegetables are packaged exquisitely. They are sold either individually or in cartons. Jing Tian also He couldn't see the quality of the vegetables, but he was surprised to find that the vegetables Liu Yaya chose were his favorite! It would be accidental if there were one or two, but from beginning to end, she deliberately avoided the vegetable ingredients Jing Tian didn't like, and even didn't buy the ginger, which is often used in cooking.

You know, **** is one of Jingtian’s most hated ingredients, but it’s a pity that **** is indispensable for cooking most of the time, let alone eating out for a long time, because Jingtian never fires, he can resist **** to some extent. The taste is no longer like the taste of **** before high school, no matter what kind of food, any occasion, he must vomit cleanly. It can be seen that Liu Yaya is absolutely prepared. How do you know this? I am afraid that the old witch is the most likely!

"Husband, why are you shocked? Are you thinking about other insignificant things?" Liu Yaya's voice was already full of unhappiness.

"My wife, I absolutely didn't have it this time. It's definitely something related to you. I wonder if you have investigated my taste?" Jing Tian doesn't like being monitored, but it's acceptable to investigate this kind of thing.

"Oh? Husband, how could it happen? We have been eating together since kindergarten, don't I remember what you like to eat? If you have to investigate, it's just investigating my own heart. "Liu Yaya's voice is full of happiness.

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