Sky Dungeon

Chapter 243: Infinite loop space

Everyone heard it was stagnant. Indeed, no matter where you run, you will encounter the upper and lower channels within a few minutes. Is it because everyone is lucky to the extreme, or is the channel itself set everywhere?

"That means that there is a **** sister, our lucky value is overflowing under the GM holy light, and we found the secret channel meow as soon as I left." Among the crowd, Yang Miaomiao had absolute confidence in his luck.

"Uh...whether it is luck or not, we must make sure that we don't rush to act after we encounter the passage this time, and then look further away."

In ten minutes, the expressions of the people became tense from the lightness at the beginning, and then completely dignified, because sitting on the well and watching the sky led the people not only to quickly find a new upper and lower ice passage, but also to find five of them. Similar ice steps!

Everyone's brains are running fast. If it is a fun game of going up and down floors, then there will never be so many passages. This is like how can there be all roads in the tomb that can lead to the coffin of the owner of the tomb? There should be only one real channel, and the others are blindfolds and dead ends! So, what exactly are these randomly generated up and down channels used for? Obviously, there is a conspiracy waiting for the player to jump in.

"I think, there may be many settings similar to the self-destructive chicken. If there are not so many channels, the player will definitely not be able to continue to break through the level. So many channels are convenient for the player to escape the monster siege." Luo Xia announced herself In my mind, I also think from a data perspective. Indeed, if there is only one way, then the death rate of players is too high.

"Uh...what do you mean, Seraphim's body is still on the bottom or the top?" Jing Tian obviously no longer agrees with this assumption.

"I'll do it! Then you said that it is no longer the top or bottom, where else would it be?" Luo Xia couldn't think of a reason.

"With so many channels, is it a kind of branch in itself, each channel actually leads to a different space? In fact, we are already in a complex space. It is difficult to reach the sky if we want to find the only main line." Yu Yan's elegant voice shocked everyone present this time.

What Yu Yan said is indeed possible. It can't be realized in the real tomb, but it can definitely be realized here. After all, this is a game, and the game doesn't make much sense at all! The so-called layer, this traditional concept is the inherent mode of thinking formed by everyone's long-term strategy of dungeons. Here, instead of taking stairs, in reality, you can naturally reach the fifth floor from the sixth floor. The downstairs floor might reach the nineteenth floor!

“That’s not to say that we don’t know which layer is the target layer at all. Maybe there is no bottom or top layer. This is an endless looping space. We can’t get out at all. Wouldn’t it be necessary to find the owner of the tomb? Is it all luck?" Zhao Jiaxue actually understood this hypothesis, and she also ran into a dead mouse and guessed a big setting planned by the Yonghan Palace: an infinite loop space. Of course, everyone will come in after the players from all over the world. It was determined after the carpet-style exploration, so I won't mention it for now.

"Then how to find it, do you look for meows on every layer? The key is that if you jump randomly, how can we be sure to search for meows?"

"Uh...I always think that the settings of each layer here are quite regular. One layer is strange and the other layer is no strange. It doesn't seem to be a random jump. Now I think we should go back to the initial layer and take a look. , I always feel that we went too hurriedly and ignored any clues." Although Jing Tian was not sure, he still said his own thoughts.

go back? Everyone's heart sank. It was so easy to get down a few floors, and now I have to go back again. It feels like everything has been done for nothing before, so why the discouraged ball is no different.

"Support." Yun Yiyi didn't know if he habitually supported Jing Tian, ​​or he also saw something tricky, the two words were cold and firm.

"Oh? Please follow the orders of the officials, and the slave family will open..." Dao for you." Liu Yaya naturally did not want to fall behind. The enchanting voice said the word "open Dao" was yin and yang strange, as if to say something dirty.

"Then I will go too, I have better skills in clearing the road!" Zhao Jiaxue has already felt distressed that she was late than Liu Yaya, how could the evil lady lose to Liu Yaya on the dirt.

"My holy sword clears the way for you." Yu Yan's words are still so second-degree sick. The key is to join in the excitement. Can others' clearing be comparable to the "clearing" in your mouth?

Luojing Xia Shi reluctantly followed behind everyone, even if he wanted to have any comments, he didn't want to publish it. The blessing of Jing Tian being chased by four women, he doesn't know if he can enjoy it once in his life, or he should absorb his peach blossom breath after sitting Jing Guantian, and try to infect himself, and he will also bloom a flower on his body. When the splendid peach blossoms come out, even if that peach blossom is Yang Mimi, Luo Xia will be satisfied. But think about it, I met Yang Miaomiao only after playing games with Jing Tian, ​​and then I met his sister. In a sense, isn't I really caught Jing Tian's peach blossom luck?

It's really fat to be near the pig, and duck to the chicken!

Soon, everyone walked up one floor through the nearest passage, before they had time to find an upward The trouble really came again, as Jing Tian said, the ice layer here In the space, there were monsters on the first floor and no monsters on the other floor. Listening to the familiar and crisp footsteps, everyone took a step back subconsciously. They knew that it was likely that Xiao Bifang had come around.

"Avoid!" Jing Tian only said such a word, and then he controlled sitting Jing Guantian and jumped out in the other direction. Everyone followed closely, and was lucky to see a complete upward ice step again. Everyone was relieved. Tone. However, before everyone was happy, there were clear footsteps around at the same time. Everyone did not dare to hesitate and immediately climbed up the ice steps. However, before they were halfway through, they heard a crisp sound. She seemed to have realized what had happened and turned her eyes to the village women.

Liu Yaya looked innocent and said: "Oh? It's not me this time." Her voice was completely shattered as soon as she fell on the ice step, and everyone fell on the ice.

Damn it! Even when the map channel is automatically changed, the monster will not refresh with the channel refresh. The unclear footsteps are already close at hand, but when everyone sees it clearly, they are all surprised. Exploding Xiao Bifang, this time he was replaced by a puppet that was the same height as a person. This puppet looked very weird. It looked a bit like a red-crowned crane, and what was very special was that these puppets only had one leg! Sky Dungeon

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