Sky Dungeon

Chapter 306: Fallen Sword

"Why are you still proficient in Chinese medicine? You are a national-level plastic surgeon!"

Zhao Jiaxue is definitely not deliberately flattering, her jumping thinking at this time has linked "internal fire" with Chinese medicine. However, what Zhao Jiaxue said this time is definitely not groundless. The status of Chinese medicine in Korea is quite high. Most of them have studied Chinese Materia Medica, Huangdi Nei Jing, Eastern Medicine Pathology, Meridian Acupuncture, Prescriptions, Treatise on Febrile Diseases, etc. So it’s not surprising that Korean doctors know Chinese medicine, but a plastic surgeon in the field of western medicine knows Chinese medicine? This idea is a bit wrong. It would be even more irresponsible to speculate that he is proficient in Chinese medicine just because of Jin Chengwu's casual "internal fire". Can not help but feel suspicion of flattering.

"Ms. Zhao is quite eye-sighted, but I don't dare to be proficient in anything. After all, Chinese medicine still requires some special qualifications, especially in terms of qualifications. I am just an apprentice of a national-level physician, and I only have a deep research on acupuncture. After plastic surgery, cooperating with acupuncture to dredge the meridians, remove blood and remove blood stasis, and improve the speed of postoperative recovery, it is also the subject of my focus." Jin Chengwu said such words unceremoniously, completely ignoring everyone’s mouths. He grew up to the point where he could swallow his fist, of course he still can't see it in the game.

Does he really know Chinese medicine? Jing Tian and the others were noncommittal, and they didn't know if this young plastic surgeon also likes to joke like Luo Xia, even like some packaging celebrities in the society, one by one packaged themselves worth thousands of times. But Jin Chengwu is not at least the half-hearted people of Huaxia. Any illness is a sentence: Be careful not to eat spicy food, don't eat raw or cold food, and drink plenty of hot water. Acupuncture for blood congestion is at least a combination of Chinese and Western medicine. It is completely more responsible than prescribing a pile of western medicine and Chinese patent medicine to the patient.

However, this is not the time to pursue this matter. Everyone is already standing in the BOSS room, and the Crystal Thorns Sword is still deeply inserted in the middle of the BOSS room. Jing Tian said indifferently: "Everyone changes to physical attack weapons."

Before, Jing Tian asked everyone to prepare an additional pure physical attack weapon, which is naturally to be used on Langfer Sadayev, a stunt BOSS that has mixed damage offset. After all, physical attacks and magic attacks will get mixed damage. To restore the blood line of the BOSS, Jing Tian will not suffer a second loss on this.

The village woman still rushed up with her head in front of her. Sitting Jing Guantian and the plastic surgeon followed closely. Yun Xueyi and Zhao Yunxue'er swapped out two crossbows and put them on their chests. It seemed that they naturally wanted to make peace. Jing Tian's preferences are more consistent. Needless to say, the village woman opened the monsters smoothly, and her continuous skill combos made the BOSS no chance to shoot. However, in order to ensure her own speed, she only had 9 spare weapons in her backpack, the weapons in the backpack. There will also be a small increase in load, which will affect the player's speed. There are nine backpacks plus the main weapon and backup weapons, a total of eleven, and a total of 33 basic skills. There is always time to finish.

However, everyone at this time was naturally prepared. After all, in the previous dungeon strategy process, everyone was almost running in. Jing Tian was the first to take the skill combo, and then Yun Xueyiyi's skill attack. She can Not just equipped with a crossbow, as soon as the basic skills of the crossbow were empty, she immediately drew out the gentian spear behind her, and stabbed it at the boss. Originally, she wanted to equip Fang Tianji as her backup weapon, which is the same height as Jing Tian, ​​but Fang Tianji's heavy weapon, the thin body of the wind elf could not move, so Yun Yiyi had to choose a relative The lighter gentian gun. It seems that Yun Yiyi likes Zhao Yun in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms very much, and is also very interested in the gentian gun he uses, but it is a pity that she can barely use it as a magic attack at this time.

Zhao Yunxueer’s turn, Zhao Jiaxue switched out the magic flute first, and faced the BOSS with a combo of skills such as "Sleep you, Quan Zhilong". Although the illusion and deafness are both attack magic, but the illusion There is no damage, the deaf attack damage is extremely low, so it will not have much recovery effect on the BOSS. Immediately afterwards, Zhao Yunxueer replaced the crossbow with three basic skill attacks in a row, but the village woman’s skills still did not cool down. Fortunately, the one-handed sword in the hands of the plastic surgeon was also a physical attack weapon, and he had three consecutive basic attacks. After the skill was played, the purple death sickle in the village woman's hand was finally regarded as cooling down, and the continuous skill was perfectly played.

Seeing that everything was progressing extremely smoothly, Jing Tian breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and the time spent in the next process was significantly reduced compared with the time spent in the last time Raiders the BOSS, and everyone's momentum also increased. However, at this time, the BOSS who had caused the destruction of Jing Tian and the others was quietly inserted in the soil of the room in the form of a sword, which seemed to be an insurmountable mountain, and everyone was overwhelmed with breath.

"Let me come, let me pick it up!" Zhao Jiaxue reversed his arrogant attitude last actively asked herself to pick up the body of the BOSS. This is naturally because Zhao Jiaxue was stimulated by Liu Yaya's double-color egg orange outfit It’s not easy, she has been comforting herself that Liu Yaya is a GM, she must have cheated secretly, maybe this BOSS is a double easter egg and she changed it to a double easter egg, so she can touch it and find a double orange costume. You can also burst out a higher quality or larger quantity of equipment, so that you can be ashamed!

With such a reluctance to admit defeat, Zhao Yunxue'er clicked on the shortcut key to pick up, let alone, really told her to draw out an orange weapon: the sword of corruption. From the name, you can tell that this is a magic sword. Yun Yiyi did not hesitate to place the roll point. She knew that at this time, Zhao Jiaxue, who speaks of loyalty, would never allow herself to choose to give up. If she chooses to give up, Zhao Jiaxue will also Will give up likewise.

Yun Xueyi’s ROLL scored 98 points, while others chose to give up. Zhao Jiaxue was the only one left. Zhao Jiaxue had never been confident in her ROLL points, but thought that even Yun Yiyi would have to take this equipment. She was also happy, and remembered the nasty words Liu Yaya said to Jing Tian yesterday, "This is the slave's love to the officials. When you use it in the future, remember that there is the slave's love in it!" So, Zhao Jiaxue used it very strangely. In a mocking tone: "Yiyi, if I lose, you have to remember that I cut your love to you. When you use it in the future, remember that there is my love for you in it." Sky Dungeon

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