Sky Dungeon

Chapter 315: 1 Batian

Two seconds later, Yun Xueyi directly followed the example of sitting in the well to watch the sky, a [Spinning Kick] and shook the BOSS back a few steps, and then she was another [Tracking Arrow]. This blow was also very lucky to hit the body state. .

"Sweep Qianjun!"

Sitting on the well and watching the sky has been posted in front of the BOSS at the last moment, he is going to add another blow when the BOSS is finished, it is: [halberd·sweeping army]!

It has to be said that Jing Tian's skill was at the right time to strike, and the BOSS's figure was worthy of regaining freedom, so he was repelled a few steps by the oncoming Fang Tianji.

[Halberd·sweeping army] The knockback effect produced by hitting a single target turned out to be more than breaking dawn. This was only discovered after Jing Tian, ​​although most of the time he would not waste the use of group attack skills, but How can he keep his hands in the face of such a BOSS who is interrupted by the action?

As the BOSS retreated, everyone's chaotic attacks were shot out mercilessly. At this time, the plastic surgeon ran to a very ideal position, turning his head and starting to use his scepter to make magic attacks. His approach is also correct. If the distance is far away from the farthest range of healing skills, then the boss might actually change the hatred object and directly attack the people close to the body, then his own treatment will not be able to save the field in time, and the result will only be It's all gone.

Don’t think that his ideas are a bit naive. The high-AI BOSS is not so simple, and can be kite-flyed unlimitedly. As long as he catches the opportunity, it will definitely bring disaster to the team. This is also in line with Jing Tian’s original Planning.

Observing the position of the plastic surgeon, Jing Tian nodded in satisfaction and cooperated with a smart person. It was so pleasant. He did not give any more instructions. Before, Zhao Jiaxue had been operating the character to stand in the direction of the plastic surgeon and output from a long distance. At this time, the BOSS would attack the plastic surgeon and must pass the level of Zhao Yunxue'er.

However, at this time, Zhao Yunxue'er actually let the oncoming BOSS pass her easily, but everyone did not feel the slightest nervousness, because the next moment, the melodious flute sound has already sounded, Zhao Yunxue'er. Town Demons】is to directly put the BOSS into a state of fear for three seconds. The plastic surgeon naturally started to run as soon as the BOSS stepped forward, and now with the help of Zhao Yunxue'er, he successfully pulled the farthest distance.

Zhao Jiaxue did not dare to be careless. She also operated the character to run towards the plastic surgeon. She must always ensure that the next exercise of the BOSS is within the controllable range of the character's skills, and also consider that the BOSS is about to catch up with the plastic surgeon. Casting skills, do everything possible to ensure the maximum effect of the skills, to fight for more output time for everyone, and obtain more skills cooling time, this is Jing Tian's special care for her task.

If Zhao Yunxue'er launches a continuous control attack and the plastic surgeon is at the farthest point, it is tantamount to a waste of skills, so this measure of delaying the use of skills is also quite critical.

It was under this careful calculation that all the control skills were called out by Zhao Jiaxue as sparingly as possible, ensuring that the BOSS did not touch the plastic surgeon.

However, the best performer from the beginning to the end is actually Liu Yaya. The village women under her operation have hardly stopped, and they have launched powerful continuous attacks on the BOSS from beginning to end, even if the BOSS moves faster and instantly Then the distance with the village woman can be widened. The village woman will throw the weapon in her hand with a deceit and throw at the same time. At the same time, she exchanges the toolbox or crossbow and shoots randomly at the boss. The others will pay more or less. I did not control the BOSS and ignored the output at the critical moment, but the village woman stopped every moment until the BOSS completely fell.

If you want to count injury data, then village women are undoubtedly absolute MVPs, irreplaceable.

However, everyone was sweating on their foreheads at this time, because just now, the double knives in the hands of the humanoid tiger, lion and beast were cut on the plastic surgeon's body. In fact, everyone except Jing Tian thought that the group would be destroyed again this time. After all, the BOSS still has 2% vitality, everyone’s skills are basically empty, even if the remaining skills are instantly played, they may not be able to kill the BOSS, let alone save the plastic surgeon.

It's a pity that everyone seems to have overlooked something, but Jing Tian didn't. After all, everyone danced in shackles, but he could break free of the shackles on his shoulders at any time.

However, at the last moment, the situation suddenly changed, and the small world created by this crystal was suddenly dimmed for a few seconds. The entire VR field of vision was as if blind, and nothing was seen.

The first reaction of everyone was that the system had a bug, or that the BOSS had released blind skills, and even some people had begun to encourage the organization of the next moment.

When the vision was restored, everyone was shocked by the situation in front of them. Although the BOSS was still standing, something had penetrated his chest. Although there was no blood dripping, the data formed a large pink mosaic wound. As he was telling the end of his life, the pink data mosaic was even more like petals being carried by the wind, slowly falling to the ground, the next second the BOSS completely fell, directly smashing the crystal structure of the ground out of the depression and The traces of the rupture gave rise to an exaggerated data soot effect. However, there is another person standing behind the BOSS, that is exactly: Sitting on the well and watching the sky!

What was it just now? Together with Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue in the room, of course they knew what had happened, but their eyes were still filled with shocked words When the shock subsided, they swallowed a mouthful of body fluid. I once again recalled the skill voice command that Jing Tian faintly said at a moment: "Yi Batian!"

"This is the ancient skill you got from Yonghan Palace?" Zhao Jiaxue asked uncontrollably, completely forgetting that there was another plastic surgeon who had never been to Yonghan Palace.

Of course she was a little shocked. After all, Jing Tian has always been helping everyone to understand their ancient skills, and asked everyone to keep each other secret for the time being, and they should not use them unless they are a last resort. The hateful thing is that this guy Jing Tian even took his own big Recruited to show it.

Wait, it is not appropriate to say that it is a display, because everyone clearly didn't see anything. What happened in the last moment, and what was the effect of Yibatian?

"What is the Yonghan Palace? Can you still get such a powerful ancient skill?" Jin Chengwu blurted out. He knew the situation at the very moment of the moment. The BOSS's double knives had already cut holes in his character. The bloodline is declining rapidly on a roller coaster. At this time, less than 2% of the residual blood is more proof of the sharpness of the BOSS attack. If you don’t take the shot in time, I’m afraid the plastic surgeon will have been lying on the ground and become extremely cold, of course. Cold is nothing more than imagination. Sky Dungeon

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