Sky Dungeon

Chapter 261: Old witch

"Uh... it was undoubtedly made by Liu Yaya himself." After tasting it, Jing Tian was quite sure that the meal came from Liu Yaya.

Jing Tian, ​​who returned to the table, ate every bite very carefully. Although he was not always praised like Luo Xia, even if Zhao Jiaxue stepped on Luo Xia's feet and suggested that he should not give Liu Yaya extra points, he could not stop. Live and praise while eating.

Both Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi could feel the strangeness of Jing Tian tonight. He ate more and slower than usual, and felt as if he had to chew every bite of the ingredients to bring him the happiness. They knew that at this moment. Lost completely.

The food is indeed delicious, but it cannot be said that the taste is absolutely beyond Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue. Even the taste alone may not be as good as any of their special dishes, but these five dishes on the table are fine. It is said to be all kinds of fine products, and the matching is appropriate, and the taste is different, making people unable to stop the chopsticks in their hands.

What made Zhao Jiaxue even more confessed was that the pot of soup and the ingredients in the soup were taken away by Liu Yaya at noon. She did not expect that the few leftovers she deliberately selected would deliberately cook such a pot of West Lake beef soup. And the taste is better than noon.

It seems that Liu Yaya used this pot of soup to prove that her culinary skills are better than Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi, and that she has the potential of high-quality diligent housekeeping in the repeated use of ingredients.

Frustration! Zhao Jiaxue felt so frustrated for the first time in her life. Even Yun Yiyi's small hand was clearly clenched into a fist. They didn't want to lose. They never wanted to lose again. Next time, they must beat Liu Yaya, which seems rough, but in reality. The meticulous woman. What makes them more frustrated is not the taste of the dishes itself, but Jing Tian’s reaction. Since he sat down, he has tasted this table of dishes very quietly, as if he didn’t want to miss it. He was eating Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue before. When cooking the food, he never showed such an attitude.

They naturally didn’t know that Jing Tian had already begun to think about a very important issue, and every time he ate a meal, he would recall some beautiful and warm pictures in his mind, of course, there were also some unhappy and bad pictures. After all, sometimes eating together Become the fuse of the quarrel, after all, it is better not to meet, once they meet, they are inevitable.

This meal is depressing for most people. Jing Tian has something to say but cannot ask it out. Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue have a hundred unconvinced in their hearts. They have secretly determined to practice cooking hard. If you don’t eat, you will continue to cook dinner, isn’t it still Luoxia’s foodie? This is a kind of experience. They are even more afraid that Jing Tian and Luo Xia are captured by Liu Yaya's kitchen. If they run over to eat and drink every day, the two will be depressed to death.

Only Luo Xia was the one who ate the most open heart. Liu Yaya seemed to have calculated something, but when everyone was about to leave, she stopped Jing Tian: "Xiao Gu, you promised me today. Help me buy underwear online, do you think it is convenient now?"

Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi's eyes were ice-cold like needles piercing Jing Tian, ​​but the next second they were extremely disappointed to see Jing Tian nodding at Liu Yaya slightly. Luo Xia slapped her tongue on the side: "The progress is too fast, we won't bother you."

Jing Tian had something to ask Liu Yaya at this time, and it was inconvenient in front of everyone, but he seemed to think of something: "I happen to have something to ask you about the main policy of Tengyi. Lao Xia, you go back first. , I have some business talks with Ya Ya."

"I'm doing it! I'm looking for such a fair reason to cheat. I despise you with ten toes! Talk slowly, don't worry about coming back." Luo Xia doesn't care if Jing Tian's backyard will catch fire, but Zhao Jiaxue The cannibal gaze made him feel a little uncomfortable, and immediately fled home dingy.

Before leaving, Zhao Jiaxue did not forget to warn Jing Tian in a low voice: "If you dare to do anything nasty and despicable to Ya Ya, you will never want to come back. Your share of the house will belong to me and Yun Yiyi. "It feels like she is going to break up, and she still wants two people at a time.

Jing Tian naturally smiled awkwardly and raised his hand to swear. Naturally, he had never thought about doing anything unsuitable to Liu Yaya, but if Liu Yaya wants to do to him, then he is not to be blamed, nor is he violating his oath.

"Oh? Are you interested in the main strategy of Tengyi Company, I am so sad, a beautiful fiancee in front of you is not tempted, you are actually interested in a person you have never met, and maybe still a man, this Why does it make me feel bad?" Liu Yaya and the others left with a smile.

"Uh... less garlic, what about the old witch?" Jing Tian sat on the sofa in the living room, but glanced at the doors of other houses, as if he was about to conduct a large carpet search next moment.

"Oh? Why do you still call auntie like that? After so many years, don't you want to call her mother? Of course, aunt should be busy with her own affairs, but not with me." Liu Yaya's right hand is already on Jingtian With a very enchanting voice on his left shoulder, he would ride on Jing Tian's body in the next second.

"Can you speak I ask the old witch? Also, you didn’t call the old witch like that before, how do you feel alienated?" Jing Tian seems to believe that his mother is in this city. , Was still here at least half an hour ago.

"Oh? I'm just complaining about Xiao Lulu. If I asked my aunt what you like to eat, and begged my aunt to teach me to cook these dishes, do you believe it? But your current performance is It makes me very happy. At least I have not been in vain for my practice in the past few years. I have completely mastered my aunt's cooking skills. Even you can't tell the taste of the dishes from whom." Liu Yaya turned her mouth together. He said to Jing Tian's ear.

By the way, what the **** is Little Lulu? How could Jing Tian's mother be younger than Liu Yaya, and Liu Yaya is not a vampire, is it an eternally youthful frozen-aged fox? Jing Tian's mother is an old witch, and that existence is older than the old witch, I'm afraid it only needs a monster!

"Uh...does it take a few years to learn a few dishes?" Jing Tian said unbelievably, his words full of distrust.

Liu Yaya suddenly got up. Although Jing Tian was relieved on the surface, there was a slight disappointment in his heart. Although he knew what he was disappointed, he didn't think much about it. Sky Dungeon

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