Sky Dungeon

Chapter 332: Kaesong Surrender

"Uh...I have to bet on any blow, I will defeat Yu Yansheng!" Jing Tianyu said astonishingly.

"You shouldn't be ready to lose water to me?" Yu Yan said angrily.

"Since I want to stand at the top of the game, how could I lose here? Yu Yan, accept it." Jing Tian's voice suddenly became indisputable, as if the next battle process had been performed in his mind. Generally, the ending is set.

"I won't lose." Yu Yan's elegant voice carried a sense of tenacity.

"Brother Tian, ​​then why do you suppress Yu Yan Sheng Meow? This is not to destroy your own prestige?" Yang Meow is puzzled.

"Idiot, the frog is leaving a way out for himself. If he loses, he will say that he was deliberate. This man is too insidious. I despise him with ten toes!" Luo Xia treats a gentleman like a villain. But what he said is reasonable.

"Give back." Yun Yiyi explained coldly. Although her words seemed ethereal every time, she understood Jing Tian's heart every time.

Give back? What do you mean, I really need to change the problem of cherishing the word, such as gold, and forget it at ordinary times. Now that these two words, ghosts understand what it means!

"Oh? Is it really touching to give back to the slave family who bet on the officials? Tonight, the slave family will have to give back to the officials." Liu Yaya saw the needle, her voice was full of charm.

"Possibly, he wants to thank us for our support. If he wins, the money will naturally be lost to us." Jin Chengwu also agrees with Yun Yiyi's view. Jing Tian's approach is naturally quite wise. The enemy Yu Yan is good, and the supporters are given back. What is it if it is not wise?

The result was the same as what Jing Tian said. The competition was won by sitting on the well and watching the sky. It must be said that Jingtian was no longer conservative in this round. When sitting on the well and watching the sky, he sacrificed the [halberd and Yibatian], which is similar to the charge skill. The existence of Jing Tian made Jing Tian grasp the initiative for the first time, and the triple damage value of this hit was quite amazing. In the next skill combo, Jing Tian performed even more smoothly, without flaws, and deliberately after breaking the tendons. Although he was hit by Feng Xing Tianxia again, he was hit by the general's skills!

Sure enough, Liancao successfully avoided the battering of the popular world. Even the King of Sword Cavalry, who was in a negative state of immune action, was powerless. Although the immune action was interrupted, Liancai failed to return to the action to interrupt himself, but The King of Sword Cavalry cannot move when he casts the [Magic Sword·Fengxing Tianxia], so he can’t trap himself and watch the sky. Yu Yan also understood where Jing Tian's confidence came from.

In the end, sitting on the well and watching the sky won with almost full blood, and the victory seemed even easier.

"The officials are awesome!" Liu Yaya praised her generously, and then she turned her gaze to Zhao Yunxue'er. She changed to a somewhat joking tone and said, "Oh? You don't want to go wrong."

"Who would go wrong, owe it first, don't be proud, let's press it next time! I don't believe you can continue to run the shit, or luck?" Zhao Jiaxue hasn't played enough with emotions, and instigated everyone to continue the gambling and continue to fight. .

The purpose of Jing Tian's discussion and competition is naturally to keep everyone focused on the one hand, and on the other hand to let everyone adapt to the variables in PVP. With Zhao Jiaxue's explosive atmosphere, Jing Tian naturally wouldn't stop it.

Then the next question becomes who will play? This is naturally difficult for Zhao Jiaxue, who is jumping in thought. She directly proposed everyone's roll point decision. The two with the lowest points came out to fight, and the plastic surgeon was directly excluded. There is really no suspense in fighting with him. The explosive will win, the explosive will win. Being dragged to death, or dragging the plastic surgeon to death, there are no variables at all in these endings. Without the passion and excitement, it is also very time-consuming, not to mention, it saves the audience from being sleepy.

As a result, one after another of the discussions kicked off, and time flies quickly. When everyone was excited, Yun Yiyi said coldly: "It's quiet."

It's quiet now? What is quiet? Could it be that the World Channel is quiet? How could it be possible, aren’t the Alliance and Mozu players still scolding passionately?

Wait, it is indeed quiet. It seems that it has been a long time since I saw the movement of the Moon Destroying forces!

Hearing Yun Yiyi's words, everyone turned to the World Channel's information, Jing Tian said lightly: "It seems that they are coming towards our guild's residence. All members are on the wall, ready to fight!"

Sure enough, ten minutes later, a mighty team of about fifty people was caught in the eyes of the Qiyun Guild. At this time, Yang Mimi was also awakened. She glanced at it and said, "A group of shrimp soldiers and crabs, do you want me to go out and play with them? ?"

What a big tone! The key is where does his confidence come from? This is not fifty monsters, but fifty brainy players. Is it still a problem to contain her alone?

"Stupid sister, do you think they are all squeezed out of mud? You have to take my cat if you want to go out!"

There is no difference between you and your sister!

"No need, prepare for a long-range attack, wait for everyone to retreat, everyone will retreat, we are not as good as them in long-range firepower." Jing Tian said lightly, there is no inspiring declaration, only the strategic retreat notice to destroy their own prestige. Not very comfortable.

Soon, fifty Demon players with a moon icon on their heads were about to step into the range of the Cloud Riding Guild. Suddenly the team stopped and one person directly yelled: "Kaicheng surrender, so you won't die!"

Life is The Ming Dynasty gives out a fart!

When Jing Tian looked at the current channel, he was still talking with an old friend: Jappie Bell. So Jing Tian said calmly: "I said why you don't have a long memory, come to look for abuse again, and surrender, but I dare to drive, do you dare to enter?"

However, before Zappibel could refute anything, someone stepped forward and walked directly into the attack range of everyone riding the cloud, and then made a strong voice: "I am the master of the ruining moon, you Kaesong surrenders, I promise not to hurt your finger, but you have to watch us destroy your guild residence, this is the purpose of our trip, after all, only your guild can choose from the task list, and we have no choice, you Let's cooperate."

What a courtesy first! It seems that this overbearing has become a righteous teacher that conforms to the will of God, and the Riding Cloud Guild is a trash that is unreasonable and embarrassing others. Not to mention what the surrender would be laughed at by world players, even watching the enemy level his homeland, and once the guild residence is destroyed, the guild will directly announce the dissolution, I am afraid they also know. This is obviously a hypocrite who deceives people too much. It's really a villain. He doesn't lose his name and hegemony. What he emphasizes is hegemonism. If there is no reason, he will make up the reason for you. Whoever has the hard fist will have the final say! Sky Dungeon

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