Sky Dungeon

Chapter 329: Fatigue war

Jing Tian added this to cover up his negligence. Even if the opponent does not declare war, after 3 hours everyone can go online and then go offline to sleep. However, even if Yu Yan saw the clue, she still didn’t say anything. She just sent a text message in response. All of this can naturally be done through the VR game device. The VR game device itself is bound to her mobile phone. In order not to miss important calls and messages in the game, it’s just that the mobile phone information sent by the VR device is sent after voice-to-text. After all, there are still many countries’ mobile phone text messages that do not support voice messages.

After going offline, everyone washed and set the alarm clock to go to sleep. Everyone slept for more than two hours without any interference. It seems that the Moon Destruction forces have no speculative ideas, and they have no plan to directly launch the invasion mission after Jing Tian and them offline. After being online again, Jing Tian immediately received the system email. As expected, the Moon Destroying power master overbearingly initiated the Demon Invasion about an hour and a half ago, and the target of the invasion mission was surprisingly the first guild of the alliance: Qiyun Luoxue. Of course, there is no second choice now.

"Everyone repair the equipment, and then return to the guild station. Mouse, tell your sister to come to the guild station too, she should be level 30, right?" Jing Tian asked lightly.

"Brother God, you are a **** fortune teller Meow, my sister is already level 30 just now and can enter the guild." Yang Meowiao said with some pride, as if his sister was winning honor for him, and the aliens were also at this time. Only have family affection!

Not only Yang Miaomiao, the fans of the Empress are cheering in the world, and clamoring for other FPS masters to challenge the extreme upgrade speed, to see if their fans are so united.

However, at this time, most players are not in the mood to pay attention to this god-level emperor. They are more concerned about the next big event: the first demonic invasion.

After all, what is said to be too far away from everyone, on the contrary, the invasion of demons that everyone can participate in attracts the attention of world players. There are different opinions about this task. There are no less than a hundred game rules guessed from the official introduction in the forum. These guesses will be judged true and false today to see who is the predictor!

For example: can the demons invade kill NPCs, how long will the NPCs refresh after killing NPCs, and whether the alliance NPCs will actively attack the invading demons players, etc...

After a long time, everyone from sitting on the well and watching the sky gathered at the resident of the Cloud Riding Guild. The sister who didn’t eat mice had the cloud sign with sunglasses on her head, but she was still motionless at this time. Just thirty minutes ago, Yang Mimi felt that It was really boring, so I left a sentence: "I'm going to sleep like this for a while, let my brother call my phone if something happens." Then I wore a VR device to mute the game and fell asleep.

That's right, Jing Tian's mouth twitched a bit. He thought that the Sky Dungeon setting was impeccable, and it was impossible for the player to hang up and sleep and be killed by malicious PK, but he saw the [Sister who does not eat mice] at this time. , Jing Tian finally understood that he was wrong, so wrong!

Sleep at this time? Because everyone suddenly realized that the target of the ruining forces was not their Cloud Riding Guild!

Soon after the invasion mission started, Jing Tian and the others saw on the World Channel that Alliance players continued to curse that they had been beaten by the crowd of the Destroying Moon forces. They also reported their coordinates for the support of Alliance players. The result was really enthusiastic. The Alliance players in the past were sent to death, and the Moon Destroying forces were not brain-disabled. The group activities had been using sports warfare. They are now raging on the periphery of another city, and they have no intention of being close to the Alliance City.

For Yang Mimi, who pays attention to gossip, she understood it for the first time. Even if the player who ruined the moon came over, it would probably take half an hour. Even if they stood like this, it would be a stupid stand. Came here, so she simply took the opportunity to rest for a while. After all, most of her energy in the past few days has been spent on upgrading. Although she can continue to stay awake, her time is wasted in vain, which is definitely not her style.

"They should be doing quests. Although the daily quests of the demons will be teleported to the region of the alliance, there is a special quest called 500 people cut. It needs to kill a hundred alliance players in a day to complete, and This mission will not be teleported, the reward is unknown, and no player has completed it. After all, 500 Alliance players have to be killed on the same day. It is not a team mission. It is just a team mission. The average of five people will kill 100 people each. They are now It is very likely to be doing this task!" Jin Chengwu briefly analyzed.

That's right! The reward for the 500-man slashing mission is indeed very generous, but no player can complete it in a short time!

Jing Tian nodded slightly. What the plastic surgeon said was exactly what he thought. It has to be said that Jin Chengwu has thoroughly studied the mission of the Demon Clan in the past few days.

So Jing Tian said calmly: "I think this is just one aspect. The overbearing person of the ruining moon should be quite cunning. If he didn't use the space ring to escape their chase last time, I'm afraid he would really destroy the group. This overbearing should be the master behind the scenes. He is obviously going to fatigue us and ease us, even if war is declared, he will not fight over. After all, the jet lag problem is for them at this moment. Those who are more energetic, even if they kill thousands of Alliance players first, they will definitely not feel tired, they will only become more and more courageous. But in the end they will inevitably transfer the gun to us, even he will naively think We are tired and have no power to fight back, and there are only eight players on our side. Even if we resist desperately, the eight of us will not be able to withstand the attack of their 50."

"My holy sword says that the arrogant soldier will be defeated." Yu Yan said in a very elegant manner. Although she did not know what Jing Tian was going to do, how could she face the attack of 50 demon players so calmly, but she I believe Jing Tian must have his own way. The point is, this time you have directly become a messenger of the second disease. What is your holy sword?

"Then we can only wait and watch the show, or continue to sleep, oh oh... I'm tired of waiting, and wake me up when they approach the Alliance City to our side." Zhao Jiaxue was also a little bit. I was impatient and couldn't stop yawning, as if she had fallen asleep for nothing in the afternoon, and wanted to learn Yang Mimi wearing a VR device to sleep without going offline.

The VR device can indeed not actively verify the operator’s iris and other information without operation. After all, this is not necessary, but it will perform basic human body induction verification. As long as the human body does not appear to leave the VR device for a long time, it will not Force the role to go offline. Sky Dungeon

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