Sky Dungeon

Chapter 353: Chaos

"Oh, it's not easy, why didn't I see it?" Zhao Jiaxue asked puzzledly.

"I'm doing it, can it be easy if I have a blue outfit on my body, at least it is also a nouveau riche." Luo Xia naturally thought from the perspective of equipment.

"Not bad." Yun Yiyi coldly expressed his opinion. The key word is like a golden fault, which is really a headache. What is good? A few people really couldn't think that Yun Yiyi was saying that Luo Xia's words were good, but no one was willing to pursue this topic seriously.

"Uh... what I said is... his id is not simple, so be careful." Jing Tian explained slightly embarrassingly. After hearing this, everyone really wanted to start the killing mode and beat him up. Unfortunately, the alliance players are in the dungeon. Unable to start the killing mode against the alliance compatriots.

Unexpectedly, Jing Tian would still have such an elegant joke at this time. It is precisely this special moment that Jing Tian can make a joke, and proves that he is a qualified captain, can fully relieve the tension of the players and let everyone relax back physically and mentally.

Do not think that Jing Tian, ​​as the original planning team of the game, will not feel nervous when they play the game, and do not think that only the weak who are killed will feel nervous. When killing enemy players, most people will be The reason is nervous and excited, which is why the hands are shaking.

"Frog, what kind of logic is this for you, because the name is rather silly, we have to be careful, and there will be too many people who have to be careful in the future? Besides, this name is 80% translated, and it should be an English name." Zhao Jiaxue said with no anger. .

Jing Tian stumbled directly in his heart, embarrassingly spitting out: "Do you want to be the last one to say that? Jumping thinking over-abundant girl! Isn't your career anti-hidden? Why did the ghost approach us so easily without any notice? What?"

Tucao in my heart, but Jing Tian's mouth honestly said indifferently: "Well, if you are an American, you have to be more careful. This guy can change jobs and upgrade his professional skills so quickly, don't you think he is very powerful? I think this scum gang may be an American gang, maybe we have offended a large number of gangsters."

Jing Tian’s sentence is just a casual talk. Unexpectedly, all four of them have thought about it seriously. It may also be a sequelae of too much blockbuster movies. They all have some guns and bullets in their minds, or blood and flesh, or unsuitable for children. Picture.

When the five people once again entered the 5th floor of the dungeon, they did not meet again. Perhaps as he said, the friends behind him were not able to reach the dungeon until they reached level 20. Now even if they are walking in Jingtian Nearby, it is estimated that he is not sure to show up for a sneak attack.

I don't know which Demon players will chase and kill his own five people with Zappi Bell in the future, but let's talk about the future. In front of him, Jing Tian only thought about how to quickly upgrade to level 25, because level 25 has the first alliance dungeon. Although the number of entries is limited every day, the dungeon has equipment drops below the orange rank, and the experience gain efficiency It's almost the same as the underground city, but it's relatively safer. At the very least, demons players can’t transfer to the alliance’s dungeon for the time being. Yes, it’s only for the time being... It’s impossible to imagine what kind of chemistry would happen if a team of demons players ran into the alliance dungeon if they were playing a copy. reaction!

Although the monsters in the dungeon are cost-effective, even if luck is against the sky and some third-level magic cores are exploded, they can only create orange-level equipment. Of course, there are also 5 possibilities to create purple, but this is simply impossible to expect. , Probability does not mean that there are 5 out of 100 weapons that will have grade breakthroughs, but that each weapon has only 5 breakthrough possibilities.

To build a level 25 equipment requires 3 magic cores. Different ranks correspond to different levels of magic cores. It also requires some crafting material items dropped by monsters. In this way, it costs too much to build an orange equipment. The equipment players can submit attribute directions and special needs by themselves, but it is easier and more convenient than the drop of a copy. Especially in the early stage of the game, too much entanglement in the quality of equipment will only waste financial resources and energy, Jing Tian can't see it more clearly. He often said: "Efficient upgrades in the early stage of the game are better than everything."

After a day of crazy monster spawning, until 12 o'clock in the evening, everyone was offline on time to prepare for supper. In the game, naturally I did not forget to make an appointment to practice leveling together tomorrow with Don’t Eat Mouse. From this day’s leveling process, everyone knew each other, and the four of them also learned that this guy kept saying that he was called "Miao Miao". The guy turned out to be a professional charterer. He inherited more than a dozen houses from his parents. Some of them were compensated for demolition and some were bought at a low price in the early stage. He is regarded as a second generation who can live leisurely by collecting rent alone. , And his real name is just like what he said, called Miao Miao, but with a surname, the answer is: Yang Miao Miao.

Of course, Yun Yiyi got Jing Tian’s reminder several times for dinner today. He only got off the line after returning to the bedroom with his vr suit equipment in advance. It is also difficult for such a cold queen to become cripple. Porter. Jing Tian made a beautiful cover in the game, and deliberately told everyone about the insight system in the game, which gave Yun Yiyi time to return to the room.

Yun Yiyi was the last one to go online This caused Zhao Jiaxue’s suspicion. When she asked why Yun Yiyi was the last to go online several times, Yun Yiyi naturally couldn’t tell the truth, she Just said coldly: "Go to the toilet early."

Of course, in the face of such a reply, there is no way to find out the reason for the doubt, especially due to frequent urination. Zhao Jiaxue suspended her leveling several times today. Fortunately, she can hide in the space ring in non-combat state, otherwise everyone will have to. Protect her game character.

Despite this, after she was offline, Zhao Jiaxue sat on the large European-style sofa in the living room with a serious face, and did not take the initiative to make supper. When the others walked out of the bedroom, her heart trembled slightly, Jing Tian and Yun Yiyi naturally She suspected that Zhao Jiaxue knew something, but Luo Xia thought that Zhao Jiaxue was going to strike and not make supper.

Eating is the top priority of life for Luo Xia, a foodie. In his heart, he even surpassed the lifelong event of finding a wife. He sat on the sofa in the living room with a smile on his face and flattered: "I'll do it, our beautiful lady Zhao What's the matter, who made you angry? Tell me that Fat Brother helped you handle him." It's a social person, and his facial expressions when talking are very similar to the boss of a small gangster in a movie.

Zhao Jiaxue glanced up and down at Luo Xia, who was wide and fat. She resolutely said: "Now I have a meeting, I have important things to announce." (https://)

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