Sky Dungeon

Chapter 234: The technology of aliens really leads all mankind

Everyone turned black and closed their eyes on the bed to pretend to be dizzy. Feelings, Yang Miaomiao didn't give up the idea of ​​recording the video because of the explanations of several people! Open your eyes, the black line on the top of everyone's head is now waist long!

"Miaomiao's idea is actually good. We have been busy playing games and we have forgotten to enjoy the game. It doesn't take a few minutes to record a dance. Posting to the forum may increase our reputation for riding the cloud and Luoxue! Maybe there is. What big and young people admire this beauty, and they directly married 16 luxury cars!"

Zhao Jiaxue unexpectedly supported her, her feelings were to be famous for marrying a wealthy family. He really used the wealthy family as a public toilet. What is the key to marrying sixteen luxury cars?

"Not bad." Yun Yiyi seemed to be responding to Zhao Jiaxue, coldly supporting him the next second.

"Three votes, Sister God, Sister Xueba, do you also support it? The younger brother hasn't paid tribute to your dancing, and fulfilled the younger brother's desire to be a photographer!" Yang Miaomiao actually acted spoiled.

I have to say that women seem to have the instinct to love their younger brother. Yu Yan and Liu Yaya have agreed to record the video, so that Jing Tian and Luo Xia have to accompany a few people to jump up while admiring Yang Miaomiao’s appeal. Anime dance comes.

That's right, a few girls specially selected a dance that I don't know which anime was adapted from. Although this dance is unrealistic, it is shown in the game characters, but it is unusually dynamic and cool. Anime dance also has some very heart-warming and cute movements. Both men, women and children will not reject such a lovely and gorgeous dance, and it may attract more attention from otaku girls. After all, those who love to play games don’t have a house. What about attributes?

Moreover, everyone also took great pains to find a historic site as a stage, standing between the ruins of the ancient ruins, the characters facing different directions, their bodies dancing with the system music, under the scouring of the sky and the sea, the air around the six people The umbrella effect is also very gorgeous, the whole picture has a sense of layering, and it makes the ancient relics come alive!

Finally, after recording, Yang Miaomiao did not forget to send it to everyone. It's okay if I don't watch it. Everyone swallowed, and even suspected that this was not recorded by Yang Miaomiao, but a video well planned and produced by the team. I have to say that Yang Miaomiao ran around the circle rhythmically just now. It turned out to be a special shooting method. This alien technology is really ahead of all mankind!

What made Jingtian and the others even more unexpected was that after Yang Miaomiao uploaded this video to the official forum, it caused an uproar. Many players speculated about the purpose of the Cloud Riding Guild. Some people said they were recruiting new members, so they released the guild. Promo.

Some people said that they deliberately ran to the gate of the Demon Realm, obviously demonstrating to the Demon players. After all, there are no Demon players at level 30.

Some people even analyzed outrageously that the Cloud Riding Guild was dispatched, appearing in the Chaos Demon Sea area is likely to attack the Demon Realm, demonstrating the amazing strength of the first guild. Seven people went out to attack the Demon Race. Are you a Demon Race player and NPC both as a level 1 kid?

All kinds of weird conjectures emerge in an endless stream, and some people suspect that there are hidden leveling areas or quick upgrade tasks in the sea of ​​chaos. In order to prove their conjecture, they have to go to the sea of ​​chaos to find out.

Of course, some people pointed out Yang Miaomiao's real purpose in a very contemptuous tone. That's right, it's to be cool and handsome! However, he was quickly scolded by players in the world and became a pig head. It was obviously an insider broke the news, but he was directly trampled on. How can life be so hard to be honest! Sure enough, exaggerated and bizarre rumors are easier to accept than the plain truth.

However, the effect that everyone expected to be famous has been achieved. This video has allowed more players to get to know the main members of the Riding Cloud Guild, and even some boring players publicly posted as evidence on the forum, vowing to pursue Yun Xueyi and the others. A beautiful woman, digging the corner of sitting well and watching the sky and others.

As a result, an inexplicable wife dispute started quietly in the forum. The beauties of the Riding Cloud Guild became the wives sought after by players in the world, and they became more and more fierce, and finally evolved to the point where they were out of control. Of course, these are all boring disputes. Leave it alone.

"Brother Tian, ​​do you have to learn other life skills? Since there are hidden effects, wouldn't it be a loss if you didn't learn it?" Yang Miaomiao responded and asked.

"Uh...not for the time being. After all, these skills can be learned at any time. Now we learn to waste level advantage. We can learn what we use."

The key is that there are not enough skill points. Even if these life support skills consume less points, they add up to a huge sum. How can they learn it now?

It didn't take long for everyone to come to the coordinates mentioned in the guild mission while chatting about games and gossip. This is a rocky area in the sea of ​​chaos. Although the coordinates mentioned in the mission did not see the monsters, Jing Tian knew that the monsters should be nearby. He didn't want to waste too much time looking for the monsters, so he said lightly. : "Look separately and shout when you find it."

So everyone chose a direction and scattered around. Jing Tian walked while admiring the surrounding landscape. He didn't pay attention to the stagnant water under his feet. After all, this is a sea of ​​chaos and there are deposits on the ground. The water couldn't be more normal, but this piece of stagnant water was obviously different from the surrounding rocky landforms. When sitting in the well and watching the sky and immersed in that piece of stagnant water, the entire character disappeared in the sea of ​​chaos in the next instant.

Of course, this is not a disappearance in the true sense. It is like falling into a hunter’s trap. Sitting in Guantian, the whole character sinks in. Even Jingtian is a little unbelievable. There should be hot lava under this chaotic sea. That's right, why is there a puddle enough to completely swallow the character? Could it be Bermuda, which was set by the game's main strategy, specifically to kill past players?

Of course, Jing Tian’s consciousness will not become blurred with the sinking of the character, on the contrary, it will become very clear. He recalled the landform of this rocky area, it seems that this area is still a small hill, then it can be Explained, this small hill is higher than the horizon around the Chaos Demon Sea, but it is enough to form a puddle to submerge itself, and it is probably magma below the puddle. However, what is the point of setting such a trap here? Although Jing Tian could choose to rise above the water, he decided to see if there were any special settings at the bottom.

However, the next moment Jing Tian was surprised to find that with the sinking of the body of the sitting Jing Guantian, the view of the bottom of the water became more and more open. Where is it just a natural puddle formed by a small hill, and there is an open water under the water!

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