Sky Dungeon

Chapter 231: Become a boss

The King of Sword Cavalry did not raise any doubts about Jing Tian's line at night. It turned out that Luo Xia happened to meet Yu Yan when she was offline. Luo Xia naturally told Yu Yan about today's affairs and let her go on her own. Game, others will be online later. While Jing Tian rarely praised Luo Xia for his carefulness, he scolded himself in his heart, why he became forgetful when there were too many things, and had an appointment with Yu Yan on the line on weekdays, but today it is clear that the line did not give the other party one at night. Leave a message, this is really his failure.

Soon everyone agreed to meet at the guild station. Although the guild station can increase revenue and facilitate the flow of players by building a public station, Jing Tian only started building this public station last night. It has not been completed and everyone can only fly. Going to the Alliance City and then walking towards the guild residence, this is a lot of trouble.

When they came to the gate of the guild, everyone was a little unspeakable by the sight in front of them. A few days ago, it was a wild land, but now it has turned into an open slate land. The center of the slate land is separated by four tall stone walls. Come out, that is where the Guild of Riding Clouds and Falling Snow is located, because it is far from the stone wall that there is a flag standing high, the logo on the flag is exactly the same as the icon on the head of everyone, a smile wearing sunglasses Clouds.

That’s right, because Jing Tian is planning to sub-let the guild’s residence, he has turned this stone slab into a neat nine-square grid. If you take a bird’s eye view, the empty site is now marked with the numbers 1 Sunda Palace, 2 Li Palace, and 3 Kun Palace. , 4 Zhen Palace, 6 Dui Palace, 7 Gen Palace, 8 Kan Palace, 9 Dry Palace, and the No. 5 Middle Palace site is naturally the core position of Jiugongge, and it is also the location of the Cloud Riding Guild.

"Brother Tian, ​​the walls of our guild are so strong, can the demons break through Meow?" Yang Meowie looked at the tall stone wall again, and asked with some pride.

"This is only a first-level guild wall, and it is not durable, but the player alone is not easy to break and it takes too much time. After all, we can interrupt their attacks by standing on the wall. Condescending is a good place. Therefore, once the demons invade, they will naturally choose to attack the weakest place outside the guild, which is the main entrance of the guild. The city wall only acts as an air wall." Jing Tian explained lightly.

"Only level one is so tall and mighty, then let's get to the full level of Krypton Gold, let them hit the wall until they have no confidence, and then rush out to kill them in one fell swoop!" Yang Miaomiao unintentionally released the two. Generation's wealth.

Feelings, the alien did not listen to what Jing Tian was talking about. They all said that the Demon Race is not brain-disabled and will not demolish the wall!

"Where it is so easy, money is only one of the prerequisites. Another condition for upgrading the level of city walls and gates is the world level. Only when the average level of the top 1,000 players in the world reaches a certain level will the city walls and gates be upgraded. , Otherwise, as long as you have money, you will be invincible. Even if a gate cannot be broken, most players will not be able to experience the fun of the demons. Of course, if the world level is increased, the level of the walls and gates is not improved, then the demons will You can consider opening a big hole in the city wall and coming in unexpectedly." Jing Tian said firmly.

The playability of the game civilians is his unshakable belief as always. Even the demons can buy and raise warcraft with krypton gold, but if the krypton gold can be uncontrolled to increase combat power, then the game will become a game of money. Without the living space of the civilian guild, whether it is a player or a guild, Jing Tian always adheres to a principle: krypton gold can only increase the speed, but not the degree of strength. Without krypton gold, as long as you are willing to spend more game time, You can also play with Krypton Gold!

"Well, Brother Tian said that, if you spend money and you can reach the level immediately, then I am not an invincible BOSS! The game will definitely be boring. If I can't play for a few days, I should retire." Meow seemed to think, it seems that his previous rich experience in krypton gold games allowed him to sum up the flaws of krypton gold games.

"Oh? Little brother, in fact, that's not necessarily the case. The gameplay of becoming a BOSS is also available in Sky Dungeon." Liu Yaya suddenly said, she seems to be deliberately stealing the topic, or even stealing it. What Jing Tian wanted to say.

Become a boss? It's true: the game world is all strange, but our brains are too small!

But in the next second Jing Tian understood that Liu Yaya was protecting herself. Indeed, this kind of revelation was more appropriate from her, a senior game consultant. Nowadays, Liu Yaya is not the one who only lives in a self-centered world. She has learned to think about others anytime and anywhere, especially for herself. I have to say that she has some fiancee's consciousness.

Snapped! Jing Tian slapped himself in his heart, letting his strange thoughts disappear completely.

"What meow? My **** sister is about to break the news, what is the gameplay of becoming a BOSS, it seems to be very interesting." Yang Miaomiao was very excited, and even showed the appearance of being a husband and a man. , Fantasizes about turning into a boss and razing the current map to the ground with one blow. I have to say that he has an inexplicable obsession with the boss and watching the boss destroy the map.

Everyone has different expressions, and the king of swordsman is also very interested in this so-called BOSS gameplay, and deliberately moved forward, for fear of missing any What is your little brother anxious? You will know when you reach level 32. That is a copy of level 32. "

"Brother Tian, ​​go, let's quickly do the guild mission to upgrade meow." Yang Miaomiao seems to have got the answer he wants, and now he is full of how to upgrade quickly. Naturally, he didn't think about any contradictory settings here. It is clear that the appearance settings of dungeons are very regular, but how can a level 32 dungeon pop up here?

"Is there a copy of level 32, and is there a copy of records? How many levels are no longer recorded?" Yu Yan asked gracefully, listening to Liu Yaya very comfortable.

"Oh? You want to know? I won't tell you." Liu Yaya seemed to have found out Yu Yan's true identity. At this time, she exuded an unfriendly atmosphere to this gentle and elegant lady, and even said that she was a little hostile. Yu Yan was a little embarrassed for a while, she didn't even know how to answer. She couldn't understand the female player named Village Woman. She seemed to have a subtle change in her attitude towards herself.

"I'm not rare to hear it!"

"Oh? That dungeon is a single-player dungeon, and there is no level restriction. It is a specially set dungeon. The equipment class and race have no influence on that dungeon. It is entirely based on consciousness and operation. The world's number one player who can win the 32nd level dungeon is definitely able to become famous." It is still Liu Yaya who speaks, but she has her role back to the King of Sword Cavalry, which means she is teasing her.

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