Sky Dungeon

Chapter 325: Violent Palace Empress

"How come you and the rich woman are elementary school classmates? Didn't the rich woman go to aristocratic schools or private schools since childhood?" Zhao Jiaxue questioned, although she has never been in a wealthy family, how could she have no brain to make up for the life of a wealthy family, even her brain After entering the rich family, what kind of private school my child has studied.

"National compulsory education, and elementary schools don’t look at the school district. In China 20 years ago, where have you seen aristocratic primary schools or private schools? Kindergartens are pretty much the same." Jing Tian replied calmly, with a bit of mockery in his voice. It means that I was a little nervous when explaining.

After all, Zhao Jiaxue is not a foreigner. She understood it at random, so she said shyly: "I have never been a rich woman. How do I know that there may be a private school, but we don’t know it. Poverty limits our thought."

The sweat in Jing Tian’s heart, although Zhao Jiaxue’s thoughts were jumping, she really made her guess right. At that time, she didn’t just go to a special elementary school, although it was not an unattainable aristocratic school. The floor area and the appearance of the teaching building are surprisingly mediocre. But in fact, teaching facilities are no less than aristocratic schools.

Of course, this concealment is not only to conceal people’s eyes and ears and not cause unnecessary public opinion, but also out of consideration for everyone’s safety. When I was young, my self-protection awareness was relatively poor. If I went directly to ordinary schools, the trouble might be even greater. The classmates in the elementary school now are probably all famous people, and only they have become a desolate young decadent young man.

"Uh... let's stop being whimsical. By the way, let me introduce to you, this is Nanlingxi..." After Jing Tian introduced Nanlingxi, he naturally did not forget to introduce Yun Yiyi and them one by one. , Yun Yiyi suddenly went straight to the subject coldly and asked: "What is going on in Jingtian?"

Compared to Yun Yiyi who cherishes words like gold in the past, she is obviously very serious at this moment, otherwise it is impossible to utter six words, and she can directly ask: "What's the matter?"

Jing Tian's heart sank. Indeed, when he was anxious, he forgot to ask Nan Lingxi about this. Is there anything in her family business that needs her own help, but her current status really can't help. One by one cut off contact with themselves. Back then, I still survived by illegal work. I borrowed money from my classmates and didn't pay them back until after I went to work. I think no matter the roommates in the dormitory or the surrounding classmates, they all walked away in hiding! But with Liu Yaya, as long as she is willing, she can give a little help.

However, Nan Lingxi's answer made Jing Tian directly want to uncover the manhole cover next to him and go directly into the sewer, because Nan Lingxi said in a hot and shy tone: "This profiteer wants to marry Brother Jing and we will always be together. "

In the next second, although Zhao Jiaxue wanted to cover her mouth that was enough to swallow a fist, she was carrying shopping bags in both hands, and she could only let her mouth open wide, as if she had swallowed ten eggs in one mouthful.

Yun Yiyi's eyes are also full of doubts, Liu Yaya's expression has changed from the last moment of schadenfreude to as cold as a murderous god, and a voice in her heart has begun to instigate herself: "Destroy her, destroy her!"

Although Liu Yaya's marriage contract with Jing Tian was not announced publicly, and after Jing Tian was swept out, no one took the initiative to mention the marriage, but how could his own things make Nan Lingxi such a grandfather? Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue are just ordinary people, but Nan Lingxi is definitely not a good woman to deal with. If this guy is really determined to grab the sky with himself, it would be really dangerous. After all, both the Nan family and the Jing family are Business families, if they are married together, the business cooperation will inevitably go to a higher level. Presumably, their military background seems to have more opportunities. The more I think about it, the more angry, the anger has burned out her last trace of calmness, the next moment, her figure flickered, and she stood in front of Jing Tian's body, and her right hand was raised high, Ben's tight bowl mouth punched, no Knowing when the wind had broken out, it hit the air beside Nan Lingxi's head hard.

Nan Lingxi came back to her ears with the inexplicable wind howl. If Liu Yaya had been serious just now, she would have become a pig's head at this moment.

"Oh? You'd better weigh it, and start with my man, but it's very dangerous."

Jing Tian silently retracted the right hand that was stretched out in the last moment. He was indeed prepared to stop Liu Yaya just now, but after finding that Liu Yaya was not malicious in his fist road, he took it back.

"I'm doing it! It's endless, frogs and swans want to eat your meat. You are Tang Seng reincarnated? You have learned to sow seeds since elementary school. People will marry you as soon as they come up. Me." Luo Xia stared at Jing Tian with an angry gaze, her voice full of contempt.

Jing Tian felt a little grateful, but he didn't expect the fat man to stand up and ease the atmosphere.

"Where did I know that I was very timid when Nanlingxi Elementary School, and I had barely spoken to her. How come I have become so bold now? Isn't it a problem?" Jing Tian was still a little mad, this At this time, he really didn't know how to end this embarrassing He didn't even dare to look directly at these women.

"You really think of a frog as a little white face, you just want to pack it?" Although Zhao Jiaxue admired Liu Yaya's courage, but in order to calm the conflict and avoid trouble, she also stood up to pull hatred and disperse the conflict between the two.

"Oh? Did you hear that, where are you going to stay cool, don't influence me to go back and cook dinner for Jing Tian." Liu Yaya put on the appearance of a real wife, pulling Jing Tian and walking forward.

Jing Tian didn't resist this time. How could he dare to resist? He was almost caught face-to-face by Mrs. Zhenggong, and she was a violent woman. If she dared to resist, he would be stunned and taken home. Moreover, Liu Yaya Haolai is a fiancee recognized by her family. In front of her fiancee, other women said that she would marry herself. Although she did nothing, she just posted it upside down, but this pot is already on her back. Don’t carry it on your own back. The point is that Jing Tian doesn't know how to face the Nan Lingxi who is now confessing, now is the best chance to escape.

Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue gritted their teeth and didn't say anything at this moment, and followed directly. Liu Yaya, this woman is clearly a junior, but she can be so domineering and uncomfortable! Sky Dungeon

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