Sky Dungeon

Chapter 280: Spy rhythm

In the game, Zit Jing Guan Tian brought everyone from the Guild Riding Clouds back to the 6th floor of the dungeon. After all, Luo Jing Xia Shi’s guild mission was still a lot of wrong numbers. If he were to leave it alone, the fat man might decide how to poke Jing Tian’s backbone in the future. .

But at this moment, Jing Tian glanced at the friend's application information prompted by the system. He would definitely not pay attention to it at ordinary times. Many idlers add to the view of friends from Jingtian. If it passes, it is just self-explanatory. Just look for troubles. Jing Tian does not naively think that he has reached the level of idols in the game. As the saying goes, the tree attracts the wind, and the wood show in the forest wind will destroy it. If the level is higher than the others, it will be impossible. There are more troublemakers than admirers Much too much.

However, Jing Tian hesitated at this time, not because the other party’s ID name conveyed some shocking information, such as: [husband is not at home tonight] or something, but at this time the player ID who applied for a friend is exactly: [ Plastic surgeon].

What do Mozu players do with their friends? Subconsciously, Jing Tian thought that this person was going to scold him, after all, he could still use his saliva to get sick, right? Even if the system has the intelligence to block swear words, players have also invented some swear words that resist the shielding, and verbal warfare is often staged on the World Channel. Even if it is not endless saliva, then the other party and himself may also want to fight or make an appointment, then there is no lack of conspiracy possibilities, and there is no need to bother about it.

At the same time, everyone in the Cloud Riding Guild has actually received this friend application. Most people habitually choose to ignore it, but they choose to accept it if they don’t eat mice. The next second, they will be in the team if they don’t eat mice. Said: "Brother Tian, ​​the plastic surgeon asked you to add him, and he said he wants to join our guild."

Join the guild? Khan, this is the rhythm of being a spy. Isn't this an obvious penetration into the enemy? It's still full of conspiracy!

Jing Tian felt that this person didn't seem to play cards according to the routine, and he couldn't tell what kind of person he was, so Jing Tian chose to accept applications from friends.

Within a few seconds, the [Plastic Surgery Doctor] sent a message: "Hello, I am now at level 30. I think the Cloud Riding Guild has a great appetite for me, so I want to join, please agree."

After listening to the voice, it turned out to be Korean! This guy is definitely not a North Korean, and the only mercenary in North Korea is playing this game. Look at his ID name again, this guy is definitely Korean! What's more, there is no need to ask such idiot questions, okay? The most famous profession in Korea is a plastic surgeon.

" are the demons, we are the alliance, how do you want to join?" Jing Tian wanted to hear his plan.

"I used to be an alliance, but I only transferred to the Demon Race for quick upgrades. Now I have returned to the alliance at level 30. Is there any problem? As long as you let me join, I can give you the whole content for free, but You have to come to Seoul yourself." The plastic surgeon said confidently and seductively.

I'll go, let you join the guild, and even come up and take me on the knife? By the way, are you really a plastic surgeon? Could you be an intern? With such a young voice, I want to use me as a sharpening stone for you!

"It doesn't matter if you have plastic surgery, a man is handsome as long as he is not ugly! I want to know some information. Who was in charge in the battle with you just now? Did he deliberately set up an ambush?" Jing Tian wanted to explore this question. Virtual reality.

"I'm directing." The plastic surgeon replied briefly, but Jing Tian was a little bit astonished. More importantly, why there is no more text? Is there any problem with the translation?

"Are you thinking why I don't continue to say, if I say it, don't laugh at it." The plastic surgeon seemed to have a deep meaning.

"No, since you intend to surrender, we would naturally like to hear the details."

"When I was attacked by you for the first time, I observed your tactics. After all, every mature team has its own habitual style of play. Although we have compromised two people, I can count on your routines. Cleared one or two. That’s why I deliberately set up an ambush to compete with you. Indeed, the whole process was what I expected, but I didn’t expect to be able to send you back to the city in the end. Actually, I didn’t. I don’t want to fight with you, I just want to get your approval. In my opinion, the Riding Cloud Guild does not intend to recruit players, or it will never ignore the image of its own guild and let those people slander it. If I guessed correctly, you aim to recruit heroes! And I am one of the heroes.” The plastic surgeon said boldly.

Jing Tian almost laughed out loud. I really don’t know if this translation is accurate? Recruiting heroes? However, in the game, if Jing Tian and the others are not heroes, then who else would dare to rule the roost?

So Jing Tian smiled and said: "Uh...Is it because you set up an ambush for us just to express yourself, even at any cost, you want to kill me and Xia Shi Luojing once?"

Will normal people behave like this? Don’t you be afraid of the other’s anger?

"Yes, that's the case. It's a bit offensive, but please forgive me. When I give you free plastic surgery, I can count on the cost of the materials." The plastic surgeon is not sure if doing so will offend them. He didn't have any tolerance, so he didn't need to mention the matter of the guild again.

Sure enough, I want to use me as a guinea even the plastic surgery materials are covered! Wait, what materials do men use? Most of the nose and chin pads are prostheses.

"I really don't need plastic surgery. I have to say that you played a good card. I admire you very much, but next time I will never fall into your hands, including anyone in my team!" Jing Tian seemed to be in Beat the opponent, although Jing Tian accepted the plastic surgeon, he still doubted it, especially at this critical moment. After all, the first guild invasion war might kick off tomorrow. Jing Tian has reason to suspect that the plastic surgeon is the devil. A chess piece inserted by the clan.

However, on the other hand, Jing Tian also has a kind of heroic sympathy in it. Although he is not suspicious of employing people, he is willing to give the plastic surgeon a chance, and he hopes that he can sincerely join the Riding Cloud Guild.

"My god, I think the plastic surgeon is pretty good. I saw him defending our guild in the forum before in the forum, and he also swore to join our guild in the forum." Since the forum post went viral, Yang Miaomiao seems to fall in love with forums.

Yang Miaomiao's words made Jing Tian more sure of his own thoughts. If this person is an enemy, it is best to let him show his tail early. If he is a friend, then he must not be chilled! Sky Dungeon

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