Sky Dungeon

Chapter 247: 4 rainbows

What is even more bizarre is the way the portal is opened. It turns out that players are required to add enough vitality to a magic circle. I am afraid that no one would imagine the amount of blood being used for a building. This is also completely subverting the player. Traditional online game thinking.

I am afraid that if you attack that stone gate with brute force or magic at first, it will not have any effect even if the mana is exhausted. Jing Tian thought so in his heart, he didn't know that the actual ice gate would trigger the magic circle once it was attacked, but it was the mass magic that destroys the group in a large area. This is also a trap set by the game plan for the player. It's just that Jing Tian and they were lucky enough to escape. After that, Jing Tian, ​​who saw the relevant strategy, was surprised at this setting, and even had the urge to burn incense to thank God, but we will only mention it here, so I won’t repeat it.

"This is planning to play a word game. Does the Yonghan Palace really have to be an ice world, or it can be a flame mountain? Maybe it was an extremely cold place before. As a result, the beast was suppressed here. It has become the Flame Mountain." Zhao Jiaxue suddenly explained with an expression that seemed to penetrate the avenue of heaven and earth.

I have to say that her jumping thinking can sometimes bring people very clever points.

"Sister Xue is right. It's a silly game plan. If you don't graduate from elementary school, you can play word games. Why don't you let the right code directly, and you won't be allowed to enter the Yonghan Palace without the code?

Yang Miaomiao once again grasped the perfect opportunity for satirical game planning, and gave full play to the powerful power of alien leap thinking, making Jing Tian feel once again that Liu Yaya should recommend this guy to Tengyi company, maybe it really can There are a lot of unsolved mysteries of the game world in the game, and it definitely has a good publicity effect. It would be great if you met Yang Miaomiao earlier, it is so inspirational, planning a game with half the effort!

After complaining about the pits of game design, everyone finally approached this unknown active volcano. However, before a few people set foot on the mountain, the trouble had come unexpectedly.

At first, everyone was curious about the ground flowing with fine magma liquid. After all, this magma liquid was intertwined with blue liquid like coolant in addition to the red color. The picture feels really strange, as if you are in a pair. In the beautiful watercolor painting, people are confused. Just as everyone was cautiously advancing, the red and blue liquids flowing on the ground not far in front suddenly erupted like a Baotu spring, bursting into the sky, the two liquids blended in mid-air, and I didn’t know what happened. The chemical reaction turned into four rainbows directly into the sky. In the next instant, the four rainbows became translucent, but among the four rainbows, four puppets were hidden.

Before everyone could react, the four puppets Bi Fang had already opened their beaks and began to sing. Obviously, the four rainbows were a blinding technique, covering up the four puppets' pre-chanting movements. At this moment, if there is no instant interruption, then Everyone must fall into passiveness.

Ask the world, what is the pit? Directly teach people to stumble and jump! The sky won't lose the beautiful scenery, the beautiful scenery is all pits!

"Arrow rain."

Along with the sound of breaking the wind, a black whirlwind in the VR vision of everyone slammed into the four puppets with lightning speed. The next moment the four puppets all entered a stun state. The last moment this is the sword rider. The charge skill used by the king: [Darkening]!


I have to say that this strike was too timely. After all, even if Yun Xueyi and the King of Sword Cavalry reacted at the same time, there was no time to interrupt the singing of these four puppets. After all, most of the long-range attacks are singing time. , And the sprint skill of the Dark Knight, Antu, is instant. Although there is a short displacement time before reaching the target, it is still much faster than the long-range skill.

At the next moment, a floating blue magic circle appeared above the heads of the four puppets. This is exactly Yun Xueyi’s third-order magic arrow rain. Yun Yiyi gave priority to the magic arrow rain for skill upgrade. I have to say , This skill has significantly improved its attack range and slowing effect after being upgraded. As an important starting suppression skill, it is indeed much stronger than the single control skill of the petrified arrow.

Sitting on the well Guantian, Luojing Xiashi, and the village women immediately rushed up under the cover of the magic arrow rain. In coordination with the King of Sword and Cavalry, the attacks of several people fell on several puppets, as a group of people attacked. When they finished fighting, the four immediately suppressed the puppets one by one. At this time, even without eating mice, they rushed up to check the lack of dew. Under the cover of long-range magic, they beat the four puppets perfectly, but very There was a little chaos in the fast scene. After all, only the village women have unlimited skills to suppress the puppets, but the skills of others will always be empty. The three puppets Bi Fang resumed normal actions one after another, and at the same time the melodious flute sound When it sounded, Zhao Yunxue'er, who was not far away, watched the time to play the town demons.

When Zhao Yunxue's fox played the town monster song, the vestment on her body seemed to be moved by the special effects produced by the flute. It was very charming and moving, but the next moment everyone discovered that the four puppets in front of him were not controlled by the town monster song~ Everyone immediately understood that this kind of puppet probably has no hearing at all, and may even be completely immune to the negative states of all spiritual magic!

Sure enough, Zhao Jiaxue already exclaimed with a sad look: "Damn it, it's mental control immunity!"

At the same time, Yun Xueyi raised the magic bow at the puppet in front of him and shot it out. I have to say that she was a bit late for her attack. She hadn't waited for her scattering arrows to hit the three puppets Bifang. The chanting was over, and three superimposed red magic circles appeared under the soles of their feet when sitting in the well and watching the sky, and they even activated the monster intelligence: Magic Combo!

Under the activation of the monster's intelligent combined attack, all the monsters' attacks will have a heavy hit effect, and the damage value will be twice the normal attack! In other words, if you hit this superimposed magic circle on the ground, it will be equivalent to 6 times the damage of the advanced flame circle, or it will be directly burned into black coal!

Fortunately, the monster intelligence is triggered. If the three puppets are cast separately, then the area of ​​the magic circle is naturally about three times the size. Everyone may have to harden the next monster's attack, but these three flame circles overlap At the same time, it is not particularly large, and the ground here is not ice, and there is no possibility of spreading to the surrounding ground. Sky Dungeon

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