Sky Dungeon

Chapter 317: Stepping on the Cloud Riding Guild within 24 hours

As a result, everyone took out the medicine bottles and drank them. After the full state, everyone went into the space inside the jade gate together, and instantly the VR field of vision became distorted again. When the distorted picture became normal, Jing Tian was already cursing in his heart. There was a voice: "I'm going! It turned out to be a portal to a copy."

   Everyone saw that there was already a meteor crater in front of them, and they all had the same feeling: being fooled!

  Would you like to be so headstrong, why don't you give a cutscene at the end of the copy? Haolai have to give a hint or something, right?

   I have to say that this kicking Tian Nongjing really doesn't play cards according to the routine. This is a brother to Jing Tian, ​​which is a bit more sinister than Jing Tian. If you give an explanation that this is the export of a copy, who would carefully stop and restore the full state before sending it out?

   "Frog, this can't be the result of kicking the patio well, right? This guy is really more sinister than you, too annoying." There is a sense of unrecovered in Zhao Jiaxue's voice.

   "Young people, you have been swallowed by the illusion. If I didn't save you, I am afraid you would have lost your life." Suddenly, I listened to the ragged beggar dungeon guardian nPc who pretended to be advanced and slowly said.

Before everyone could respond, the beggar-like dungeon guardian continued to explain with a solemn expression: "This heaven and earth crater should be able to lead to the real Crystal Palace, and it's exactly the same as the one in the illusion, but the guy guarding there is too powerful. , Used powerful space magic to create a small illusion world to replace the Crystal Palace. After you enter it, there is only one outcome, whether it is victory or loss, and that is to collapse and fall together with the illusion space. I hope that when you become stronger in the future, you can Find out the correct way to enter the Crystal Palace. What? You ask me how to enter. If I know how to enter, I won't be thinking about it here."

I have to say that this foreshadowing is perfectly buried, and it also revealed a very important message to the players. When they are strong in the future, they will naturally wait for the level to rise, and naturally there will be a way to enter the real Crystal Palace. This is not an important copy of the late game. Is it set with the plot? Just release the news casually?

I glanced at the score of the dungeon's clearance, and it turned out that there is only a rating like a. After all, I encountered a pit in the boss strategy before. Whether it is group destruction or blind recovery, it wastes too much time and greatly reduces the score of the dungeon. .

   But Jing Tian felt a little pleasant. At least this copy gave him a lot of surprise and fun. If all the settings are in his expectation, then this copy is really meaningless. However, this kind of surprise is a one-off, but the dungeon is not a one-off. The dungeon of Tiandi Crater can be downloaded twice a day. Compared with the previous [Dry Water Curtain Cave], this setting is relatively less once. Reasonable, after all, there is still a copy to join the daily at level 32. If each copy is three times, although alliance players like PVe, it should not put too much pressure on alliance players. If the pressure is too high, the fun will often change. It has become a tedious burden.

   What, 25-level dungeons are limited to player levels, and 30-level dungeons are changed to three times a day. Haha, the idea was too naive. Soon Tengyi Company released the latest gameplay of the dungeon, which caused many guilds to be beaten up and waste a lot of time on the dungeon. But these are all things to come, so I won't mention it for now.

Although there is no headline in the world, the guardian of the A-level first kill dungeon still gave a blue outfit reward. With the successful strategy experience just now, the second dungeon feels smooth and smooth, and everyone's performance is abnormal. Level, the entire dungeon process did not destroy the group, and soon the world channel popped up a system announcement: Congratulations to the players [Sit in the well to view the sky], [Yun Xue Yiyi], [Zhao Yun Xueer], [Village Woman], [Plastic Surgery Doctor] completed 30 The first kill of the s-level of the dungeon of the dungeon of heaven and earth crater will receive the system's special first kill reward.

   "What is the special first kill reward, send it out for everyone to see!" iD Fengxueye read the book curiously.

   "I'm doing it! I haven't reached level 30 yet, the first kill of level 30 dungeon is gone, is there a sense of fair competition, there is a kind of waiting for us at level 30 to open up wasteland at the same time!" iD Fallen Star said excitedly.

   "There is no definitive version of the level 25 dungeon guide yet. Riding the cloud guild is enough for you, hurry up and send the level 25 dungeon guide to take everyone!"

   "That's right, rich first and then rich, you are all 30, and what are you doing with a level 25 dungeon?"

   "Congratulations on the first kill of the Cloud Riding Guild! When will Mozu trash make headlines? Weak!"

   How can there be an authoritative strategy? Forty-two occupations, do you write it again? Or is there a copy of which professions are fixed? This is against the original intention of Jing Tian's plan.

"There are special rewards for the first kill of the s-level score? So if it is a sss-level score, is it a triple reward? Or is it a composite of more advanced rewards? Just like cosmetic surgery, double eyelids, open eye corners, eye fat Balanced surgery becomes an eye At that time, we will also consider lying silkworms." Jin Chengwu did not get the first kill reward, but he was not excited to receive it, but proposed A very practical question.

   "Oh? It is estimated that three world headlines will pop up at once. At that time, the World Channel would have to explode, and the number of people who talk coldly will be several times more than now." Liu Yaya smiled lightly.

   Liu Yaya is naturally right. Let alone three world headlines, now this headline has successfully caused another uproar on the World Channel. Of course, there are congratulatory messages, some questioning, and some Mozu players clamoring.

The message of congratulation is naturally from the perspective of the alliance to promote the mighty power of the cloud riding guild, the demon is weak and explosive, and the doubts are those core players who are ready to form the guild. They naturally do not want to see the riding. The cloud guild is the only one. Although the cloud riding guild does not collect people everywhere, this way of making headlines is more than a big publicity, and its effect is absolutely no less than that of all day advertising.

   After all, when the world headlines show their names can be clicked, and the player’s basic information is clicked on, the guild belongs to the guild: Riding the Clouds and Falling Snow!

Some Demon players saw the clamor from the Alliance players, so naturally they immediately countered, and many people directly clamored to level down the Cloud Riding Guild within 24 hours. These clamors must also have a certain relationship with the Moon Destroying forces. Of course, hours are not just talking about it. After all, the mission hall will be upgraded as soon as the ruined moon is established. Then the Cloud Riding Guild will inevitably launch an invasion war declaration around the early hours of tonight, so let alone within 24 hours, within 20 hours. It's possible to hit the door of Qiyun Guild.

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