Sky Dungeon

Chapter 225: 2 poles of sunset on the river bridge, half a plume of smoke in a hot kiss

"Husband, what people promised you will naturally not be shameless. Let's review what I said before. What I said is that as long as you agree to play with me, I will reward you. The reward is to answer your previous questions on the way back. . But, did I say which question to answer? You think that I will answer the question of the number of kisses, but what I want to answer is another question you asked before." Liu Yaya put on a tricky plan From the looks of it, in fact, she just wants to shame, and it is a fair shame with good reasons.

This force pretends to be high in realm and deep in Taoism! It's really: I don't know where I am!

"What's the problem?" Jing Tian suppressed the anger in his heart, but his face was already covered with indifference. At this moment, Jing Tian felt that he had seen Liu Yaya through. This guy was exactly the same as he was when he was a child. He rode on his head and played with him. I can't get the answer I want. No matter, it is enough to know that she has a case, and there are enough reasons for her divorce, but there is no conclusive evidence.

"Oh? Of course, it was you who asked me who I gave the first kiss." When Liu Yaya spoke, her voice was shy, as if she was reminiscing about the moving scene.

Jing Tian painted a hazy and obscure long kiss of the sunset in the sea of ​​consciousness. On the bridge of Naxi, the man was kissed by Liu Yaya, a peerless beauty who was delicate and fierce, and the kiss lasted from the sunset. When the moon sky rises, Jing Tian chants a poem in his heart: Two rods of sunset on the river bridge, half a plume of smoke kisses! Don't stop kissing the moon shape, only envy the mandarin ducks...

If Liu Yaya knows what Jing Tian is thinking at this time, I am afraid that Jing Tian will know why the panda eye circles are so dark!

"Okay, let's talk about it." Jing Tian isn't really interested in this, but it's better than knowing nothing. After all, how can I pass the role playing so hard without any reward?

"I may have been in love since I was a child. I met a very handsome and gentle boy when I was 4 years old in kindergarten. I dedicated my first kiss to him." Liu Yaya seemed to have a very gentle and happy period in her mind. Memories.

It's true: I would rather believe in white ghosts than believe in female believers.

After listening to Liu Yaya's words, Jing Tian's eyes became gloomy and his heart was burning with anger, and he was almost at the zero point. Okay, Liu Yaya, just don’t want to answer. You should make an agreement with yourself first, let yourself suffer such a continuous humiliation, and then in the end, you will not honor your promise, and fool yourself with such naive answers, you really think you are in elementary school. That little attendant can't make it!

But at this moment, Liu Yaya opened her red lips slightly, and said in a very nostalgic tone: "That little boy has a very handsome name, his name is Tianjing."

His name is Tianjing? Is there someone whose name is exactly the same, but the order of the names is reversed? Wait, Liu Yaya said that she met herself in the kindergarten, but she didn't remember it. Could it be that Liu Yaya was talking about Tianjing? Jing Tian looked at Liu Yaya in the reversing mirror in disbelief. At that moment, Liu Yaya's face had unspeakable happiness. Even when she was with herself, she had never looked like this before. Jing Tian even had some Jealous, is it true that I am inferior to my 4-year-old me now? What kind of person was you in kindergarten?

Thinking of this, Jing Tian asked with some doubts: "You gave me your first kiss?"

"Oh? You guessed it right, husband." Liu Yaya's voice made Jing Tian feel numb and comfortable again.

"That doesn't mean that I gave you my first kiss?" Jing Tian asked a very sharp question. Why didn't he have any impression in his mind, but at this moment, Jing Tian's mind flashed. , It's that picture again. I once dreamed of such a picture. A three or four-year-old boy was putting his tender mouth towards a very cute little girl, cute? But Jing Tian still couldn't see the little girl's face...

"Oh? Of course, is there any woman before me who won't be able to get on board first, if you let me know, hum." At this time, Liu Yaya exuded a wild and violent air.

"Of course not, I'm just curious why I don't have any impression at all." Although Jing Tian tried to recall in his mind, there was no clue.

"Oh? Don’t remember, you were very popular back then. Too many girls like you. To be honest, I’m not sure if my husband’s first kiss was given to me. After all, I was But you entered the kindergarten a year late." Liu Yaya didn't want to cheat Jing Tian.

A year late? Are you obviously older than yourself?

"Is I that popular, but since I was in elementary school, I have been your follower, and I have not been sought after by other girls?" Jing Tian scratched his head.

"Of course, when we were in elementary school, the two of us were inseparable, and the two of us were specially sent to that relatively ordinary elementary so that there was no group of little three vixens harassing you." Liu Yaya's tone was full of With the hostility, Jing Tian actually thought for a moment that Liu Yaya regarded the kindergarten students as minor rivals, but it was impossible to think about it.

"Why did the two of us be sent to that ordinary elementary school? I really didn't think about this question. Given our family background, it really shouldn't." Jing Tian felt that too much doubt was not solved.

"Oh? Of course it's your far-sighted fiancee, please let our grandfather do it." Liu Yaya replied mischievously with her tongue out.

Oh it's you! It turns out that my childhood was completely destroyed in your hands, you are simply a demon! Jing Tian grabbed his hair with his hands. He was broken by the answer he got. He didn't expect that a five or six-year-old girl would let his warlord grandfather go and help him pursue a little boy by all means! Jing Tian was even more surprised that his father actually acquiesced in this matter, so he sent his son into the fire pit! Is it his own? Also, when did the old warlord’s revolutionary bottom line become so enlightened? Your granddaughter is not your own, right?

"Yaya, I have convinced your old man, and I will agree to your wayward request." Jing Tian still shook his head somewhat self-deprecatingly. Heaven is destined to happen this impossible thing, maybe he is true. Have some fate with this female warlord. Just as Jing Tian convinced herself in her heart, Liu Yaya smiled and said, "Of course, there is also uncle's help."

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