Sky Dungeon

Chapter 356: All off

The more depressing one is not eating mice and plastic surgeons. Most of their attacks are single magic. In this kind of melee, he feels that he is similar to the soy sauce. Not to mention Jin Chengwu, Pastor Shennong. There is no strong output skills in the early stage of the career, even if you want to output later, you have to come up with a mortal consciousness.

The sister who doesn’t eat mice has full firepower at this time, and the mechanism box in her hand is like a flaming M2 Browning heavy-caliber machine gun, sweeping the members of the black wolf hunting group, and every bullet she fired , Seems to have long eyes, right on the other side's face.

The North Korean mercenaries on the two wings are also quite brave. Although their level skills and even equipment are not as good as the other, their morale is stronger than that of the players of the Blue Wolf Group Guild. Perhaps their army is in the Sky Dungeon this game has won the glory of killing enemies on the front line, making them excited. After all, this is not just the great victory that has just experienced the anti-US aid to China, and the whole country has won the North Korean game army to the sky. This kind of victory may be limited to the game, making them happy.

The black wolf hunting regiment and the purple wolf regiment, which were attacked on three sides, were unable to gather together and twist them into a rope to confront the enemy because of the special killing mode. After all, the lessons learned from the past have only passed for dozens of minutes. How could they be fooled again? , Play internal harm to each other? However, it is precisely this point that Jing Tian commanded Qiyun to cut into the hinterland of the Black Wolf Hunting Group. The black wolf hunting group has less than 50 members, and how can the hundreds of Sino-Korean coalition forces be opponents? A member of the black wolf hunting group fell one after another.

Prior to this, the news was naturally sent back to the ears of the Blue Wolf Soul, of course, the manager directly used the mobile phone to call the Blue Wolf Soul as soon as the communication was paralyzed.

The Soul of the Blue Wolf became furious when he heard the news, but he was absolutely comparable. At this time, his heart was as clear as Mingjing. Even if the players from the three guilds are now killed immediately, I am afraid it is too late, and he gets it. The news is that about two hundred unguilded players surrounded the black wolf and the purple wolf. If they rushed back, they might be destroyed by the group due to lack of personnel, it would be a dead end!

Of course, the two hundred people were deliberately exaggerated by the management of the Black Wolf Hunting Group for fear of damaging their faces. After all, he didn't know how many players surrounded them. If he said less, he would definitely be criticized as incompetent. Moreover, the Blue Wolf Soul's concerns are somewhat serious. After all, these unguilded people are obviously not at level 30. Even if there are two hundred people, the current personnel strength of the Qing Wolf Group Guild may not lose. What's more, does the Blue Wolf Group Guild still have a large number of reserve players? However, considering that if reserve players are involved in the battle, the scene will be somewhat more chaotic. It is necessary to know that the personal killing mode is equal to the enemy of players all over the world, so the peripheral personnel are really not easy to use.

In fact, if you change to a conspirator, you will definitely mobilize these peripheral players, especially the peripheral members close to Chaos Demon Hill. They only need to rush to the cloud riding guild to surround the residence as soon as possible. I am afraid that Jing Tian will also because Faced with too many enemies and too much pressure, how about choosing to retreat?

Therefore, the soul of the blue wolf who heard the news immediately spoke to the presidents of the two guilds: "I will contact everyone in the guild and rush to help as soon as possible. You insist, if there is any development, feedback to me immediately."

The Soul of the Blue Wolf is also shrewd. Even if he knows that the rescue is too late, he still lets the other three guilds immediately return to the chaotic demon post. It is called assembly training to train the guild members’ emergency gathering ability so that the later guild activities can be Assemble quickly. During the assembling process, each guild leader should find out the problems, understand the ideas of the guild members and summarize them. Those who perform well will also give rewards and support to the game, so that the resistance of the members can be turned into motivation.

However, it is too late for things that are too late. It didn’t take long for the black wolf hunting group to be completely annihilated. The soul of the blue wolf was sent back to the ears of the soul of the blue wolf. The soul of the blue wolf could not wait to send out a special effect sound that slaps the table. He hoarsely said: "I will never let Qiyun go. The cunning trash of the guild."

Fortunately, at this time, there are only the senior executives of the Green Wolf Guild in the chat room with a password. Everyone here knows the status of the black wolf and the purple wolf. At this time, the performance of the green wolf boss can be regarded as satisfactory to everyone, and it is bloody. The boss can seek hegemony in the game. At this time, everyone was even more urging the members of the various guilds to assemble quickly to the chaos post, but unfortunately before they arrived, new bad news had been passed: the purple wolf army was completely destroyed!

Sure enough, when you kill, you have to hold the heart of being killed, otherwise the gap is too big, making people feel a little annoyed!

At this time, the soul of the blue wolf is not as impulsive as before, but what he shows now is calm, he will never deliberately repeat the scene just now, it will make the following people think that he will only yell~www. has no steady control ability. He sighed: "Change the assembly location to our guild residence, saying that this is part of the assembly training, to exercise the ability of each member to respond to emergencies. The black wolf and the purple wolf must make a sealing fee. Give everyone some guild subsidies and pensions, and recharge and bind gold coins as gifts for everyone. This is regarded as the lost work fee for this promotional video, so that they don’t say it out, so as not to affect the military spirit. Anyone who discloses it will be kicked out of the guild. Pay attention to the way things are spoken, and say as much as possible that we should not have the same knowledge of the villains of the Riding Cloud Guild, and do not mention this unpleasant thing internally and externally. In the future, in the guild battle, we will definitely make the Riding Cloud Guild blood debt Compensation!"

Although the Soul of Blue Wolf understands that there is no reason for impenetrable walls, he feels that Guiyun Guild is definitely not the kind of hegemony guild that promotes this kind of thing. They have always kept a low profile. This matter may really dissipate completely, even if it is. The members of the Black Wolf and the Purple Wolf are just calculated to die once for them. There is nothing to worry about too much. Of course, it is impossible to have no emotions, but with the guild’s soothing gold post, everyone is still I am very pleased that this expenditure has a relevant and important effect on the player's stability in the early stage of the guild. After all, the equipment in the early stage of the game is not easy to accumulate, and money is used everywhere. There is nothing like gold coins.

"Chairman, don't you just forget it?" A senior executive of the Green Wolf Guild asked unwillingly. His character is more bold and straightforward. Sky Dungeon

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