Sky Dungeon

Chapter 300: FPS game experience playing MMO

At this time, Luo Xia had already made up his mind. As long as the sister who didn't eat the mouse came over, she immediately posted a set of skill combos to end this depressing discussion. At this time, Luo Xia had to admit that she underestimated Yang Mimi at the beginning. She was able to get a place in the world rankings in FPS competitive games by no means hype. Even if she changed to an MMO online game, she could play her own routine. Come!

Sure enough, women playing games are neither geniuses nor fools!

The black hand behind this scene must be Jing Tian. Luo Xia has recalled that he designed the profession of mask shaman. He once said that some players do not like this kind of many attack skills. Compared with skills, they prefer to add various buffs. After level A, then design a profession that can use skills to obtain various states, so that level A has more tricks. Although it is impossible to easily stack various BUFFs together, and then kill the enemy with a flat A, but the flat A gameplay under different FUFF can definitely be a part of the players, especially some girls who do not have good skills. With the development of the late game, maybe the profession of mask shaman will be widely accepted and loved.

Thinking of this, Luo Xia is a little convinced that Jing Tian was actually aimed at the FPS game player group at the beginning of the design. He is actually trying to satisfy the preferences of all kinds of players to the greatest extent, in order to maximize the absorption of world players. If Yang Mimi’s gameplay is exposed in detail, I believe that Tengyi Company will definitely hype, then maybe a group of FPS fans will also transfer to Sky Dungeon, it is really insidious!

However, when the fat man was thinking about these issues, there was an exclamation of onlookers from afar, but what they were exclaiming, the fat man hiding in the dark naturally didn't know. Now he can't show his face and expose himself. The location is very stupid. He is just quietly being a hunter waiting for the rabbit, waiting for the moment when his sister who does not eat mice appears in the field of view of his VR screen.

However, after a while, Fatty chose to admit defeat and surrender!

That's right, because there is no limit to the scope of the competition, sometimes the player wants to get out of this fighting state because of an emergency or unable to find the opponent, the system prepares a surrender command for the player. Fatty used this command.

He who gave up, is still a little surprised and can't close his mouth from ear to ear. He doesn't know what to say about Yang Mimi. Now he finds that he is deeply attracted by this woman. No, it should be said that he was conquered by her! It seemed that at that moment, Fatty really recognized the idea of ​​not marrying Yang Mimi, whether it was a game or reality, he would decide this woman!

"How do you admit defeat? No, no, no, we have to make an agreement in the next match, no one is allowed to surrender, otherwise it will be a tortoise bastard." Yang Mimi said with a bit of discomfort. For an FPS player, she has never encountered an opponent. In the case of holding the white flag, even if the opponent forces withdraw, she will leave a body that will not move and let her slaughter, right?

"I'm doing it! How did you get up?" Luo Xia's voice was still slightly surprised and trembling.

"Stupid panda, of course I jumped up. I'm the best at hopscotch. Besides, what's the fuss about, the enemy is found playing street fighting in the game. Shouldn't you hop the house to find a commanding height to suppress the opponent? , It’s easier to get a headshot!" Yang Mimi said lightly.

Hopscotch in street fighting? Sure enough, I'm still playing MMO with FPS game experience!

"Frog, can't no one in the Union City jump to the building? Our game is not trivial. This is a BUG, ​​an absolute BUG!" Luo Xia threw the problem to Jing Tian, ​​as if he was the big boss of Tengyi The main strategy in questioning the game is general.

Jing Tian scratched his head in his heart and said, "Uh... no one could jump up before, but now there is, you see, the crowd of onlookers over there are already trying to replicate Yang Mimi's operations."

Sure enough, Luo Xia walked out of the lane and saw a group of people climbing and jumping on the stone statue on the side. That's right, Yang Mimi was operating the character to jump on the stone statue first and then jump on the store sign at the diagonally above. Then he jumped on the roof, and then accurately reached the top of Luojing Xia Shi's head.

And before she appeared, the sister who did not eat mice also put on a green peacock mask, and then when she showed her head, she blasted from top to bottom at Luojing Xia Shi, and Luo Jing Xia Shi did not react for the first time but attacked from above. The attack came, thinking that the attack came from behind, he turned around and threw himself into the air. When he saw that the scattered steel needles plunged straight into the ground, did he suddenly lift his head in shock and looked up... …

The equipment box like a shotgun made Luo Jing Xia Shi's bloodline drop rapidly, but Luo Xia found out tragically: The attack of her double swords simply couldn't beat her sister who didn't eat mice! Even if he swapped out the double crossbow, the current bloodline shopping would only be to die of hatred, so he had no other choice but to surrender.

"Fatty, you don't complain when you lose. Yang Mimi deliberately set up a set to make you think that your attacks are effective for her. In fact, she can avoid all the attacks you hit, just to paralyze and consume your blood. She just got those hits. She has been controlling the rhythm of the whole match, even if there is no hopscotch, you may not win by hiding in the lane ~ Jing Tian comforted.

"What?" Luo Xia said in disbelief, feeling that she was a genius of FPS, it turned out that everything was an illusion!

"You met my sister playing street fighting, then you hit the gun. She has always done it in one go. She used to call herself the champion of the universe jumped from a building!" Yang Miaomiao said in a proud tone.

The champion of the universe jump? It doesn't sound like complimenting a beautiful champion, it's more like sarcasm. Did Yang Mimi like to find loopholes in FPS games before, jumping up to the building from some incredible angles to fight with people? So call it a jumping champion?

But when it comes to doing it in one go, even Jing Tian is not sure that he can jump on it all at once. After all, the shop banner logo is really too thin. Now, no one of the group of players can jump on it accurately. Someone jumped up and fell off when they were unsteady, and no one could jump on the higher roof. After all, even if they were standing on the shop sign, they couldn’t jump on the spot to get to the roof. It takes a short period of diagonal thrust to help. The key is such a short period of diagonal thrust. No one can understand how the sister who does not eat mice does it. Even after an hour, Jing Tian and the others had already left, but there was still no second person who could jump on the roof. Sky Dungeon

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