Sky Dungeon

Chapter 309: VR suit face protection

This trick really caught Jing Tian's attention, and even said that it was somewhat unexpected, and he felt relieved.

On weekdays, Liu Yaya kept sticking to her body. Why did she suddenly **** her own things? Is it necessary for her young lady to **** such a piece of equipment? Jing Tian didn't expect Liu Yaya to play such a set of anti-host and guest methods, but Jing Tian was happy with Liu Yaya's small behavior. In Jing Tian's view, at least Liu Yaya would no longer treat herself as a younger brother and say five and six. He didn't treat himself as a human being and gave in every possible way.

Although he is happy, Jing Tian has an inexplicable sense of loss in his heart. Life is changing from being cold to being pet easily, and from being pet to being cold, as if being abandoned.

The jade door leading to the next BOSS finally opened slowly, but this time it was finally not facing the boss directly. A group of mobs rushed in from the twisted space behind the door, obviously they were about to stop them from sitting in the well and watching the sky through the jade door. .

It turned out to be an active attack! In traditional dungeons, it is rare that monsters will actively get together to give experience. It is either allocated in batches or standing patrols. Now such a group of mobs suddenly emerge, everyone is really at a loss.

Look at this group of mobs. They are all pangolins inlaid with amber crystals. They hold bright white scimitars in their hands, but Jing Tian and the others are still behind with a stunned look. These pangolins did not rush straight towards The crowd, but quickly surrounded them, turned out to be surrounded by monsters!

After discovering this situation, Jing Tian secretly cried out in his heart that the pangolin people had already gathered in groups and attacked! However, before Zhao Yunxue'er's flute sounded, the group of pangolins actually got into the ground!

Damn it! Jing Tian whispered in his heart that it was not good that he should take the first step. It was the first time he was in trouble. After all, the first time was curious. He wanted to see what tricks these pangolins wanted to play. Curiosity killed the cat!

"Frog, what should I do, do you want to attack the ground?" Zhao Jiaxue asked hurriedly.

Attack the ground? But if you can think of it, do you have to hit the ground with a hammer when pangolins get into the ground?

"Human wall! Surround the plastic surgeon first." Commanded immediately today. He is naturally aware that if he attacks the ground at this time, let alone the damage may be completely absorbed by the earth, even if it is not absorbed, it is luck to hit a few. These dozen monsters will still have caught fish. The current form must be protected. The pastor lives in Shennong, even if they attack from the underground, they will choose the nearest path. As long as they protect the pastor, even if others lose some bloodline, there will be no big problem. After all, as long as the nurse is alive, is it still afraid? Can't wean?

However, this is naturally not the best coping strategy. After all, injury is an important factor that affects the score of the dungeon, and the influence of the mobs here is greater than the influence of the BOSS, but Jing Tian is also helpless, and before I also wasted a few minutes in the second BOSS. Obviously, I didn't get the S grade rating, so I simply used the most secure method to start a battle of positions.

Of course, in the face of this group of pangolin attacks, although the bloodline of Yun Xueyiyi and Zhao Yunxue'er dropped rapidly, the surgeon’s glorious light came in time. No matter how people’s bloodline drops, the plastic surgeon has a way to treat everyone. The blood line is pulled back above the safety line.

This wave of mobs' siege was really killed by sitting in the well and watching the sky.

After passing through the Crystal Gate, the scene outside the cave really shocked everyone. I thought it was a dark and damp low road. After all, although the Crystal Gate was open, the scene inside the gate was chaotic, as if it were the same in another world. The gates are general, somewhat dreamy, and somewhat blurred, making people seem to be lost in a time tunnel through time and space.

However, after the public game characters passed through the crystal gate, the vision in front of them suddenly widened, and there was a cave in this gate! At first glance, the world inside this door is obviously very different from the outside. This is a small world that can be seen by the naked eye. This small world is obviously made of crystal. The ground under your feet, the surrounding woods, all the flowers and plants They are all crystals, like dreams and illusions, making people a little amazing and lingering, making it hard to come back for a long time.

This may also appear in the game world. Even the slowly falling leaves are crystal structures. When the leaves fall to the ground, they will instantly shatter, turning into dots of stardust, and passing away with the wind.

"It's so beautiful, no less than the beauties I created." Jin Chengwu would boast, even calling himself like the creator. If you don't know that he is a plastic surgeon, I'm afraid someone will suspect that he is saying: all beauties are I was born.

"It would be great if I could sleep in such a house. I would feel sleepy when I saw such a beautiful place." Zhao Jiaxue might not have slept well last night, but at this time she slowly fell asleep.

Naturally, everyone couldn't understand her jumping thinking, each of them shook their heads in their hearts and sighed that he had ruined such a beautiful scenery.

"Uh...then if you go to Russia, you can live in the entire ice sculpture house. The cost is low and it is economical. Don't say sleeping in it, it's in it... Oh!" Before Jing Tian could finish her words, Zhao Jiaxue held it. His pillow has accurately crossed a beautiful parabola, UU Reading www. fell on Jing Tian's head. This pillow is a jade pillow specially bought by Zhao Jiaxue from the **** shopping website. It is naturally refreshing when lying on it in summer, but it is not a joke that this free fall hits a person's head.

Fortunately, Jingtian also has a VR suit for face protection, otherwise the face may be broken at this time, maybe I really need to go to Jin Chengwu for plastic surgery!


"Zhao Jiaxue, what are you doing! It's illegal to kill, don't think that you don't need to go to jail to find Jin Chengwu's entire body!" Jing Tian just rubbed his head, but did not even care about the rebuke, but Liu Yaya's angry rebuke took the lead. Passed into the ears of everyone. Although Liu Yaya couldn't see what was going on, she could hear Jing Tian's painful cry just now, but Zou Ran's heart shrank. How could she keep silent when she was rapidly burning with anger?

"What's wrong with me, ask Jing Tian, ​​what did I do?" Zhao Jiaxue's voice is full of threats. People naturally don't know what kind of handle Zhao Jiaxue has in Jing Tian, ​​because Zhao Jiaxue has no Jing Tian in his hands. Regardless of the handle, the only thing she can use is the delicate and pungent taste. The only thing she can use is her understanding of Jing Tian over the years. She knows that even if she is so capricious, Jing Tian will not blame herself. Sky Dungeon

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